Sword Among Us

Chapter 926: Break, choose

Chapter 926 breaking the game, making a choice

Half an hour passed...

Seeing the last word of happiness, leaving the board, Xuankong masters smiled and smiled:

"The small donor's move is really subtle. Lao Na has placed "Zhen Zhen's Endgame" for more than ten years. He has seen countless rivers and lakes, but unfortunately no one can come out."

“It’s the master’s skill in chess. It’s the ability to integrate martial arts into the game, and to call the younger generations. The younger generations are amazed.”

Happy and humbly answer.

"Yes, good understanding."

Xuankong laughed in a big mood: "I can stand in the bureau and not be confused by the situation. Xuanzhi’s younger brother has received a good disciple."


system hint:

"I will improve my understanding by one point!"

"Understanding "The True Dragon Ten"."

"Master the first type of "Dragon", master the second type of "Little Dragon", and master the third type of "Dragon's tail."

The continuous reminder of the system makes the happiness finally completely relieved!


Finally got the wish to get the "Dragon 10".

Happy to cheer up on the ground, once again thank the master Xuankong.

"Haha, you don't need to thank me, you can comprehend the "True Dragon 10", it is your own comprehension, and you can change the ordinary people. You may not be able to see the essence of it for a lifetime."

After that, Xuankong Master said:

"It is time to fulfill the promise."


"A lot of years ago, I told myself that anyone who can solve the ruin and let me get rid of my own imprisonment, I will give him a martial arts cheat... Now you have done it... let’s look at it, these are all It’s been handwritten by Lao Nahu for many years. If you choose one, it’s my reward.”

Have a good time.

When I came back, I remembered that I could get the "Zhen Long Shi Shi" from the endgame, but I forgot that there is still such a thing.

The reward of Xuankong Master also has a martial arts cheat!

Speaking of it, this is a reward that is not inferior to the "Dragon 10".

But in another world, because I didn't know much about school, I did not hesitate to choose the "Golden Bell" that was relatively useful at the time.


Later, I have been more remorseful about this choice.

Although the early stage of "Golden Bell" can help a lot, and it can produce amazing results, "Golden Bell" can be obtained by other methods, but in this room, there are many martial arts cheats. The value is many times that of the Golden Bell.

Now, once again, I am faced with a choice, happy and excited, while calming down...

This time, you must choose it.

Happy to tell yourself:

Nowadays, there is "Yi Jin Jing".

You will soon be able to get out of the country.

Many martial arts for solving the problem are good...

Wugong? Light work? Body care? Dark weapon technique?

What is the most needed for you?

Happy and confused.

Get up and come to the bookshelf and check it out carefully.

Master Xuankong did not bother, standing quietly behind.


Happy eyes fell on a "Yi Jin Jing"... The eyelids jumped abruptly, and I took a breath of cold air and quickly picked it up...

When I first saw the Yi Jin Jing, I didn’t know its value at all, but it’s different now!

"Your eyes are good. It seems that the Xuanzhi teacher did not teach you less on weekdays."

Master Xuankong laughed behind the happy ones: ""Yi Jin Jing" is a treasure book of Shaolin. It can make people reborn, and the effect is unparalleled. Under Qigong "Jiuyang Shengong", is it sure?"

"Do not……"

I heard the introduction of the master of Xuankong, and I was more excited when I was happy. But when I heard the inquiry from Xuankong, I immediately denied:

"The younger generation has actually learned "Yi Jin Jing"."


Xuan Kong reveals the wrong color, and looks up and down: "The bones are as usual, but the eyes are full of Hua, it seems to have just begun to cultivate the realm of "Yi Jin Jing"."


Happy nodded, asked: "The younger generation wants to know that Shibo can have "washing the marrow" here."

As soon as this statement came out, the mysterious brow was crumpled:

"...you know even the "Purification of the marrow"."

"Yes, if there is Shibo here, the younger generation will have this book."

"Whether, since you can get the "Yi Jin Jing", you must have been recognized and passed down by a predecessor in Shaolin Temple..." After a pause, Xuankong found a soft yellow book from the other side. Coming back: "The "Purification of the marrow" is another collection of Shaolin. It is impossible to practice Shenhua with the "Yi Jin Jing". After you have to make a big bone, you can wash the marrow... Remember!"

When I took this book, the happy heart suddenly became hot.

Washing the marrow:

Shaolin Collection, cultivation conditions:

Root bone 300, arm strength 300, understanding 300, cultivation realm, free of circumstances, and must "Yi Jin Jing" to reach the eleventh level of great perfection. After cultivation, further strengthen yourself, repair the Shenhua, and reborn!

Looking at the "washing marrow meridian" in my hand, I feel happy that my whole body will burn:

"Yi Jin Jing", "washing the marrow" is all in hand.

In other words, you don't have to wait for three years at all. Once the "Yi Jin Jing" is completed, you can immediately cultivate and further strengthen yourself.

Three consecutive days today...

The ghost made the mad monk’s clothes under the sacred;

Then, relying on the experience of another world, while getting the "Zhen Long Shi Shi", I got the "Purchase Sutra" that I would have acquired three years later.

Although I died once today, for the happy, three books are absolutely good value for money! !

"Blood coat..."

"The evil king."

Receive the "Purification of the marrow", happy face with a fascinating look!


"Hey, after you quit the game, it seems to be in a good mood."

"See it?"

"I thought you would be frustrated when you found out that people inside were free from trouble or even innocence."

"How come, I am very aggressive now."

"Oh, that's good."

Xiao Yi nurse was relieved.

After exiting the game, I chatted with Xiaoyi nurse for a while, and suddenly saw a young man sneaking in.

"How come this idiot is coming."

Xiao Yi nurse noticed that the focus of happy eyes was not right. After looking back, she spit out her tongue and got up.

Happy and relieved:

It turned out to be a boyfriend of Xiao Yi nurse.

When I was happy, I knew that I was so worried. I picked up the tablet on the side, opened the website, and browsed the news that I had been missing for a year and a half.

But when I first entered the forum, I saw my name on a hot post in the middle, and immediately browed:

"The world's top 16 masters who have retired as 'happy', mysteriously appeared in Shaolin Shaolin, the skills are sharp and not diminished! On the first day of the mountain, the five-year-old "Zhen Zhen's Endgame" was cracked! The master re-emerged! ”

The popularity of this post is still heating up, and it is clear that many people are also sought after.

If you are happy, you don’t have to look at it. The person who tells his identity is the 'little thief' who was knocked down by himself. Those outside the temple saw the master of Xuankong leave with the Zhiheng monk, and the whole temple was turned into ashes. It is not difficult to think that the "Zhen Zhen's Endgame" was broken and related to himself.

Although I was happy, I didn’t think that I was standing in front of the stage so quickly, but I was exposed, and I didn’t show much surprise and tension.


In another world, he is the first master recognized by the Central Plains. The leader of the first big gang has long been ruining him. The arrogance has penetrated into the bones, flowing in the blood vessels, and he will worry about those things.


Seeing this post, I still can't help but point in.

No one wouldn't want to know how many familiar faces they would have brought back after a year and a half.

"No picture, no truth!"

"The landlord liar, happy real name Chen Kaixin, was framed by a blood coat a year and a half ago, has become a vegetative, lying in bed, how could it appear in the game?

"real or fake?"

"The liar died of the whole family."

"I can testify that I am at the same door as the landlord. The people who really entered the temple are really living and dying. They use the happy martial arts "Dragon Paws" and "King Gang Volde Legs", and he himself is a disciple of Xuanzhi Monk. ......"

"rep has been delivered, in the paid channel, the official website notarized! To see, go to spend money." - 搂 Lord!

Since the beginning of this page, the response has started to soar:


"The vegetative master wakes up and can still keep such a sharp hand, rely on!!"

"I doubt if he is a real vegetative..."

"Respond to the upstairs, I can provide the hospital address."

"Who is the landlord who played against him? It was actually a two-shot rookie that was not played a year and a half ago. You are an actor!"

"Respond to the upstairs, we can find a place to discuss."

"Haha, I was happy in the past, but I hoped to compete against the **** clothes and enter the top eight global masters! Skills and sharp fighting nature are not dependent on time to reduce the gap..."

"It's fun."

"Happy to get a school, will definitely bring back the previous debt, the blood league will be unlucky this time."

"Unfortunately, it’s a happy one. The blood league’s evil masters, what means can’t do it? With the strength of the present... It’s not good to hear, every one can easily get the master of the top 16 global strengths of the year... ”

"Worried about being happy again!"

"Happy wake up?"


"It is estimated that it has little effect on the blood league."

"Now everyone is desperately fighting against the wolves, including those who are bloody, and even if they are happy, they are also small grasshoppers."

"After all, I have been back for a year and a half, still in a state of life... oh..."

"If you can wake up early, maybe it won't be so weak."

"That may not be the case. When I was happy, I didn't have any school and background strength, and I could reach the top 16 in the world. This time I got Shaolin's school, maybe I could become a master with the emperor."


Happy faces do not see the mood, many people are telling the truth.

However, he has two more trump cards in his hands that nobody knows...

One is the "Dragon's Ten", which does not require cultivation, and is familiar with it. One is the "Yi Jin Jing" that can quickly grow and help him advance into the environment.

The "True Dragon 10" alone is a no-brainer in the face of ordinary first-class masters.

Thinking of this, the door was opened, and Xiao Yi nurse came in with hesitation with a boy who looked equally young.

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