Sword Among Us

Chapter 922: Heaven and Man, mad monk

Chapter 922 Heaven and Man, Mad and Monk

Shaolin Temple

The familiar environment around me makes you happy, and immediately realizes that this is the Zen house of the master of his master ‘Xuan Jing’.

"Senior brother, some time ago, you didn't always say that you are already good enough to go down the mountain. The master asked me to take the words and let you go immediately."

A little shame finished talking with happy, and his hands turned away and left, leaving happiness in the courtyard, and I missed everything around me.

Plum flower pile.

Stone pier.

Water tank.

Everything was placed in its original position, but only a few disciples were not seen.

"It's still the same."

The look of happiness is very calm, and I breathe deeply into the air of the Buddhist temple. It is fresh and quiet. This is because the masters of Xuan Jing like to be quiet, so especially in the open space deep in the bamboo forest, such a Buddhist temple is built. .

Even the disciple of Master Xuan Jing will come over once because of the long distance.

A long time ago, happiness was practiced in this yard, and it took a few months to practice in one breath. At the same time, from the hands of Xuan Jing master, several Shaolin martial arts related to darkness, such as "Dragon Claws", were triggered. "King Gang Volt".

Although it is the martial arts among the seventy-two stunts, but unlike the martial arts school, they represent Shaolin's high-level martial arts. As long as they can meet the conditions of cultivation, they are not enough to become a school.

The master of Xuan Jing’s Zen is very simple, a master Zen, a master.

The quiet courtyard is a small bamboo house;

The martial arts institute is slightly larger, that is, the yard where the happy is currently located, and there are some things placed inside.

I remembered the words of Xiao Sha Mi just now, I didn’t dare to be slow, and walked quickly to the Zen House.

This yard, happy to be familiar with closed eyes can walk ten times and eight times without touching anything, and the light car is familiar to the front door of the Zen House.


Happy and respectful, kneeling on the futon at the door.

He is still very respectful to Master Xuan Jing.

Master Xuan Jing was a 28-year-old monk who practiced twelve Shaolin stunts. Although his strength is not as good as that of a mythical master, the self-cultivation of Zen Buddhism has a lot of fun, washing up the happy heart, diligence, is shaping here. from.

"You came……"

The bamboo door opens, and the mysterious master of the charity comes out from the inside. The kind eyes are full of pity:

"Children, you finally figured it out, and you are very happy for the teacher. However, when you go down the mountain and re-enter the rivers and lakes, it is dangerous. You don’t want to be back from the dead. ""

Happy to know that this is the background of the system arrangement, the body involuntarily fell down.

"The disciple remembers."

"Hey, Amitabha."

Master Xuan Jing announced the Buddha number:

"Since your mind has been decided, you can't stay strong for the teacher. However, before going down the mountain, I hope that you can go to the peak of punishment and see those broken bells... They are blinded by hatred and desire, eyes and mind. So I have been imprisoned and isolated from the world! I hope that you can keep the rules."

"The disciple must follow the teacher's teachings."

Happy again.

"But, idiot, go."

The master of Xuan Jing sighed with a deep sigh, and once again, he rumored the Buddha and turned back to the bamboo house.


The atmosphere of the futons on the ground was so familiar, and I couldn’t help but recall the time when I was seeking martial arts in this yard. The futon was smashed by myself.

Thinking of this, I suddenly realized that I still have roots in the game...

From the bottom of my heart, there is a warm current, this time it is active:

"Master pays attention!"

After getting up and leaving, the Buddha’s number in the bamboo house of Xuan Jing’s master was heard:



After leaving the temple.

Happy to take out a pair of buckets from the Qiankun bag to cover the original appearance, while looking at the items in the Qiankun bag.

In addition to a few bottles of Xiao Dan and a bottle of Leopard Yuan Dan in the Qiankun bag, there are still a few pieces of equipment that have not been shot.

The body wears the moon shield from the Tai Chi Cave, which is set on the silver soft shirt. The other parts are made of silver cloth and silk. The craftsmanship of the top tailors - the attributes of the equipment Comparable to the 3 pieces of the magic of the next product.

It seems that ‘silver shirts’ should not be completely outdated at least. At least the first-class masters will not appear to be too expensive to wear this set of equipment.


After leaving the temple, happiness still appeared in the moment of confusion.

After a year and a half, what are you going to do?

Walking in the mountain road of Shaolin Shaolin, where people come and go, I feel a little cool.

An emperor, no friendship;

The same is true of Lin Biao and Dust;

Lonely three wolves get their own flying pigeons and may be surprised to be with themselves for a while, happy not wanting to continue to immerse themselves in the pain of the past.

Now, he is anxious to know his position in the current rivers and lakes, and knows the strength of the current general masters.


The temperature around the four days began to fall, and the pure Shaolin mentality automatically operated to drive the cold. It was only after I found out that I had come to the front of a cliff.

On the chain bridge leading to the peak of punishment, more than a dozen players with weak breath are flying...

At first glance, it is a stable Shaolin disciple.

There are a few steps on the chain, and they are connected in a chain. They are extremely serious and careful to face the hurricane between the peaks of the whistling and step by step to the opposite cliff;

There are several people on each chain, and they swing as the chain swings, which is shocking and dangerous.

On both sides of the cliff, several Shaolin disciples are waiting around the watch, greeting each strange face:

"Take the chain of yesterday through the cliff."

"Please try not to affect our brothers."

Happy also received a warning from the Shaolin players, could not help but scream, and stopped to ask: "What are you training in your brother?"

"Bone bones, body law, will!"

When Shaolin disciples look happy, they don't know, and they don't show impatience. They are resistant to the temper. "You are not a Shaolin disciple. Here are some of our brothers discovered six months ago. Exercise on the chain can speed up the body. The bones improve speed, and can exercise hidden attributes - will, you are not a Shaolin disciple, there is not enough stable down, this method is not able to exercise, and it is likely to fall into a broken bone..."

"Who said that I am not a Shaolin disciple?"

Happy to laugh.

Take off the fight, happy to run the pure Shaolin volts magic method, people like big birds, on the cliffs, a group of people exclaimed and reminded to fall firmly on the chain.

The chain has been subjected to the gravity of many people, and the undulations are constantly...

It is dangerous for the average player to fall without any preparation, and it is easy to fall off the cliff.

However, the happy lower plate is stable and abnormal, and it falls steadily on the top. The heart works, and the feet are tightly attached to the chain. With the flow, the upper body does not shake.

It looks like a veteran who has experienced countless experiences.

A group of Shaolin disciples on the cliff were also relieved, and several others shouted: "It turned out to be the brother of the same door, just rude."

Such a steady lower plate and body method, without a few years of accumulation is not coming, they naturally think that this strange master may be a descendant of a Shaolin sorghum.

The Shaolin disciples on the chain have also reported their kind smiles, as if they have recognized happiness as one of them. Most of the Shaolin disciples who practiced in this Jedi are familiar faces, and they are all Shaolin elites. Now they are a stranger. The same disciples easily showed an amazingly steady down, and they couldn’t help but feel good and pay tribute.

After the one-on-one response, I was happy to receive my heart.

Under the double threat of hurricane and chain fluctuations, I quickly entered the mysterious state, and did not hesitate to walk slowly, stepping on the chains of the wind and dancing, and heading for the opposite cliff.

Happy is the first time so slowly to go to the chain of the peak of punishment, and half of it has been able to feel the wonders.

The hurricane is strong and orderly around, but as long as you keep your heart, you can quickly adjust the operation of the inner force of the heart. There is indeed a feeling of breaking through between life and death...

After a round has not finished, happy is already aware of the miraculous rise of their own roots and body.

When I got to the opposite side, the Shaolin players waiting here seemed to see the joy and joy in the happy heart, explaining:

"The first time I came here to practice, the results are very remarkable. I can go five or six times a day, but as time goes by, it will gradually decrease. The increase in the attribute will remain below 50 points. Many brothers have come before. Experimented here."

"Why don't you go."

"Oh, my brother asked us to observe and guard, and when we calm down, we can go up slowly. The process takes about a month... Unlike the brothers, you will pass it once in the first time. The brothers really did not come before. Have you been here?"

"Before, I often practice the peak of punishment."

"No wonder."

"Please advise more in the future."

"Oh, after today, there may be very few opportunities to come over." The smile of a happy tone: "Today is here because the master explained."

"Oh, that's a pity."

Suddenly, the Shaolin disciple suddenly showed the color of worry: "The teacher's mission? Is it to let the brothers go to the crazy monk? I advise the brothers, you must not go, the brothers and sisters who have been lucky here in recent years, I want to get the mad monk's clothes, but each one can't take ten strokes, and the mad monk hit the cliff."

"No, the master asked me to come over and will break the ring here."

Happy is said to be in the heart: "Is the crazy monk recently highly sought after?"

"Isn't it?" Shaolin players are not proud of the road: "Since the emperor entered the state of inaction, but was shot down by the mad monk, the rumors of the previous ten strokes were even more outrageous, saying that the mad monk may have reached the myth of the myth. People are in one realm..."

"Who does not want to get the clothes of the realm of heaven and man?"

"But some people say that even an emperor can't afford the mad monk's clothes, probably because the mad monk wants to pick a Shaolin disciple as a descendant."

"It turned out that I haven't returned to Shaolin for a long time. I don't know the news. Thank you, my brother."

"The brother is polite."

The two of them chilled a few words, and they were happy to give up their fists.

In my mind, I suddenly remembered the behavior of the peak of self-imposed punishment after the killing of the mad monk, and the scene when I performed the task of Jiuyang Shengong in another world...

Finally, I suddenly thought about the words of the master when he was quiet.

Let yourself see the peak of punishment and see the shackles...

There is no good-looking thing in the broken ring, and there is no formal task. Isn’t it... the sorrowful shackles that the master of Xuan Jing refers to, is the mad monk?

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