Sword Among Us

Chapter 927: “HI,MEN”

Chapter 927 "hi, men"

"Happy, this is my boyfriend, Qiu Ming."

In the auxiliary treatment rehabilitation room, happy to complete various movements to regulate the body functions under the guidance of the rehabilitation doctor, while listening to Xiao Yi nurse explained:

"He saw the post on the Internet saying that when you wake up, I will come over to see you."

"Yeah, the seniors are so powerful, the first day of waking up, the two tricks to kill a master of liberation is really amazing!! I want to worship you as a teacher."

Qiu Ming stood behind Xiao Yi and looked like a more introverted character. When he spoke, he dared to look at it for a second or two. He was very ashamed.

Happy is very speechless.

"What kind of person is also called a master?"

"...I can sneak a book under the eyes of Xuankong master, and it’s almost successful. It’s not very good.” It’s not Qiu Ming and Xiao Yi’s nurse, but a female doctor who has been doing rehabilitation for her.

"...cough, cough."

Happy and shocked:

"Dr. Li, do you also play "Jianghu"?"

"Well, I am an alchemy teacher inside, and the grade is not low." Dr. Li is more than 20 years old and looks very young. She is very dedicated to her work, but when she spoke this sentence, happiness has begun. Consider whether you want to change people...


"Can refine the dream of life and death."

"no problem."

Dr. Lee stretched his hand and looked happy: "As long as you have money."

"..." Xiao Yi nurse and Qiu Ming suddenly speechless:

"Now the doctor, the economic mind is too good, in reality, to see people, the game sells pills."

“Now the ‘Life and Death Dream Dan’ is cheap?”

"It's a lot cheaper than before, because there are some things that are similar to the effect of 'Life and Death Dream Dan', such as 'Returning Yuandan' which shortens the internal injury cycle, using one grain, one month into half a month... and some wonders The medical hall, once used, can reduce the internal injury effect of a week, and at the same time restore part of the physical state, the diagnosis fee is two million two silver, although there is no such a thorough effect of 'life and death dream Dan', but the price is also suppressed, now a grain As long as 10 million yuan of silver, when the market is tense, it will rise."

“Sure enough, it’s cheap.”

Happy frowning:

In the past, ‘Life and Death Dream Dan’ was controlled by major forces and it was difficult to appear in the market...

In another world, Yipintang, a gang with strong capital, can't provide too many people. It can only supply core disciples. The price of one piece is often more than 50 million, even more expensive!

Ten million, that is, 100,000 rmb.

"Give me one."

Happy without hesitation.

Dr. Li suddenly stopped.

"You are not just going back to the rivers and lakes, what do you want to do with this thing? Are you going to eat sugar pills?"

"I accidentally hung up once today. Are you there?"

When I was happy, not only did Dr. Li look at the eyes of the monsters, but Qiu Ming and Xiao Yi’s nurses also came together nervously:

"Is the enemy so fast?"

"No! How long ago, when you left the temple, how could you die?"

"You have so much control, is there any?"

Happy to ask.

Dr. Li seems to be a very strong woman with a heartfelt heart. The eyeball turns: "You tell me how you died, I will give you a 20% discount, provided that you are not allowed to lie to me."

"It was before the small temple."

Happy this time, I didn’t refuse it. It’s not bad to save 20,000 yuan: “I don’t believe I am going to check my current status.”


As soon as the voice fell, the recovery room was completely quiet.

Three people stared at the eyes of the monsters!

"The loss of 10% ability, but also to kill a master of liberation."

"I said, that kind of strength is not a master."

"So what talent is a master?"

"One emperor."


The three suddenly shut up.

"Master, you have accepted me."

Qiu Ming stared at her with a look of incomparable worship.

"Yeah, I also received it." Xiaoyi’s nurse’s eyes sparkled and excitedly joined together:

"I can obey, wait for me to learn and succeed, kill you!"

The cold sweat of a brain came off the forehead, and happiness was suddenly fortunate. Fortunately, Dr. Li learned alchemy, otherwise today’s one-hour rehabilitation treatment does not want to be completed...

His time is very precious.

"Twenty percent of the dream of life and death."


"I know that apprenticeship is not that easy. In short, I won't give up in order to be a master like you."

Qiu Ming was so ejected that he threw out such a sentence.

Happy turned a blind eye and ignored it.

Looking around, Xu Yao stood with a bag of things standing at the door, holding a mobile phone in a call.

"The phone on the blood coat, he knows you are awake."

Feeling happy eyes, Xu Yao took a deep breath to answer.

The words in the rehabilitation room suddenly disappeared, and Dr. Li looked at the happy eyes with worried eyes...

Blood coat!

The ally of the blood league!

One of the leaders of the most powerful forces in the Central Plains.

It’s fun to show no shocking color...


A faint response, the eyes fell on Xu Yao's mobile phone:

"The phone is good."


Xu Yao gave a slight glimpse, but did not expect the happy reaction to be so dull.

"The phone didn't hang up? Don't hang it, turn on the video communication function, let me say hello to him."


Qiu Ming, Xiao Yi nurse, and Dr. Li all showed their sorrow.

The **** phone call this time is obviously to determine the enemy's situation, and may even be to stimulate happiness...

Xu Yao did not act.

Happy to open again:

"You should understand the person in the blood coat. He is the most suspicious person. He is not allowed to confirm the situation with me. Maybe he can't help but run the video and open the video communication. I will say hello to him." Happy words and temperatures seem to have no temper.

Hearing here, Dr. Li and other people know why Xu Yao will appear in front of happy with his mobile phone...

If the blood coat appears in front of happy faces, the situation may be worse.

Taking a deep breath, Xu Yao's complexion slowly opened the video communication, reaching out and the lens was happy.


"hi, men."

The happy move made everyone stunned.

People who don’t know the inside story see this happy laughter and easily spit out this laughter. They must think that they are happy to communicate with their friends...

Expressions, tone, and even smiles are all very calm and natural. I can't see a little anger and anomaly, just like talking to a friend who knows.

"Blood coat, you are the first to call to ask about the condition, thank you for your concern, and when I recover, I will go back to find you, worship."

The crisp voice ends the conversation.

Xu Yao hesitated to look back at the phone after hesitated:

"Is it satisfied now?"


There was no reply from there for a long time.

After a few seconds, the busy tone of ‘dumb’ was heard.

The blood coat hung up the phone.


"how about it?"

When the blood coat put down the phone, a pair of soft arms gently wrapped around the man's neck, and the charming voice sounded:

"The vegetative man really woke up?"

The blood coat nodded silently.

"Don't be so serious, a vegetative person. For more than a year, even if he still maintains his previous skills, it is impossible to threaten us."

The woman did not care to continue to lick the chest of the blood coat, gently circled in his chest, but the man has been absent from this, no response.

After half a minute, the woman finally gave up:

"What did he say, making you so upset?"

"Because I didn't say anything, I felt that the situation was wrong." The brow of the blood coat has been wrinkled into a Sichuan word...

He thinks he is more familiar with happiness.

But this time, he couldn't see the meaning behind the happy smile and the tone.


I can't feel it at all.

There is no calm after depression.

Behind the deep eyes and smiles, there seems to be support from an invisible force that does not seem to be hypocritical.

"I didn't say anything? It's not very good. He knows that he is not our opponent. He knows that no matter how much power he spends, he can't catch up with us..."

"Do not."

"He said that he will come to me after the recovery."

The blood coat licked his forehead.

This is not his style.

He didn't care when he got the news. He even thought of various happy reactions. The reaction was not expected, and it was difficult for him to calm down.

"Why must be so distressed, since he wants to seek revenge, we are then..."

Woman said:

"A player who is dead and dead, even if the skills leave some, we have no masters in the blood league?"

"what do you mean……"

"Since you care about him so much, it shows that he still has the potential to threaten. If you kill it once again, why bother?" The woman's tone was dull as if she was waiting for cleaning.

"No, now I will shoot him, others will know that I am doing..."

"The blood league lord, is still still famous?"

"I don't care about the reputation, but he has attracted a lot of people's attention now, and the people in his original school, who killed me twice, forced a dog and a dog to restlessly. Now, it may make the blood league repeat the same mistakes."

"That... we wait?"


The look of the blood coat is firm:

"Wait, wait until the once masters go to the aura, everyone lost the interest, when he becomes a normal first-class master, then find someone to do it... let the elders take the lead, the third, the old seven, the old Thirteen! Let's go out together!"

"Presidents, those people do things very well, but these three people go, really can see him..." The woman exclaimed.

The three codenames of the blood coat, each of which is the top master of the rivers and lakes, each has a lack of cultivation, and it is hot!

"Since it is hands-on, of course, it must be thunderous and smashing the threat in the cradle." The **** clothes laughed, but the heart was cold. He would not look like a neighbor, and look down on a former opponent who ignored the "Sucking Star Dafa" by skill.

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