Sword Among Us

Chapter 948: Repair for sudden increase

Chapter 948 is a sudden increase

After all, Fu Tianyi is a master of the class, not only the magic of the magic weapon is amazing, the root bone is resistant to fight, the ability to solve the body protection is not bad, and the mentality is also very unusual - seeing the moves before the happy escape, the use of bitterness to attract happiness Be fooled and let go.

The mixed spirit of "Mixed Body" broke out, grabbing the flaws that were revealed by the shock, and the sword in his hands turned into a happy chest.

The sword is rushing to thunder, the speed is fast, people can't see it clearly, and they see the happy body being pierced.

"Good job! Pay the altar!"

"Ha ha!!" The people of Yipintang just showed the color of surprise, and the unexpected situation reappeared!

The afterimage disappeared from the air again;

Fu Tianyi, who rushed to attack, only felt a flower in front of him, and a smashing leg shoveled his face...

"no way."

This is the last consciousness of Fu Tianyi.

The movements of happy legs are fixed in the air;

Fu Tianyi’s body turned over a dozen or so laps in the sky like a defeated leather. He twisted and flew out of the distance, and squatted on the hard earth.

boom! !

Fu Tianqi did not get up again.

Silent all around!

After being happy, I stared coldly at the body that was gradually blurred, and when my eyes lifted, I swept over the faces of a group of people in the hall. I calmly summoned the hoof and turned over:


Even a scene of words is too lazy to leave, the whip waved, and flew out from the crowd that quickly and automatically separated, and went away.

In the crowd, the countless players who followed it took a long time to return to God...

"He won?"

"Pay the sky, in a good hall is also a very good master ... actually not happy?"


"I am going to upload rep, no one of you will stop me!"

"Ah! My first hand information!!"

When the crowds boiled up, the two stall owners who followed them showed a shocking color...

This ending, there is a gap with what they expected!

And they are very sure...

After this war, neither the blood league nor the people of Yipintang would dare to despise happiness, but treat him as a real opponent and enemy.

"No wonder the landlord valued him like that!"

In the crowd, many people are thoughtful and have a heavy color.


When I was happy to come to the Wan Beast Villa, a group of people in the hunter family ushered in, and each face was full of excitement and incredulity:

"Boss, you are too powerful!"

"Pay the sky! The altar of the second branch of the capital, the strength of a product in the hall is definitely a master of the first thousand!! Actually you are playing like a dog, the boss you accept me!!"

"Using the dying martial arts to defeat the first-class masters of disengagement, I..." A group of people enthusiastically gathered around the words to make them happy and crying. I didn't expect this to be less than half an hour. Things that happened in Beijing have already spread here.

"Okay, don't be bored, hurry up and enter the village!"

"Right right, don't gossip, you are not unclear about the strength of the boss." Even the dragons began to change their mouths to call the boss, happy and speechless.

"Right, there is a thing for you to look at, help me analyze how much the value of the value." The front three courtyards have no need to open the way, there are big Pang and Xiao Pang can easily solve the problem, happy also think of their own There is another thing in the bag that I can't use, and I immediately take it out to a group of organs around me.

"On the good silkworm silk screen, Tianzhu, the magical level of the organ trap props, happy boss, where did you come from? This thing, it is difficult to see on the market..."

Someone screamed on the spot.

The people next to me nodded:


"I heard that the weapon traps of the magic level can be used to deal with the masters of mythology. Although the silkworm mesh is not a damage prop, the binding ability is very amazing, it lasts for a long time, it can be used continuously, even more powerful than those powerful powers. More expensive!"

"So, good things?"

Happy and happy, the price of good things will also double. For him, it is naturally good news: "I also got it from the treasure house, I don't know the market, you tell me."

"Hey, with it, some of the mythical primary trainers in the courtyard, we are not able to deal with it, hand it to us, install it into a special organ launcher, first bundle the animal trainer... but It’s cumbersome to fill this stuff, it takes a long time, and it’s hateful...”

Someone explained.

Hearing words, happy suddenly broke the idea of ​​selling:

"That's good, things are handed over to your hunter family. Today, you can go in three times and go in at random! There will be things in the future..."

"it is good!"

A group of organ trappers are excited, waiting for the dragon to distribute.

Yu Long is not bad, looking for the most stable organ trapper of the temper, and handing it to him to fill it immediately. When the key is right, he will do it again, and the latter will not be able to close his mouth.

The next day's money journey begins!


"This is fun, it is not easy."

In the depths of the sneaky, the phantom of the white gauze mask, after watching the entire contents of the pigeons, can not help but sigh:

"Yi Pintang master is like a cloud, there is no mediocrity, Fu Tianyi is a career leader in the hall, and his strength and mentality are very good, actually he is completely abused..."

"It is a bit of a skill, just entering the solution, but the strength is still at the peak of life and death, such a skill, even I can not do." The woman around the phantom said: "It seems that I am really a little stunned him."

Suddenly, the latter is not worried: "However, his current strength is still very weak. If you want to comment on the skill and strength of a year and a half ago to compete against Yipintang, it is really irrational. Now it is a stunned snake, causing dream clouds and blood clothes. Be alert, I see, his life will not be too good."

"It doesn't matter, anyway, we have a dream of life and death, and I have sent someone to secretly give it hints... If one can't go, he will contact us."

“Why don’t we invite him to join us?”

"I have thought about this, but this kind of arrogant person will not easily surrender without fail." The phantom tone calmly replies: "He has been sharp since the first day of entering the game. Revenge for one heart, embarrassing blood and dream clouds, now invite, absolutely will not agree, anyway, the meaning has been conveyed, we need to do, just wait..."

"Wait? What if he is hit as if it were a year and a half ago?"

"It's so easy to be hit, it doesn't match the high view of an emperor. Such a person pulls over and does not help the wind building."

"The landlord is wise."

"Death, learn to flatter?"


The fascinating mouth center is so happy, at this moment, very low-key in the Beast Mountain Villa, due diligence and blame.

However, the weapon in his hand was replaced by a silver glove and a three-segment sword. This is the common item he used in the market, but it is used to practice "The Devil".

At the same time as the due diligence for the team to blame, start the "indestructible body", from time to time to the next group of animals to mark the two or two mouths ...

While efficiency is pulling, don't forget to practice slowly.

In a few hours, the harvest was not small, and the swordsmanship slowly entered the middle section of the second level – most of the time.


Taking advantage of this time, happiness is also a little understanding of "Magic End of the World".

Although the secrets of the best cheats do not have the secrets of the mystery, there is no such thing as the magical ability of the mystery cheats, there is no exquisite move of the mystery cheats, and the internal power consumption is relatively frugal; but the secret cheats are also beneficial.

In particular, the magic sword method, the double internal force consumption is in exchange for the amazing power, each attack also has a good effect.

For example, "The Devil's Destruction", each sword has a faint black scorpion, which has amazing damage to the body, and the swordsman and swords that were born when the realm was raised to a high level, no need for "wind" "Spirit" can be attached to the group injury effect, black sputum hurts people!

Behind the wolf and tiger leopard, when he was dead, almost every body returned with a clear trace of being burnt.

“It’s a secret to being alone...”

Happy and happy:

"Not only the speed is not maintained under the "Crazy Thunder", the damage has almost increased to 30%. Although the internal force consumption is rather horrible, but the "Yi Jin Jing" has been practiced, the recovery speed of the internal force is not inferior. Yang Shengong, and the advantage of widening the meridian is that it can better exert the power of "Devil's Destruction", the lethality and speed are steadily improved, and you can quickly catch up with your own strength in the other world, even beyond... ”


Taking advantage of everyone's refining, I meditate and meditate, go to the other side of the world, check it out...

A look at the shock.

It was not clear whether this practice could be carried out smoothly, but apparently did not disappoint him. After three hours, "Invincible Body" leaps forward to the peak of the fourth level, and it is necessary to step into the fifth floor; Although Yi Jin Jing is slower, it is about to break into the fourth floor.


With the enhancement of defense, nowadays, after a round of attack, there will be no vomiting and blood injury, because the defense of "Invincible Body" has exceeded 3,000 points, and the periosteal protection ability and defense recovery ability of "Yi Jin Jing" have also increased a lot. The internal force surged to nearly 30 points.

""Yi Jin Jing" is too bad..."

Happy feelings continue this way, the attack of innocent prisoners will soon be difficult to break through the defense of "Jiuyang Shengong", "Yi Jin Jing", "Invincible Body".

"Twenty punches at a time, 150 second intervals!"

I quickly made a new setting, and I was happy to leave and return to another body in Wanshi Mountain Villa...

In a few minutes, everyone is finished.

Although there was no wasted time, the two worlds went back and forth to make the happiness a little faint, and they took a break for half a minute before getting up and starting again.

An eccentric question flashed in my mind:

"This way, don't you have to eat six meals in the future?"


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