Sword Among Us

Chapter 914: On the bottom of the plot, the second cut, the two-pronged approach

Chapter 914, the first cut, the second cut, two-pronged

Ren Jie’s chest appeared on the spot with a silver ‘Mu’ emblem. A group of gang leaders, like a hundred flies, had a ugly face.

Not to mention the murder, Ren Jie is a master who has spent a lot of energy trying to dig, but Ren Jie has been practicing the sword, and after experiencing the test of Happy and Ren Jie, he has been put on hold for a while. Now he is happy to speak in a few words. Pulling over the past, don't mention how ugly your face is.

In the past, Mufu, only two people who could kill him, happy and silver fox, but now, the name of ‘Renjie’ has been added to the small book.

I watched Ren Jie talk with him about the fun of the government, and even discussed the time and place of entering the Beijing and establishing the capital of the capital. The savage and sorrow can't wait to kill Ren Jie, who is full of red light.

"Happy boss, how many people have entered Beijing this time, when will the formation of the altar?"

"Don't worry."

Happy and replied: "Before setting up the altar, you must ensure that there are no hostile forces in the capital, and those who are in the way of hindrance must fight all at once."


Wen Yan, Ren Jie smiled and looked at the murder.

The latter's face is the same as the bottom of the pot.

"What do I want to do? Happy boss." Ren Jie, the new official, took on three fires, and quite a bit of an impulse to make achievements.

"You can rest assured that you will not be able to meet you at the time." During the speech, I found out that the hall was full of more than twenty tables in the courtyard. The door was closed, and the beautiful and charming Fanghua maids sneaked in, carrying silver. The plate suddenly added a lot of spring to the courtyard.

The banquet started.

"Master Bai Xiaosheng, this is the maid of the palace of the palace. It is so much to serve us in one breath. It is really the richest man in the Central Plains, haha..."

"Oh, isn't it?"

"We are fortunate."

"Where, where is to entertain you, of course, can not be neglected." Bai Xiaosheng smiled, like a river and lake people's fists:

"But now the richest man in the Central Plains will soon be not a monk, but Bai Xiaosheng will not be able to fill the front, and the last chance will be displayed. You should not play Xiaosheng's face in the future."


Many people are horrified:

“Is there anyone in the Central Plains who can take the title of the richest man?”

"I don't know who it is?"

Bai Xiaosheng smiled and pointed to the happy smile in the hall: "This person, everyone knows, the VIP of the monks today is ‘happy’.”


Ren Jie saw a happy face and a helpless smile, could not help but see:

"The first richest man is the first rich man, but I remember that Bai Xiaosheng seems to be able to make money from the hands of every Central Plains master. How, happy boss, how much do you make money?"

"Of course."

Bai Xiaosheng brought the wine into it, laughing happily:

"This Central Plains, from the coast to the south of the Yangtze River, from the Yangtze River to the Western Regions, the area is not small, now the entire northern territory must be beaten by the Mufu and Chivalry Gate, you said, who will make money later? Mufu earns faster?"

Ren Jie's face is red.

Not shy, but excited!

boom! ! !

Just when there was a congratulatory voice in the courtyard, the murder of the crime took place!


The hall suddenly became silent.

The sound in the courtyard was also silenced.

"Happy, now the sky in the north, is still the day of a good house! Before the unsuccessful one class, the deer died, especially unclear! You are now making a big celebration feast, it is not too early!"

The dozens of gang leaders in the room also raised their heads and chests. Under the momentum of ridiculousness, their eyes focused on the happy body, and they were very strong in the court, letting them know that the capital is still a piece of iron.


Happy has not yet moved, Ren Jie can't help it.

A flash of murder was flashed between the eyebrows, and the hand was pressed to the hilt.

"Xiaojie, don't be impulsive, here is the capital."

"I am not afraid, I have been to the Grand Palace, the people of the two factories, can not help me." Ren Jie's mad words and impulses make a group of gang leaders around the murder face a white.

This is true.

Although the law enforcement is much stricter in the city today, the most powerful masters who can be dispatched are just ordinary myths...

For the masters of Ren Jie and Happy, the deterrence is not great.

They are really afraid that Ren Jie will be a hot-hearted sword murderer. There are so many gangs who can be included in the ranks of top experts, and they can't stop the sword of Ximen blowing snow.

Hundreds of gang leaders and celebrities in the courtyard are far away from each other, but the six entrance doors in the hall are all open and almost connected to the outside world. Everyone is very clear about what is happening inside.

Seeing that Ren Jieqijian is angry, some people are discolored, some people are gloating, and they can't wait for Ren Jie to solve all the dynasty gang leaders in Yipintang, completely eliminating the power of the capital.


Happy will definitely not let this happen.

"There is a master's residence here, today's master banquet, we are all guests, we can't take the lead, killing things, don't mention it." With one arm press, Ren Jie's long sword rested on the table.

The latter screamed at the seat, while still angrily slamming the people on the table.

In the courtyard, the two women, Qin Qing and Qin Yun, are the intriguing expressions of each other:

Happy is actually promoting an impulsive little magic star as the person in charge of the whole north, and its intention has been clearly revealed...

This time I entered the capital city, I am afraid that it will inevitably lead to a massive **** suppression and slaughter!

Looking at what I just said, I am happy that I am afraid of the attitude of the Yipintang vassal forces. These people will not be too good at the end.

Happy to open, and have the meaning of continuing to talk, everyone suddenly held their breath and listened, not afraid to miss a word.

I saw the latter holding down Ren Jie and then looking out the door, the clear voice, with the strong confidence and overbearing of infected countless people:

"Since the deputy priests talked about the words and competed with the Mufu in the end, they were happy to open the door and talk to everyone."


The hall was quietly outside.

Under the complicated eyes of a group of people who are anxious, uneasy, and looking forward, they are happy and slow to let the women in the back of the house pour themselves into the wine, and their eyes are lifted:

"This time, I am happy to enter Beijing, and it is only one of them..."


The hunger kills the teeth and does not hold back.

With the gaze of happiness and a taunting color, the murder suddenly turned around and turned to another place.

"Is it arrogant? I will see it soon."

"The second purpose of happy to enter Beijing is that I don't want to let the capital fall into chaos because of the arrival of happiness, causing too much *** and killing. So this time, please let Bai Xiaosheng master go out, it is to find cooperation allies, everyone. It should be known that Mufu has a system dedicated to cooperation with allies. The rules are very detailed."


"I don't know what kind of conditions I need to be happy with my boss."

"Yeah, is there a specific standard?"

"White horses help 30,000 people, four altars, I don't know enough!"

"And we have a breeze building..."


With the second goal of happiness, the majority of the twenty-four tables in the entire courtyard were excited and asked to become an ally of Mufu.

The sound of the waves will almost turn over the house of Bai Xiaosheng!

A group of people who were ridiculously suddenly paled, and saw hundreds of gang leaders rushing to actively cooperate with Mufu. All of them showed the gloom of the sun and the general trend of the sun.

They never imagined that they would throw such a sharp killer.

The capital has not yet started, but it gives the capital a mastery of the master of the bag!

There are many gangs in the capital, and the forces are intricate.

Because there are not many resource points, even Yipintang only controls the core area and a group of powerful gangs!

But the remaining gangs are obviously pushed all the way to happiness.

The murder finally understands the conspiracy of this happy half-time banquet!

There was a cold in my heart.

If you really let the fun of all these people's strengths in the hands, Mufu can not be bloody, easy to enter the capital!

Before Yipintang planned to let Mufu consume most of its strength in Beijing, the purpose of the inability to levy the West was suddenly broken...


The ridiculous face is unusually ugly.

A few people have even been gazing at the murder and happy to see and go back and forth, and the anxious heavens are fighting.

This scene naturally fell into the eyes of Ren Jie next to the happy side, and my heart was even more admired.

Now think of it, if you just smashed the sword and killed someone, you might not be able to kill a few of the city’s masters in the city, and then let Yipintang and its vassal forces gang laugh.

But the happy words, not only completely defeated their greatest dependence and arrogance, but also put themselves at the most favorable height.

Mufu entered the capital of Beijing, and the establishment of the capital of Beijing is no one can stop.


"Bai Xiaosheng Master is the standard for this banquet. Since you are here, you are naturally one of the allies you are happy to seek!"

A happy sentence not only dispelled the fear and uneasiness of many gang leaders in the room, but also made them proudly stand up.

Some people are even more excited and excited.

This paragraph is taken online, so that their subordinates can see that they are happy to invite and seek cooperation from them.

"If you are interested, you can leave your name after the banquet, and prepare in advance. Since it is an ally, the nature is offensive and defensive, and it is shared with Mufu and Xia Yimen!"

"it is good!"

"Master, remember my name, white horse gang..."

"And me, and me." "I am..." A group of people couldn't wait to report their names, and the scene was confusing.

In the end, Bai Xiaosheng had already prepared his own thirty-six disciples to come forward. Everyone took out a pen and paper and signed it at each table. This calmed everyone's madness.

"...It seems that the deputy and the deputy and the buddy have already qualified to enter the capital in the default." Regaining their gaze, the happy sight fell back to pale, and they were not allowed to stop the murder of the pigeons. Laughed: "Actually, I also know what I am planning to do."

"Half an hour ago, in the northern cities, the Mufu and Chivali people were greatly reduced by the resistance and counterattack. Many people in the capital also evacuated. The dream owner is going to have fun and not to say goodbye?" Many of the people present here have changed dramatically, and they have been unafraid to stare at the murder.

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