Sword Among Us

Chapter 915: Lay

Chapter 915 is laid

Dozens of gangs and gangs who have made a good match with Yipintang do not necessarily know that Yipintang began to withdraw from the capital in an orderly manner, but Mengyun certainly did not know everyone - in order to let them go all out to resist and consume The strength of the government and chivalry gates is destined to only tell a specific minority.

And Mengyun will definitely not release the news until the last minute.

But happy to shake the news in advance, but let the ridiculous panic!

In the hall, the eyes of several gang leaders swept to the face of the ridiculous pot:

"The deputy master!"

“What is happy to say is true?”

"How can you do this!!"

Bai Xiaosheng was light and quiet, and there were hundreds of famous people outside the capital. They had no reason to doubt the authenticity of happy words. Half of the people on the spot angered and got up, and they looked at the murder. Being deeply betrayed and betrayed.

The people in the courtyard are holding their breath...

One by one, the allies who looked at Yipintang in the hall came out one after another, and went to the sleeves. The rest of the people were getting fewer and fewer, and the face of the murder was getting more and more ugly.

Standing in the back of the murder, a few high-quality masters, the face is equally ugly, and even dare not face the other gang leaders who are gnashing their teeth.

"The deputy priest, you are not benevolent, don't blame us for being unjust, leave!" Another gang boss got up, and after a cold sentence, took a deep breath and turned to happiness:

"Happy House Lord, the things of the capital, I don't mix, I hope that Mufu does not come to provoke us..."


Happy to play with the cup in your hands:

"The resources of Yipintang, Mufu, Chivalry and Mencius will be unified and re-arranged, not belonging to Yipintang, Mufu does not move."

"..." The man's face was white. Although he heard the happy outside sound, he couldn't ask for anything more. Wouldn't the Mufu protect the ally of Yipintang from the encroachment of the ally? This is obviously not realistic!


"We also said goodbye."

Many people simply don't go to see the slain, they greet Bai Xiaosheng with their happiness and leave, throwing a murderous person into the hall.

The remaining gang bosses who had received the news did not dare to stay for a long time. They didn't even dare to show that they were a hard-core gesture. They also left with a kind of learning, and they didn't dare to stay for a while.


There are only five people left in the hall.

Bai Xiaosheng, happy, Ren Jie, ridiculous, evil.

The sinister nature of Tongtiange cannot easily break the relationship...

The rumors of the close cooperation between Tongtiange and Yipintang are not one or two days in the rivers and lakes. Of course, unlike other gang bosses, patping the **** and leaving can explain that there is no contact with Yipintang.

Seeing that the hall suddenly became cold, and the face was stunned, and I looked at my heart without any tension, and hardly picked up the glass in my hand:

"Happy House Lord."

"We are not meeting for the first time."

Later, I don't know how to proceed.

Because the murder is already looking at the two people with iron and blue, the strong anger is like the volcano that is about to erupt.

Losing the help of many gangs, Meng Yun’s task of confessing to him has been impossible. The footsteps of Mufu and Chivalry will be more relaxed, and even the whole local forces of the North will be welcome. Welcome to all the products of the company. Resource point.

Yipintang's painstakingly prepared plan was defeated by happy and Bai Xiaosheng in a few words. Now Yipintang has become a real loner. In addition to withdrawing, there is no better place to go.

"Oh, the evil spirits owner, but fortunately, you are still talking to me, otherwise, there is not even a person who speaks, in the capital, is it not lonely?"

Happy and stunned, the latter replied quickly:

“It’s not easy for the happy house owner to find someone to talk to. The gang leaders and celebrities in Beijing are in the courtyard. There are no one here. Why don’t we get a seat outside?”

This sentence has already fallen to the heart of Mufu.

"That's not good?"

I am hesitating for a moment.

"Happy House Lord, if you have any requirements, please say that, under the hands of the evil spirits, there are nearly 100,000 mouths, and you need to support your evil spirits."

"The devil's lord is not the deputy commander of Jin Yiwei. It is really refreshing, I like people who just come to the door..."

"Please also ask the happy owner to give advice."

Evil smiles.

He has the largest share of resources in a product hall, and the 13th sub-alle includes more than 30 resources with nearly 50% of resources.

However, Yipintang defeated the mountain, and even the resources of the altar were all transferred. It is ready to set up in the Western Region. It is inevitable that Mucheng will sit in the capital. If he is not smart again, he may be obsessed with the words of Tongtiange. Come back from the beginning.

Now he can only lower his posture, hoping to be happy, he can give him some living, one third, leaving at least one resource of a resource point of 50%.

"The singer of the evil spirits, I heard that under the hands of you, you have developed a Jinpingwei with a low level of votes. Everyone has the qualification to arrest fugitives and martial arts."

It’s awkward.

How do you know how to be happy.

These people were carefully cultivated by him to arrest more powerful martial arts masters for sale and transfer to other gang bosses for profiteering. However, due to the small number of sub-altars, they are still under construction and have not yet begun. Officially used.

This news didn't even know the people who were in the hall, and didn't know where the happy one came from...

Think of this, the deep fear of happiness in the evil spirits!

"There are some, eighteen people. The current level is only one level lower than me. You can arrest the incompetent martial arts masters, or buy the death penalty and heavy criminals from the prison."

This is already the biggest secret of evil spirits, but under the pressure of happiness, I have to suppress the sound and honestly say it.

It is related to the existence of Tongtiange, and it is not clear what is left in the wind, and naturally does not dare to hide a little bit, giving a bad impression.


When the voice falls, the murder is a look of disguise:

"Daguan prisoner of death?"

As a professional player, he naturally knows how this evil thing can bring huge benefits to players and gangs.

The capture of an incompetent master is very difficult and often requires a large number of people to be successfully detained to a suitable prisoner;

However, Jinweiwei, who is of sufficient level, can easily buy and transfer from the prison, and can arrest the fugitives and martial arts masters alone...

Such a group of people can easily create a situation of a good and stable cultivation room for a gang - no need to go out to find the right target to practice, as long as the people go to the gang prisoner, ok.

At present, many top gangs, including Mufu and Yipintang, only a few sub-branches are full, and most of the prisoners are sparse and useless.

If you can help with this group of people, you can quickly enrich the gang prisoners and improve the progress of the practice.

This is especially important for Yipintang, which is ready to transfer to the Western Region!


But what makes the murder is extremely angry is that this kind of news and intelligence is not clear even if it is a good one.

And it seems that I don’t want to hide it.


The murderous anger can not be uncovered, and the latter is witnessed!

The brow is a wrinkle.

At this moment, he has already thought of completely severing relations with Yipintang. Naturally, he will not care about the murder, and even if Yipintang is famous, he will be ridiculed in front of people and screaming at his name, and the evil spirits may not be ignored.

"To shut up!"

A cold, an amazing sword enveloped the murder and several bodyguards behind him, and several people were suddenly fixed by this naked killing.

A group of people just woke up...

In addition to the huge threat of happiness, there is also a disciple who can control their life and death at any time - Ximen Bing Xue.

Ren Jie, this time is already a person of Mufu!

Look at the ridiculous cold and cold, and look back:

"If the happy house owner is interested, the evil spirits can help you to fully enrich the prisons of the Mufu division in a short time."

Happy also did not care about the murder of blowing a beard.

"When will I help out a group of Jinyiwei, when will the resources of Tongtiange be restored to their original state? At present, half of the resources I will keep for you."

"it is good!"

The bottom line of the evil spirits is one-third of the resources. Now it can save half of it, and it is guaranteed to be happy in the future. It is already overjoyed and naturally promised: "To achieve the high level of Jinyiwei, as long as you pass the customs, then pass through Jinyiwei. You can do a few martial missions. You can transfer some masters from the shogunate. In half a month, for up to half a month, I will return the person to Mufu."


Happy and very satisfied.

Although for Mufu, it is not a problem to arrest some innocent masters and evil masters, but after having an official position, it is equal to the fugitives who can hunt higher realms.

For example, myth!

If there is a mythical prisoner in prison every day.

Or close a few, you can let many of the Mufu disciples practice at the same time, not only the safety of cultivation, but also the amazing entry!

In exchange for the current interests of the most secrets of the evil spirits, for Mufu, there is nothing harmless.

"Very good, the deputy priests eat and drink well, 琅 主 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,

"it is good!"

Ren Jie’s new appointment was very exciting, and he quickly got up when he heard the words;

琅 知道 knows that he has been recognized by the Mu government, and now naturally will not miss this opportunity to show off and show to many gangs in the capital, followed closely.

The hall suddenly left a few people in the murder and Yipintang, facing the empty hall, and then comparing the excitement and enthusiasm of the outside, a group of people were uncomfortable.

"The deputy, let's go."

Someone whispered: "The task of the confession of the church can't be completed. If we wait until we are happy and they have completely negotiated, we, and those brothers, can't walk away."

Others nodded.

Although Yipintang is a big man, there are also a lot of hateful people. When it comes to hitting the dogs one by one, it will be very difficult to travel to the Western Regions.

The sigh of sorrow vomited a sigh of anger, and the gray-faced face got up, and under the gaze of countless people, he quickly left the house of Bai Xiaosheng.

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