Sword Among Us

Chapter 904: 乾坤游魂VS奕剑术

Chapter 904 Qiankun Wandering vs. Sword Art

"Dao really?"

Happy is not very familiar with this name, but once I heard that the other person claimed to be from ***, suddenly sneer looked at the direction of the voice, *** can get a handful of masters, only one 够Jianmen only.

"*** 奕 奕 门 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

In the whistling sound, a figure of good body flies from the crowds of the mountain road. From time to time, from the shoulders or overhead of the Shaolin disciples, they fly all the way, even though they are unconventional, they cause no one. Exclaimed and angered.

Even if you are happy, you can't help but feel a slight frown when you see the way the other person is unscrupulous.

In the Central Plains, there are many people who are arrogant, but they dare to be so arrogant in front of the Shaolin martial arts disciples, and there are only those who are unscrupulous.


Under the arrogance of the Tao, I still like the limelight.

From the back of the crowd, the last borrowing power is high, and a few laps in the air, and it is steadily settled in the open space opposite the happy.

The long sword was holding, his eyes staring coldly at his happy face.

I have to say that people in this country do have a good performance talent. If there are ordinary female players present, the latter's gorgeous debut should not be difficult to lead to some ignorant screams.

But it’s a pity...

Here is the Shaolin Temple.

All the men present, the only woman is probably Xu Xin who is standing in the pavilion behind the happy one--the latter is looking at this self-righteous kid with a strange look.

The shocking effect in the expectation did not appear...

Instead, countless gaze of anger is focused on the body.


I felt that the surrounding atmosphere was somewhat unexpected. The opponents of this trip were also looking at the direction of the mountain road with a very strange look. The true face was too hanged. I thought it was happy to know my fame and raised my chin in a proud manner:

“*** ‘Real’, one of the global charts.”

"Speaking of the first four words will do." Happy finally took his eyes back and smiled: "The prophet's list is not long, you rush to use his *** to advertise your position... ...not enough."


The Shaolin disciple who was shocked by the real name of the Tao was so solemn that he laughed.

The Tao is not a fool, how can I not hear the irony and embarrassment in the happy words, the long sword pointed: "Less nonsense, today I am coming to meet you, dare to fight! One sentence!!"

"Today is the day of murder and wine worship. I promised as much as you come. Since you are a person who is invited by Yipintang, then what about the dream cloud? Just sent you over, but she is not ready to show up? Or dare not appear in front of me? ”

The voice did not fall, and the sound of a cold and dignified voice emerged from the crowd:

"Happy to meet, how can Dream Cloud not appear?"

Countless people looked at each other and saw the heavily armed dream cloud. They walked out from the separate crowd passages, and the mountain road behind them, more and more people gathered.

"Oh..." The Shaolin disciples rushed to the air.

"What is this today?"

At the same time, hundreds of masters and happy people appeared in Shaolin Shaolin. When the master of the global genius list, "Wei Zhentian" appeared in Shaolin Shaolin, they felt strange at most, and then immersed in the confrontation between the two top players.

but now……

Even the one-of-a-kind master dream cloud has appeared in person, and there are also well-known masters who claim to be on the global master list.

Then think of the words of happy murder and wine.

Yipintang and Mufu's four gangs were connected in the north, and many people secretly sighed and quietly tasted some of the deep hidden flavors.


Yipintang led a large number of people to Malay Shaolin, fearing that it is necessary to fight with happiness and make a decisive battle?

At this point, many people know that today Shaolin is afraid to repeat the mistakes of the birth of the emperor of the year - blood stained Lushan!


"Happy House Lord, I just want to ask you here."

Meng Yun also entered the field and stood in front of happy.

In the face of Meng Yun, I am not happy to see the spirit of the past life, the majestic and unparalleled, replaced by the indifference of madness:

"This time, what degree do you want to do?"

It is worthy of being the biggest gang leader in the north. Even if it is repeated in front of happy, the words still reveal a fierce majesty.

"The story of the dream owner is almost meaning."

Happy and carelessly took a step forward:

"All this is indeed my plan. However, the Ming people do not do dark things. The dream master is laying down the road on the way back to our four major gangs. Is it for the farewell?"


"Excessive nonsense, or not to say it is wonderful."

Happy interrupted the interpretation of the dream cloud:

"The grassland war, our Mufu and Yipintang have long torn the last veil, the soldiers against the soldiers, the king against the king, the words of the position, no need to vainly maintain the surface of the peace ... color clothing door After being destroyed, I have endured for a long time... I am not going to continue to tolerate it."


Dream cloud face is ugly.

From the happy words, she heard another meaning.

A meaning she has not had time to face.

Immediately, the tone is sinking:

"According to your meaning, starting today, Yipintang, Mufu, the fire is not allowed, tearing the face of the battle!"

"Do not."

Happy smile and answer.

Without waiting for the dream cloud to relax, one sentence will freeze the expression on the face of the latter: "Not today, from yesterday, we are already opposite to life and death."

"...haha, very good!"

Meng Yun angered and laughed:

"Since you have decided, Meng Yun will accompany you to the end! One hundred thousand fine, one in the North of the Central Plains, who has not been afraid of it."

After a pause, my eyes looked cold and laughed again:

"Do you know why this church owner is late?"


I heard the words, happy in my heart.

Seeing a happy face with a slight expression of an unnatural expression, Meng Yun’s repressed smile for a long time finally spread:

"Do you think that the scattered attacks of the four gangs will make me feel confused? Tell you, those people in your hands are now under the surveillance of my people. They have no accidents. Just waiting for my order..."



Happy worry is fulfilled.

Happy to know.

Although the first night took the lead in time, there was a prophet behind the dream cloud, a position that could infer the blocked player in a very short time.

One night passed, it should be someone who fell into the master of the dream cloud!


This is also expected.

It is impossible to kill with a huge organization capable of mastering intelligence. It is impossible to win without losing one point. Happy can only reduce the sharp loss as much as possible.

Therefore, let these people all disperse their respective actions...

I believe that at the speed of the prophet, all the minds will not be focused on the market of the Central Plains. At most, the dream cloud will crack the position of one to three and five brothers.

"Since I plan to go to war, these thieves naturally have no need to continue to live....Monk." Turned back and gestured, and quickly noticed that a familiar figure in the crowd quickly released two pigeons...

See here.

Happy heart is both tight and relaxed.

There are only two homing pigeons, indicating that there are only two calls found.

Less than he expected.


"You can rest assured, happy, although there are still many people who have not found it, but I will let the people under the hand to serve you well, and your people, and the chivalry, the wind building, the wind and rain alliance, one by one, all Come out."

This point, happy to know that Meng Yun did not say big words.

After all, he is in the north, and many places where he can hide, she can easily find out.


Mufu has long been prepared for oily cakes. No matter which one is set, the location and environment that they are hiding now will definitely make Yipintang pay more casualties and costs.

At this point, Mengyun still does not prevail.

In addition...

The leader of the team is equipped with the dream of life and death, so not only will not cause the reduction of members of the Mufu combat members, but it will require more people to monitor and monitor more people...

Otherwise, these will become a sharp knife that goes deep into the enemy!

There are more than 5,000 people left behind;

There are more than two thousand sneaked in!

It takes about 50,000 to 60,000 horses and even more people to monitor and track down.

Abandoning more than 10,000 people who have lost their fighting power, and tens of thousands of horses who have not recovered in the grassland, there are not many people who can be transferred by Yipintang.


The place where the dream cloud can be transferred out of the hand is only inevitable.

I don’t know if Mengyun realized this, but when he decided to act, he had already planned everything. Yipintang seemed to be strong and had strong strength. In fact, it was just a wounded beast. The head of the beast is the most aggressive and mad attack, and it will slowly go to its own death.


"Okay, you two have finished."

The truth that has been ignored by everyone for a long time is finally unbearable to provoke a roar. The long sword points to happiness and challenges again: "Your grievances have nothing to do with me, but I am happy with your head, I accept..."

"Is it because Miss Han of the Samsung Group asked you to come over?"

When I was happy, I suddenly turned my face and asked.

"Hey, you remember this thing." Daozhen’s face flashed a touch of cool color: "I thought that you have so many blood stains every day, you should not remember a weak woman under your hand."

Happy did not respond to the real complaint, but nodded in a plain tone:

"You are different from Megatron..."

"Don't compare me to someone who is not worthy."

The Tao really reveals the way of disdain.

"is it?"

Happy eyes flashed a touch of cold, low-spoken words, the hands of the dragons that attracted countless people’s eyes, the income of Qiankun bags, said:

"Like this, I will use Megatron's martial arts to meet you and see if you are really qualified."

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