Sword Among Us

Chapter 941: Cooperation

Chapter 941 Cooperation


Happy now needs money!

The money in the bank card has all paid for rehabilitation and ward fees, and the rest of the fun is not intended to be used to redeem the game currency.

In order to get the Xuan Tie Epee and the "Devil's Destruction" as soon as possible, he intends to enter the Wan Beast Villa while he is at the same time.

The first time I entered the Wanshi Mountain Villa, the harvest was not bad. Two pieces of the magic weapon, a copy of the secrets of the body protection, and a task portrait that is still unclear.

However, I am not happy to move my brain to the complex treasure house.

The first experience has made him clearly aware that exploring the treasure house will require extraordinary strength, vigilance, and reaction, as well as luck.

Happy is not going to test your luck again and again, use your own good, and then come to a disappointment.

This time I went to the Beast Mountain Villa. The goal was to train the beast and the beast in the courtyard of the Beast Mountain Villa.

The beast bone materials of these beasts are superior equipment and weapons materials, worth hundreds of thousands, and one piece of equipment is one million.

Happy is going to start from this aspect and have a solid impact.


I came to the door of Wanshou Mountain Villa yesterday, and I was very surprised to see a group of people in the hunter family.

But this time a group of people are not dealing with the herd, but are gathered together to discuss what...

The arrival of happiness made a group of people excited.

The head of the hunter captain ‘Yu Long’ came over with a surprise color:


"..." It was the turn of time to be speechless, clearly wearing a fight, so far away to be identified, and how the other party knows his name.

"You are coming too? Are you planning to enter the treasure house today?"

Yu Long is purely greeting this time.

Because I saw the happy and successful entry into the treasure house yesterday and then came out safely, I also solved a group of blood alliance members with the help of Faso, taking it for granted that I am happy to prepare for the long-term Raiders and get high-end resources!

"Thank you for your message yesterday, I did have some gains in the treasure house, but come over today, I am not going to continue to go to the treasure house."

After a pause, I said happily: "I almost died a few times, or I didn't take the risk."


Yu Long’s nod to the analysis:

"A lot of successful players have felt this way. In the inside, the spirit is highly concentrated and tight. I dare not let go of it. The pressure is too great. It is okay to go once. It is easy to become suspicious when it is too many times. It is easy to accident... Some people will either be disrespectful when they come out, or they will die in the second and third time..."


Happy silently nodded, eyes swept away a group of brothers behind him:

"Right, how do you know my identity?"

"After you went in... We were outside, and later... the **** people rushed in!" The prostitute rushed to narrate the morning verses.

"You uploaded my battle rep with the blood league?"

After hearing the back, happy finally moved, showing a strange color.

"Well, we all watched the blood alliance not pleasing to the eye..." The prostitute expressed his pride.

Yu Long is somewhat uneasy and looking happy: "Is it not necessary to upload rep, we exposed your strength?"

"No, if the blood league really wants to test, they will also record themselves. You have nothing wrong, but I didn't expect you to start so fast."

Happy smile shows nothing.

Yu Long sighed and then proposed:

"Right, happy, since you are not going to the treasure house, do you want to be with us? It will be very difficult for a person to deal with the animal trainer. You are still alive and dead... And, I think, you are almost ready to escape. Shouldn’t it come here to cultivate, but to make money?”


I heard the analysis of Yu Long, and I couldn’t help but move.

"Actually, if the master of liberation comes here, the composition of cultivation is not small, but the life and death, but also the bare hands, it is difficult to kill the beast inside, but you are on the verge of liberation, you should not worry about martial arts. Correct……"

After a pause, Yu Long Zhuang said with courage: "The strength of our hunter family is not very good, but we still know something about the Beast Mountain Villa. If we are together, it will be more convenient and efficient, and it will be good. When you take a third of the team's resources, how about?"

one third.

When you change it, you may be scornful, but for the current happiness, it is already a very high quota. After all, the number of hunter families is too large, and one third of them are taken out in one breath. .

"You guys who are not afraid of blood alliances even hate you together?"

"Afraid, of course, I am afraid, but the situation of Wanshi Mountain Villa is very special. No matter who it is, there are very few people who dare to go to the Beast Mountain Villa to fight things. Besides, when you get to know the situation, I think that the people of the blood league There should be no more attention to these little people."

Yu Long laughed and hoped that the intention of cooperation was very clear.

The group of people behind him seemed to be the same, nodding their heads, a group of organ trappers, and two cross-overs.

"Since you are not afraid, I am certainly happy."

Happy expressed consent.

Yulong a group of people have shown a happy color.

They realized that the opportunity came when they saw the happy and the **** group of people, and happiness could not have been unknown.

Super fighting intuition, skill and strength will inevitably reach the peak again.

If you can successfully ride the happy line, the hunter family may not be an obscure working team...

"Great, we assign our responsibilities and obligations. Our goal is not the disciple of the Beast Mountain Villa, but the animal trainer, who has a whole team of animal beasts, so as to ensure that the outbreak of our institution trappers can be optimized. ... At that time, Hengtai Taibao is responsible for the top blame and blame; the organ trapger is responsible for group killing; the niece is responsible for control; happy, we two..."

"If you blame, I can be responsible. You only need to be responsible for excluding the traps in the entrance area of ​​the courtyard, and then resetting the traps."

Although happy has always had hidden strength, but since it takes a third of the resources in the team, it is naturally impossible to do nothing, it is not his style.


He knows that Yu Long means that, like yesterday, the animal trainer in the courtyard was taken out and killed, but this time he delayed too much time.

Happy, I don’t want to waste an hour in order to arrange a trap, and then collect the spoils for half an hour, so that it’s not as good as oneself. .

If there was no battle of yesterday, Yu Long might think that he was bragging, but now, one hundred assured, straightforward promise.

"it is good!"

"We listen to you."


Yu Long’s assignment and command to the team is still somewhat powerful, at least in many aspects of countering the traps of the organization.

The outbreak of a single agency trap is strong or weak, but it is generally difficult to pose a fatal threat as long as it is cautious.

The team's Hengtai Taibao is called ‘Dang Pang’ and ‘Little Pang’, respectively, and two players who have “Rohan Body” and good defense equipment.

After being happily taken away from the task of blaming the blame, the two were arranged by Yu Long to walk in the forefront and used as an artificial trap digger.

Many organ traps were directly triggered by Big Pang Xiao Pang and then turned out, but they did not cause any obvious harm to them. A group of people safely walked into the first entrance courtyard and looked happy and nodded, knowing that Yu Long was I have drawn my own high-efficiency and in-depth intentions. Since there is no need to blame the rituals, it is not necessary to invest in the later battles. Now I am injured. When I am in the battle, I can recover from my heart and healing.

There are only two heads of the first beast, and ten disciples of the Beast Mountain Villa.

Happy rushed to the front, one face collapsed two, and a group of people behind the dark weapon shot like a slap in the face, quickly ending the battle;

The beast is a little tricky, and the vitality is tenacious. The ordinary hidden weapon can only produce skin and wounds. As for the poison, in addition to being able to confuse the mind, ordinary poison is of no use at all - because it is all fed with drugs.

Happy probably understands the order of monsters in the Beast Mountain Villa.

The ‘Beasts of the Beasts’, which is inaction, is ordinary and easy to deal with;

These beasts of the order need to spend a lot of effort, which can be regarded as elites;

The animal trainer is a small boss.

Leading a group of armored elite beasts, the top masters also have to spend a lot of energy to solve these rough and thick guys.

Yu Long's method is rather cumbersome, and the large-area organ traps with overlapping power can be arranged. There is a taste of the pot, but the control is troublesome and easy to be seen by the animal trainer.

Moreover, the deployment of institutional traps requires the use of many advanced materials, and it is also a small investment.

Therefore, the team of the hunter family rarely uses the traps to deal with the beasts. Only when they deal with the team of the animal trainers can they get the benefits, so they look for the team of animal trainers, that is, the small bosses of the Beast Mountain Villa.

The first battle into the courtyard ended, and only some of the materials on the two beasts were obtained...

Yu Long looked around at the other three entrances of the courtyard:

"This time is unlucky. There are no traces of the animal trainer in all directions. Let's go deep inside. The three choices for the second entrance will be more difficult."

"It is not too late."

Happy nodded to the front.

The hunter family felt the benefits of having fun in the team at this time.

Although their goal is to train the beastmaster, it is time and effort to enter the courtyard and it is impossible to avoid many battles.

Therefore, before finding the animal trainer, their hidden weapon, it is difficult to end the battle in a period of time, cross the Taibao heavy defense, the organ trap teacher uses the mysterious, life and death level hidden weapon, the only one that can really go to the table is Yulong, so very Laborious, and dangerous.

However, after the arrival of happiness, although the realm is not high, it is very easy to deal with the ordinary disciples who are indifferent. When the hand arrives, the beast is also solved very quickly. All the way to the second into the courtyard, quickly ending the second battle...

"Haha! Luck is coming!! The two courtyards on the east and west are the animal trainers, two beasts, and you can drive them after you have finished playing! If you are fast, you can take this over two hours. Ten million yuan of silver!" Yulong a group of people excited, quickly began to lay out the institutional traps, only happy and stunned mouth is not satisfied:

"Unfortunately, in different courtyards, you can pull them together and solve them together."

"..." A group of people sweated.

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