Sword Among Us

Chapter 913: Income under the arm

Chapter 913 Income under the arm

The flowers and trees of Bai Xiaosheng's forecourt vacant land are still in the elegant courtyard. For the first time, it is extraordinarily lively and solemn. The courtyard is very spacious with more than 20 tables, the gang leaders in Beijing and the famous masters in Beijing. The patchwork has been attended.


The attendance is also somewhat exquisite.

Most of the people outside are the famous masters of the capital and the heads of some unscrupulous gangs. The most influential ones are not in the vestibule.

However, Bai Xiaosheng personally went to the table, and the gang leader was chilling. Instead, he hoisted a group of people in the hall, including the priest of Yipintang.

After attending the seats, one face was ugly, the face was gloomy, and the air was light and the lightness of the teacup was very serious. The atmosphere was extremely dignified.

"We are sitting outside."

Qin Qing and Qin Yun quickly reached a consensus and found a relatively empty seat.

This scene was naturally seen by Bai Xiaosheng, and did not say anything. He sneered a few words with the people around him, picked up the glass of wine, and walked slowly to the table of Qin Qing sisters.

"The two palace owners can come and shine."

Qin Qing and Qin Yun are no more than they used to be, and they quickly get up and laugh at each other:

"Bai Xiaosheng master banquet, sisters are not invited, but also look at the masters."

"Haha, I am very polite, I am too happy to come, too. The deputy head of Yipintang and a group of helpers are in the hall, and the two should not move."

Bai Xiaosheng had a faint smile on his face.

Qin Qing, Qin Yun bitter smile:

"The good intentions of the masters, our hearts, but our sisters feel that the scenery in the master yard is better, it will not pass."

They are now not allowed to escape the murder, and where are they going to the hall?

Bai Xiaosheng laughed if he realized it:

"In this case, I will not bother the two Yaxing, I will go there to greet the guests."

"it is good."

Nodded to Bai Yisheng to leave, Qin Qing, Qin Yun this is only a breath, not two pairs of good eyes but through the door to the three tables in the hall.


"Ren Jie, how come out today? Is your master good?"

"The master has always been good, and he is happy to have a big brother, but yesterday the family came to the guest, and the master asked me to come out for a few days."

Ren Jie sat on the left side of the fun, and was the only person in the room who did not feel restrained. He usually talked happily with his tone.

It’s a good news, but it’s a slap in the eye:

“Guest? There are very few friends who blow snow in Ximen, is it...”

"My master called the man four eyebrows." Ren Jie had no heart and no lungs. His tone of voice did not change at all: "It seems that the relationship is good, I didn't care. I heard that happy brother, you are in Beijing, I want to find you again." Learn."

Happy smile.

"Oh, it really is him."

Ren Jie, this kid is immersed in the cultivation of kendo, I am afraid that it is not too careless, but this ‘four eyebrows’ is the goal that happiness has always wanted to find.

It really should be the sentence, stepping through the iron shoes innocent, it takes no effort!

"There is no problem in learning, but you have to take me to see your master and your friend."

"You know him?"

Ren Jieyi, looking over, but seeing a happy eye flashed a touch of heat:

"I have been looking for him for a long time."

Many people in the room heard the words of happiness.

Including the murder, most people have already guessed that the person who is looking for happiness is Lu Xiaofeng, the legendary man who can hold the Ximen blowing snow sword, the most amazing man of the Central Plains.

Story mission!

Almost everyone has found this idea in their minds.

The plot characters triggered the plot mission, but did not expect to be happy to come back from the grassland, but also to be in the new plot mission, killing, seizing, expanding the site, plot mission, one did not fail.

Such an enemy is terrible!

Many people changed their faces on the spot, and the eyes that looked at the murder became flashing...


The ridiculous eyes saw the gang heads coming from the courtyard more and more brains, and the face was getting more and more ugly.

I originally gathered these gangs who were loyal to Yipintang to enter the hall. I wanted to give a happy one to let him know that this land in the capital city, Mufu wants to blend in, it costs a lot of money!

However, I did not expect Bai Xiaosheng's invitation, a group of unscrupulous gang bosses in the capital, all those who had never been seen by Yipintang in the past.

Many gangs are even secretly arguing against the forces that Yipintang does not deal with.

This scene makes the ridiculous heartbeat ups and downs, faintly guessing the behavior of Bai Xiaosheng, I am afraid to change the customer-oriented, using the local power of the capital to deal with the local forces of Yipintang.

I couldn’t help but open my mouth:

"Happy, you let Bai Xiaosheng help the banquet in Beijing today. Now, the people who come here have come almost the same. It’s time to smash your gourd and let us know what medicine you are selling in the gourd!"

"Is the deputy lord dare to spend time?"

A happy cloud of light words said the murder of the murder, his head deflected to one side.

"This is the capital city, happy not to worry, you are at your doorstep, it should not be very urgent." Happy to continue if nothing happened:

"Moreover, the host here has not yet opened, let's say what is happy? It is not a good habit to take the lead, do you think?"


A group of people's end tea, the end of the wine glass, no one dares to answer.

At this time, Ren Jie finally felt the anomaly of the atmosphere in the room. He said: "These are all people, how can they be like a gourd?"

After all, they are young people who practice swords all day long. They don't pay much attention to rivers and lakes. Naturally, they don't know the identity of these gang leaders who are in the outside world.

When this was said, many people in the room suddenly became red...

Stuffed gourd.

A group of stuffed gourds.

Which one of you is not the master of the three earthquakes in Beijing? Actually despised by a born boy.

But happy is right beside them, all of them dare to speak out.

I can't help but laugh happily:

"Haha... well said, a group of stuffed gourds, I can tell you, these people here, everyone has tens of thousands of brothers under their hands."


Although Ren Jie doesn't know much about the rivers and lakes, he is a rookie, but his brain is very lively. He can't help but reveal the contemptuous color. He looks around the heads of gangs who are looking up and standing.

"Ren Jiezheng can't find someone to discuss martial arts. Since there are so many people under the hands of the bosses in the room, there are certainly many people who can be sure to recommend a few with Ren Jie?"

In a word, a group of gang bosses who looked up and felt good were suddenly squatting down, and the muscles on their faces were not twitching to see Ren Jie’s eyes.

Including the murder, I heard Ren Jie’s provocation, and I couldn’t help but the old face was red, and my neck almost screwed to the back, so I didn’t hear it.

"Sure enough, I am a group of bosses, and I will not pay attention to my silent name." If Ren Jie’s words are spoken in a grievance, maybe the people present can feel better, but the tone is scornful. Very, a group of gang leaders turned a burst of purple, and even the tea in the cup could not drink.

So smart boy!

Seeing Ren Jie’s words suppressing the momentum of the murder and other people, I can’t help but marvel at my heart, and at the same time, I’m playing with a small ninety-nine.

A month ago.

When he met Ren Jie in Beijing, the latter was sharp and violent. If the kendo is both humane, Ren Jie of the day is easy to fall and frustrate; but now, the atmosphere of the little guy is obviously a little euphemistic, but The edge is still the same, it should be that swordsmanship has entered another level and realm.

Now Ren Jie, I am afraid that the strength has already surpassed the silver fox, and even into the "global masters list" ... If you can pull into the Mufu, the future is definitely a strong hand to guard the side!

"Xiaojie, if you are happy, you are invited to be the head of the capital of the capital, and you are responsible for the northern region. Would you like it?"


Ren Jieyi, Zhang mouth exclaimed.

The head of the ridiculously turned mechanically, staring happy with amazement, and his eyes turned on the faces of the two.

In the hall, a group of gang leaders have held their breaths, and they can't believe that they are so easy to move the sensitive issues they care most about to the table;

Even more incredible is that actually let a small child to manage.

The head of the capital, the person in charge of the entire northern region?

Although Ren Jie’s fame is not small, Ximen Blowing Snow, the sword is detached, but it is just a fame, and may be stepped on at any time.

However, the person in charge of a party in Mufu represents a great substantive interest and an absolute status. I am afraid that this position will exceed those in the room.

A group of people heard the words of happiness, and they all stunned for a while, looking silly and happy and Ren Jie.


Ren Jie also suddenly felt that the stool under the buttocks seemed to have become a needle, and it was a bit difficult to sit on.

I used to practice the sword just to be free from bullying!

However, after the swordsmanship is successful, I have been thinking about how to be as happy as the wind, and involve the Quartet...

However, he also knows that it is impossible to be a strong person with his own character. It takes too much time and energy. This time, I will participate in the banquet of Bai Xiaosheng. In fact, I also want to let my friends know how to use their swordsmanship in the name of learning. Enter Mufu.

But what he never imagined was that he had not yet played against him. He was already pushing a big courage and making him unprepared.

But the happy expression and tone seem to make people completely skeptical about the authenticity of his words.

"Happy boss."

Ren Jie’s surprise color couldn’t help but smile: “I’m afraid that I’m not the one. I’ve even managed a few people. I can’t control such a big piece, and...Is there a master of Bai Xiaosheng in Beijing? How qualified?"

"Mufu has developed to the present, and has its own set of rules and regulations, strict system, and clear rewards and punishments. You only need to follow this system to implement it. Moreover, you don't need to do everything yourself. I will send some people at that time. To help you manage the altar, what you have to do is to ensure and maintain this set of rules and regulations from outside interference. I believe that you can do this. As for Master Bai Xiaosheng, he is not here. ”

Happy smile and hope that Ren Jie eyes, from the latter's eyes gradually spread the surprise, the confidence of the light, then know that things have become.

A young kendo master fell into the pocket of Mufu.

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