Sword Among Us

Chapter 916: Realistic waves, unexpected cohabitation

Chapter 916: Realistic waves, accidental cohabitation


It’s been two months since the days of the Central Plains, the North and the South, and the rivers and lakes!

Since the departure of the Yipintang people, the moment of the complete departure from the scope of the capital, the division of Mufu soon blossomed throughout the north.

From the Yangtze River to the grassland border, the number of altars has rapidly expanded from the previous one hundred and sixty to three hundred and seven.

The power structure of the Central Plains has finally stabilized.

In the battle between the North and the South

Undoubtedly, Mufu is the biggest winner.

In addition to the fact that the entire Yangtze River basin is still impregnable, the northern region is almost entirely in the bag, and is jointly controlled by the local gangs;

However, Mufu also gave up some urban resource points on the eastern coast to attack the wind building, and helped the wind building to unify the eastern coastal boundary;

The southern coastal cities were handed over to the wind and rain alliance, and some of the urban resource points in the hinterland of the south of the Yangtze River were handed over to the Chivalry Gate;

The four forces have already re-divided the meaning of the world, but it is different from the situation of the top four gangs.

In the wind and rain alliance, attacking the wind building, the Chivalry Gate took the initiative to give up all the interests of the whole North after the war, and the faint smell of the Mufu is the head of the horse.

Not for anything else...

Happy United Bai Xiaosheng, without any effort, smashed the alliance of dozens of local large-scale gangs in Beijing, and let the number of people in the halls give up the resistance to transfer to the Western Regions, which is the key to the rapid victory of this war. Otherwise, the two gangs Maybe it will cost a lot of money to get the result of the dominance of Yipintang in the north.


In this battle, Yipintang’s people are scattered.

The former giant crocodile, which was previously known as hundreds of thousands of horses, lost the support and alliance of many gangs, and even the number of people in this door lost a lot.

Among them, Yipintang disciples who lost dozens of altars north of the Yangtze River, because of the state of injury, the surrounding area was completely controlled by the Mufu, Chivalry and the Union, and it was impossible to break through and leave. More than 100,000 people had to Choose to get away from Yipintang to get a chance to be born again.

After losing the entire north, Yipintang occupied the Western Region although it did not take much time, but there were not many people left, only less than 100,000 people.

Under this circumstance, even the Dadu disciples of the Mufu were not allowed to kill, but the scalp’s people were all sent to the Western Regions...

This move completely declared a good service.

It was also because of the behavior of Yipintang that Mufu did not further continue to go to the Western Regions for the final desperate blow.

Two months.

The people of Yipintang are still losing.

The Western Region environment is very bad.

There is no elegant Qingshan Xiushui, no high-rise Yuyu with carved jade, and there is no plot system concentrated in the hinterland of the Central Plains. Many places out of the city are desolate deserts, Gobi deserts, or quiet grasslands, some sheep that they are not used to. Milk and bonfire wrestling.

Many men and men have chosen to quietly leave after persisting for a while...

The number of Yipintang people has slowly reduced from nearly 100,000 to less than 50,000! I started to live with Persia, Vietnam, and Thailand.

The rivers and lakes of the Central Plains began to enter a relatively peaceful era...

However, outside the Central Plains, it is time and time again.



Two months down

The ranking of the top thousand in the "Global Masters" has gradually become clear, and it is updated day by day. The prestige in "Jianghu" is also increasing day by day.

At the same time, the position of the global master list is changing every day.

In order to be able to get to a higher position, it is recognized by people all over the world, and the masters of the country and the country continue to learn. The majesty of the prophet and the recognition of the "Global Masters" are pushed to an unprecedented level. height.

There are even some people who have been challenged by dozens of domestic and foreign experts for three days and three nights because of their high position.

In the end, it was taken down, and the place that was released soon was taken away.


Someone in the forefront of the global masters is always in the third place, never moved, and has never been challenged!

This person is happy.

Since the Central Plains witnessed a global war between the North and the South, Mufu’s happy people attacked Yipintang, and within two days, one of the Central Plains’ crocodile rushed to the desolate Western Region. In two months, no one dared to challenge themselves.

of course……

The reason has nothing to do with the war.

It is a rep that is circulating online.

Shaoshan Shaolin battle.

Happy to fight the "global singular list" master Megatron, and then use Megatron's tricks to easily defeat the top 100 squad of the world's top players; and kill the whole game with a dragon knife, but the full length Twenty minutes, it is to use the means of happiness to the fullest.

It is also one of the objects that many senior players have commented on the Internet as never challenging...

Because after seeing happy and skillful use of Qiankun gossip, many people are afraid that they will encounter similar treatment.

Being beaten is not afraid.

The tricks and killers that have been painstakingly cultivated have been taken up and used, and they have been played with brilliance. That is the saddest thing... and it really took the phrase ‘the wife lost and the soldier’.



At the time when the rankings of the global masters were on the rise, there was a team called ‘wild wolf’.

A team of different national experts has a small number of players, but the members are the best in the world, and the famous figures on the global master list.

It is said to be a group of people who do not follow the rules.

The challenge of others coming to the door is to be famous. Their challenge is to make money and benefits.

Once they are stared at by their people, they are taken away from the altar and then ask for a protection fee; in the case of a half-death, they will destroy the altar.

These people are very hot and well-informed, can easily find the target they are looking for, and then find the soft underbelly.

Their fame is exactly two months. In two months, more than 30 gangs in North and South America were blackmailed and vomited blood...

On the Asian side, apart from the fact that the Central Plains has not been harassed, the famous masters of some small countries have been greeted basically, and even the Persian snake king ‘Gujitai’ has not been spared.


"Sweet, take a vacation right away, do you need to go back?"

"No, I said to my parents, work outside, what about you?"

"My parents know my current situation, and, with a large group of you, I don't feel at ease to go home, let's say, New Year, the official website wants me to help attend an event, I really can't walk."

"So so." Xu Xin said with a smile: "You don't even have time to eat, this lady can only stay in a difficult way, lest you become a stray puppy, how pitiful."

"Then I want to thank the owner."

"Yeah, go away..."

Xu Xin blushes to push the cumbersome guy who is dying on her body, but she is still kissed by a shameless male wolf.

"I am changing my mind now. You are getting worse and worse. I feel that you need someone to stay with me to avoid doing bad things for others."

Xu Xin pushed her happiness to the side and blushes.

Have a good time:

"Which **** dare to rob me of a woman, not afraid of my "Jiuyang Spirit"?"

Take it! Take it!

The voice did not fall, and someone knocked at the door.

Xu Xin was surprised to get up:

"Come on, I will open the door."

Happy and stunned, very depressed.

It turned out that this girl was ready...

I really thought of a woman as too simple, actually brought a light bulb over.

still is……

"It's you?"

Seeing that Xu Yao was greeted by Xiner, followed by a group of familiar faces who were smashed and washed, the happy face was slightly stiff.

Former life and Xu Yao live together for more than two years...

I did not expect this world to actually come together.

Although Xu Yao’s performance at the time of the battle with Yipintang finally made him relieved, but after all, he once lived, and there are many inconveniences. Now... Xu Xin’s stupid head is killed.

Happy face is ugly.

A group of men and women who have not yet entered the door feel that the owner’s face is very unpleasant, and he is shocked:

"It's not our business."

"The wind is tight, screaming!" "Go, silly girl!"

Lonely three wolves and tea lovers, glutinous rice and other men and women hurriedly put things to the living room, buried their heads, and fled to the lower floor.

Leave Xu Yao, who is uneasy, and Xu Xin, who is strong and strong, and happy with his forehead.

"Sweet, this is not appropriate."

"How is it inappropriate? Yao Jie can't live alone. It's too lonely and dangerous. Just when we don't leave, let's take a partner together."

When Xu Xin’s words were not finished, they were happily forced into the arms! Suddenly got a big red face, struggling and yelling: "What are you doing... stupid..."

"It’s hard to live a leisurely two-person world. You give me such a big light bulb to come in. You are a big fool."

Happy to hate to give Xu Xin a record of the palm of his hand.


Wen Yan, Xu Xin suddenly red cheeks:

"What are you talking about, Xinjie, you must not listen to him..."

Xu Yao understands this, no wonder the happy face is so ugly.

The two worlds that destroyed the boss were the crime of decapitation. She decided to do a good job, and she suddenly retired, but the things on the ground could not be lifted. At one time, Xu Yao appeared to be helpless.

Seeing this scene, I am so happy that I can immediately call the silver fox and the knife to all of them as porters and throw all the things in one room downstairs.

But considering Xu Xin's sensitive nerves, he gave up decisively.

"I will call Silver Fox a room and you will live."

"No! OK!"

Xu Xin jumped out again, with her hands on her hips, licking her lovely big eyes, and shouting resolutely: "Yao sister will sleep with me, silver fox over there, you used to live with him..."


At this time, just go downstairs to see the situation of the silver fox, see the happy and ruthless look, unscrupulously throw a sentence "the holiday wind bell said to come over, I have no room, you look for a knife ... ... but they are also estimated I don't have time." After turning around, I was afraid of being happy and sticking up.


Happy and angry shut down.

"Yao sister, I will help you move in, oh!" Leave a beautiful head to the happy, the hostess like Xu Yao moved into the room.

Happy stupid standing in place, has been unable to stop this.

"I don't want to live with this woman... No, I will do Xiner tonight and drive Xu Yao out, yes, just do it!"

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