Sword Among Us

Chapter 940: Scheduled

Chapter 940 is scheduled to be inserted

Xuan Tie Epee (Duo Gu Shen Bing):

The epee has no front, and it doesn't work!

The sword is worth 981 pounds. Those who are not strong inside can't use it! (Relief) Non-arms, roots can not be used! (400 points), the body requires 300 points, the property is unknown! Not forged!

Solitary defeat, before the age of thirty, holding this sword invincible in the world!

The one-armed god-carving hero Yang Yang, with this sword to create a swordless sword!


The origin of the Xuan Tie Epee is really amazing, but the property requirements are even more amazing...

Only when you can get rid of the situation can you use it. Actually, you need to have more than 400 points of arm strength and 300 points. This kind of use requires more weight than the black iron epee. No wonder no one buys it.

Nowadays, there are very few people who have cultivated 400 points of arm strength, let alone the roots of 400 points. It is like a master who is a good martial artist. You also ask people to wear Yang as much as you can, and the body is also very high.

Three innate attributes require that you can’t reach happiness...

Not to say that it can't be reached, it is a far cry.


The Xuan Tie Epee has no attributes;

And there is a ‘unforgeable’ hanging behind.

For these reasons, the person who set up the stall may have given a more outrageous price - 10 million two gold.

Ignore the price and say that the most interesting thing about this weapon is the legend of the weapon. It was later used to cast the Etienne sword and the Dragon Slayer. So, the property of this weapon should still be above the Etienne sword and the Dragon Slayer. ! At present, there is no weapon to kill in his own hands. If he gets it, he can make up for the difference between the strength and the other side.

In addition, happy will be eyeing it.

Although the innate attributes are not small, once the "Yi Jin Jing" comes up, the growth rate of the innate attributes is very amazing. I believe that it will take too long, the root bones and the body can pass the requirements, as for the arm strength, it will waste some time, but On the day of the "Yi Jin Jing" Dacheng, it has a great bonus to the innate attributes, and it is completely reborn. I believe that the gap will not be too great.


A non-forgeable weapon, a mysterious weapon, is really a little curious and exciting.

Happy walked over.

"The Devil's End of the World" is the old **** of the stalls. Looking at the crazy bidding of many people, the current price has exceeded the range that happiness can bear. On the contrary, there is no one to care about.

"The black iron epee is difficult to sell in half a year, can it be cheap."


The stall owner apparently encountered many people who were interested in the Xuan Tie epee. He heard the words and raised his head: "Eight million gold, can you afford it?"

"The four-segment dragon knife is much more used than it is. It is more used." Happy said: "I really want to make this business and give it a real price."


The stall owner suddenly stopped.

I thought it was a faulty Lord, or just came over and asked, but I didn't expect the latter to compare with the four-segment dragon knife, but also gave such a statement.

Does the other party seem to have a purchase?

The black iron epee has been put on hold in his hands for a year or two. In the past, no one took care of it, but because of the rumors of the black iron epee, the stall owner did not want to sneak out, so it has been put on for a long time, almost become The treasure of the town.

Nowadays, as time goes by, the stall owner does see the hope of selling, but the speed of the depreciation of the money in the game is also very fast.

Various magical weapons were unearthed, and the price of the four-segment gods also made him secretly dark...

Staring at the fighting man in front of him, the stall owner has become cautious:

"If you really want it, the minimum of seven million two gold, can't be lower!"

"Seven million two gold."

Happy no more price: "No problem, give me your name, I add your friend, Xuan Tie heavy sword to help me stay for three days."

"A word is fixed."

Although I suspect that the general fighting man in front of this equipment can not afford it, but the stall owner has nothing to lose anyway, because the black iron epee must not be sold within three days.

But if the other party is telling the truth, seven million two gold can make him quickly make two pieces of 4 pieces of magic. Greatly improve the strength, why not?

"This brother!"

A stall owner next to the booth suddenly stopped happy:

"Would you like to look at the martial arts cheats on my side? If you have good weapons, how can you not have a good sword?" "Magic smashing the world" is the best cheat I stole from the Magic Mountain Villa, given by the Excalibur Villa The evaluation is very high."

Have a good time.

Some martial arts holy places such as Shenjian Mountain Villa are currently being developed. They can be used for tasting and evaluation of some martial arts cheats. From the most inferior crops, ordinary, good, sophisticated, exquisite, precious, ambiguous, unique, peerless A total of nine grades, the higher the evaluation given, the price of the sword will rise.

Among them, crops are more common and ordinary, and they are the best exercises;

Good, good, medium practice;

Exquisite, precious, listed as a higher practice;

The righteousness, the unique, is the most reliable and unrecognizable best practice; the last is the peerless, the value of the general peerless practice is immeasurable, and no one will take it for tasting, and will not get it on the market.

Therefore, the most popular on the market is the best practice, the righteousness, and the unique series.

"Magic End of the World" is not an upright sword, but a unique series - the evaluation given by Shenjian Villa is because the killing atmosphere is very heavy, and each stroke burns life, overdraft internal force, despite the explosive power However, the persistence ability is not strong and the blood is heavy, so it is not recommended to practice the disciples.

Although the righteousness and the uniqueness are the best practices, it is obvious that the price of the independent is not as high as the former.

After pursuing for a long time, the price here only lasted to 21,000 million silver...

It is estimated that the stall owner is also very unwilling, so after hearing the joy and the owner of the Xuan Tie Epee talk about 70 million two silver, envy, immediately ready to sell their swordsmanship.

Seeing the enthusiasm of the swordsmanship cheats, and a group of glaring spectators and stallers, happy and quickly understand.

The stall owner is not satisfied with the price of "The Devil"

In my heart, I was happy with my mind:

"I really want to take your cheats, but now I don't have much money on hand, unless you are willing to wait."

“How much is the price?”

"your turn."

"Three million! I can wait thirty-six hours."

"no problem."

I thought about it for a moment and nodded.

Although it is a bit expensive, if you change your plan to go to Wanshi Mountain Villa, get resources from those mad lions and white tigers, and use your own skills. If you don’t get so much money in a day, you won’t be able to arrive at the two pieces of magic. Go out.

"We add friends."

The stall owner was overjoyed.

Just a round of people around the bidding for a long time before they were raised to 20 million, and then one by one killed and refused to continue to climb, now more than eight million in one breath, wait a minute, no matter what, this cheat is not afraid of selling Go out.

But at the moment of accepting the application of the other friend's friend, the face of the young stall owner suddenly became very shocking and quirky.

I stared at the man in front of the head with a fight!

"If you can't stay, you can say hello in advance." Happy naturally know what the latter was surprised, and the tone returned calmly, and turned decisively.

The young stall owner finally reacted, yelling at the happy back: "Leave it! You must stay!! Ten days and eight days are no problem!!!"


Outside the stall, a group of bidders who were originally ridiculed and disdainful and the owner of the nearby Xuan Tie epee suddenly showed amazement.

They can see that the young stall owner of greed seems to recognize the identity of the mysterious martyr, and it seems that the latter's reputation is very large, and it is such a disgraceful master who is very well-mixed.


Many people rushed to the back of their eyes.

"Is it big big gang boss disguised?"

The most amazing thing is that the owner of the black iron epee, even the stalls ran over and pulled the neighbors who have not yet returned to God:

"Who is that person? Do you know?"

He is still quite awkward about the 70 million yuan of silver that he has not gotten, both expecting and worrying that he is happy.

The young stall owner looked back at him strangely:

"You didn't leave his contact information?"

"No, I just told him my name... By, you have to rush to die, who is that person?" The words of the master of the black iron epee let the young stall owner relieved and smiled: "A legendary master a long time ago, These two days, the man of the Central Plains!"

A group of bidders with a pair of stretched necks and ears raised a bit of surprise.

There are still many people who seem to have not guessed, looking around and asking.

Until the answer was revealed, the master of the black iron epee showed such a pleasant surprise.

"...It turned out to be him!"

"I said, standing in front of me, I feel that this person is very good, like a layer of golden light on my face... Hey, hey, don't go."

Young stall owners despise:

"You really have to be so eye-catching, don't you ask for a happy name? Just telling your name passively, obviously not taking people seriously."


The owner of the Xuan Tie Epee suddenly became dumb.

A group of people did not pay attention, and several people in the nearby crowd showed their attention to the two stall owners...

Several people with a mysterious look quickly whispered:

"Happy to set things at these two booths."



"A black iron epee, a solution to the best swordsmanship cheats ..." Far away from the great sneaky dream cloud received this news, the brow frowned and frowned, silently:

"The eyes are very good. The mysterious iron epee, the best swordsmanship, seems to be paving the way for entering the liberation, but it can make up 100 million silver in a short time. It seems that the self-confidence is very strong and there is no heavy weight. Discomfort and alienation after entering the rivers and lakes... It is a Shaolin madman."

"We want to start, the strength of happiness is still good, the news from the **** side, although the people in the early morning are not arranged by him, but a group of miscellaneous fish, but it is also very simple, I think, once the happiness enters the solution, soon Will be a firm foothold in this realm."

"You don't have to deal with him directly. It seems that we have no temperament in the hall. I told the five poison doorkeepers to let him take two things that he was happy to book. Later, he gave him such a small thing. He knows how to deal with it." The letterhead is in the hands of Mengyun. Burned into ashes.

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