Sword Among Us

Chapter 923: Ten strokes!

Chapter 923 Ten Tips!

Today's rivers and lakes are not the rivers and lakes of the year!

At that time, the martial arts masters of life and death, able to have a set of four paragraphs and one product, can be called first-class masters, and even rank among the top ranks.

but now……

After a year and a half, things are human!

The masters of liberation are everywhere.

Everyone pays attention to the tempering of the four innate attribute roots. As long as the equipment is equal, the strength is basically the same. I want to be in the first place, a good martial arts foundation, superhuman first-class mentality and physical quality, top martial arts, equipment above the market, lack of Nothing.


The happy martial arts foundation is hard to say.

After a year and a half of the practice vacuum period, life and death have been repaired, and it has become the mainstream below;

Mind and physical quality may be good, but it is not superhuman, time can make a lot of mediocrity close, even overtake;

Not to mention the top martial arts, happiness never existed;

The equipment is also very embarrassing, 4 paragraphs and one product equipment, in the eyes of another world is simply dispensable, let alone the world that has been in operation for five years!


All happiness is lost.

Now it’s really going to be revived, and climbing to the top is more difficult than standing in the world’s first place in another world.


At this time, ordinary high-intensity cultivation and diligence have been unable to achieve a happy goal, and it is difficult to make up for the vacuum period of one and a half years at least in a few years.

This is a later generation, not a previous life...

In another world, he has experience that others did not have;

But in this world...

Many people have his blank experience.

"...I hope the Master has a deep meaning."

Before coming to the cliff of the cloud cover, the eyes that were happy to stare at the fog in the front gradually became firm.

At this moment, happy behind is very quiet.

Now that the game has been in operation, no one cares about the shackles of the mysterious realm, and the shackles will not take the initiative to find the troubles of life and even the players.

No one has found it, and some people have walked into the clouds created by the mad monk...

"The Shaolin disciples are happy, and the life of the master, Xuan Zhi, comes to the peak of punishment to listen to the teachings of the predecessors."

"Do not talk nonsense, want to inherit the monk's clothes, take my ten strokes." The voice of the mad monk sounded in the dense fog area: "Life and death have nothing to do with the monk." For several years, the voice is still, ethereal, majestic. .


Still this sentence.

Happy disappointment.

Unexpectedly, the situation triggered by the plot appeared. Happy suddenly retired, and even many unsolved masters, even the level that the emperor never had, had no confidence to pass.

However, when I moved under my feet, my mind suddenly flashed through the hard-working martial arts in the future, and the step of moving back was suddenly stagnation!

A year and a half ago...

When I entered the game, I only spent more than a month late, and it took me three years to get into the ranks of top experts.


It is a difference.

Delayed for a year and a half.

To catch up with the blood, catch up with an emperor, catch up with the legendary unmasked, but ambitious attempt to annex the evil king of the world, and then use the ordinary way, obviously does not work.

He can't afford to waste for three years.

The body that turned back was re-aligned.

Time, happy to leave everything behind...

The heart is like water:

Even if it falls to the cliff, it will only lose 10% of its ability.

The pure Shaolin Volt Magic method works automatically, and it is covered with truth.


open! !

boom! !

In a slight sound, a weak airflow rushed into the dense fog area.

After the rebirth, this is the first time that I am happy to open the realm. Every time I open it, the body brings out a slight tremor, as if the blocked meridians are forcibly squeezed out of a smooth road, with a long-lost joy and excitement.

Entry and exit!

Close your eyes.

The second level of realm opens...


Happy body is a trembling.

good fortune! !

boom! !

mysterious! !

The same sound as a violent bean.

boom! !

life and death! ! !

All the realms are open, and a gratifying vitality and familiar power flow into the happy body, and the latter can't help but make a sound of comfort.


In the dense fog area, the voice of the mad monk sounded again.

The sound is in the ear, and the happy response is:

"Please advise the master."

The voice is clear, not humble.

"Well, ten tricks, no matter what method you use, as long as you take my ten tricks, I will accept you as a disciple; if you can't take it, I will throw you down the mountain."

The mad monk seems to be motivated to take ten strokes...

A heart is hot.

Hey! !

Mad monk moves.

Suddenly, there was an amazing temperament in the dense fog. The sound was not small, and almost all the fog in the dense fog area was twisted, forming a huge fist.

In the face of the mad monk's move, I am not happy:

"Golden Bell!"

The golden bell float appeared and the body moved ingeniously.

It seems to have a hard connection, but at the last moment, with the side of the body to subtly take part in the damage, the golden bell does not shake.

This is also the experience that I have learned in recent years.

When it comes to dealing with the experience of the mythical powers, happiness should be able to be included in the top ranks...

Because in this world, it has already begun to face and go to the world over there. The grassland and his party almost used the "Jiuyang Shengong" to touch the strength of many mythical masters.

So be happy to remember that before the enemy has yet to show up, do not take the initiative to attack, do not expose more flaws, and do not give the enemy a chance.

It turns out to be a bit effective.

At least this blow gave me some preliminary data.

The mad monk only used the attack power at the level of life and death, and the golden bell was almost non-destructive.

"Not bad! The golden bell is used well."

The voice of the mad monk came from the dense fog area and then laughed:

"The second move."

Listening to the wind, happy and quickly locked the change of airflow in the dense fog area, two fists exactly the same as before.

"So simple?"

Happy can't believe it...

I almost didn't hold back the idea of ​​taking the initiative.

But when I thought that the other party couldn't have been so simple, I immediately regained my peace of mind and waited until the moment of the boxing wind to close the body.

Attacks at the level of life and death are really difficult to damage and affect the current happiness.

The third measure.

Still an attack of the strength of life and death...

This time, one more fist.

Attack on three sides.

"The difficulty is improving."

Happy finally got alert.

Once again, it was supported by a positive and non-injury.

"The fourth move."

Vaguely, I feel as if I heard a slight opening sound in the dense fog area.

The mind was just floating, and Xiao Xiao’s face came.

So fast!

More than doubled the attack just now.

This is clearly an attack that removes the intensity of the peak.

However, the happy reaction also quickly followed, one hand, a fist in the air to bring out a pleasant sound burst, the precision of the rush to the front of the boxing style.

boom! !

Happy to take a step back.

Just after the body moved, two screaming fists rushed in the face, the intensity was exactly the same as the one just now, but the compact attack rhythm instantly increased the threat coefficient.

Happy is more certain, every difficulty, the difficulty is in an orderly improvement.

Attacking the body, happy in the start of the golden bell, while the two palms combined, a pure and thick sigh of strength in one of the boxing style.

Hey! Whizzing!

The second fist has not yet been defeated, and the fifth and sixth of the crazy monk have already hit.

The speed is getting faster!

Four boxing fists followed.

Happy finally changed!

The way the mad monk actually uses the warm water to cook the frog is ridiculous. Not only does the attack power increase dramatically in the ladder, but the attack speed is also faster and faster.

When the fifth and sixth strokes appeared, a more amazing breath was already brewing in the dense fog area – a hit with no peak.

It is equivalent to the full blow of the elders of the Demon Gate, and it can also pose a certain threat to the current happiness.

If you don't speed up your progress, you will become more passive later.

"Give me broken!!!"

In amazement, happiness does not retreat into the ground and rises...

People are in the air.

Sweep out one foot!

King Kong Volt.

"Wind Spirit Spin" starts! !

boom! boom! boom!

The three-note boxing style was also broken at the same time.

This is not finished, a record of King Kong's sorcerer's legs, happy to rush to the ground in the direction of the innocent peaks of the atmosphere, without hesitation, the two palms.


A slightly surprised sound came from the dense fog area.

In the fierce violent burst, I know that I have succeeded.

The seventh trick of the mad monk was destroyed at the moment of brewing - the momentum of the incomprehensible peak could not be concealed, and finally pointed out the direction.

Although the palm of the hand can not completely destroy the peak of inaction, but the darkness is another concept.


The voice of the mad monk becomes serious:

"It has been a long time since no one can force me to make the eighth and ninth tricks... Kid, you are very good, but unfortunately, stop here."

The fog in the dense fog area suddenly became dense, and under the restricted vision, two breathless peaks suddenly emerged.

Then, there are three incompetent breaths!

As if for a moment, happy to fall into the encirclement of five incompetent peak masters.

"If Laozi has practiced "Turning the Stars and Moving", it would be fine."

I am happy and happy.

The five-level attack at the peak of the situation is not a joke, enough to degrade him from the penalty...

"Take the move."

The mad monk screamed coldly, and the overwhelming horror of the storm suddenly fell from the sky, and the envelopes in all directions blocked the position of all the dodge.

"Fine loyalty to protect the country!"

At the critical moment, happy to bite your teeth and start the "Golden Bell"!

A layer of golden light floats out, and in the moment of attacking the body, such as the same hard wall, miraculously blocked the five attacks.

The timing is fleeting.

Happy people, grab the gap, and slammed out of the Jedi.

The ninth trick has passed!

Happy just showed an exhilarating smile, and suddenly a horror to the extreme momentum came to the peak of punishment.

There is no chance of any reaction, happy and snoring, and a powerful force that I have never felt before hits the blood.

The attack of the mythical peak intensity! The speed of mythology at the peak level! There is absolutely no way to escape and compete.

People fly at least ten feet in the air!

A slight lag, there is an amazing sense of weight loss.

That moment, I am happy and cold...

I have left the peak of punishment.

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