Sword Among Us

Chapter 949: demon

Chapter 949 Ghosts

Crossing on both sides really makes you happy and has a headache...

However, the problem of eating can finally be solved. When eating here, the other side of the family hangs to sleep, or hangs in the prison to practice the mind and body.

One day, the speed of happy practice on the ward is not too fast...but the happy entry in the prison is fast--by relying on the resources of a prison, the body and mind are amazing, two days down. Even if the realm is not opened, it is difficult to make the level of "Invincible Body" fluctuate by 0.01 in a round of ten-handed boxers.

However, the day is still very amazing, "Invincible Body" is mixed into the seventh layer of realm, "Yi Jin Jing" mixed to the sixth floor.

The internal force has increased by more than 80 points;

The bones and jumps have soared more than forty points;

Arm strength, body and savvy have increased by more than ten points.

And here, Silver Fox also sent a good news to the happy...

In less than two days, the silver fox smashed out all the four wolves who had sneaked into the Central Plains. Some gangs who cooperated with the wolves were also destroyed.

A few wild wolf members who have developed from the Central Plains have died once in the city and have been killed and collapsed!

On the gantry side of the Americas, Megatron joined forces with several gangs to destroy a group of wild wolves and completely destroy the arrogance of the wolf in two months;

Megatron also refused to give up, and announced the list of wild wolves who were not in their own strength. The wild wolf mercenaries who had been hiding well were instantly beaten. Within two days, most of the members were blood-washed, and some of them were pre-existed. All of the resources are used to purchase 'Life and Death Dream Dan'.

The prophets and the wolves do not even know how to leak secrets...


On the side of the Wan Beast Villa, two days down, the happy wind and the water to win 300 million two silver, the black iron heavy sword can not be used in the pocket, in addition to a 3 segment of the soldiers;

At the same time, it brings a lot of wealth to the people of the hunter family. Many members of the hunter family have changed their guns and their temperament has changed!

"Do you still continue today? Happy boss!"

"No, it’s boring to play money every day. I have more important things to do, and I will have the opportunity to cooperate again in the future!"

On this day, I finally decided to close my hand and find a place to practice and practice the "Invincible Body", "The Devil", and "Yi Jin Jing".

On the other hand, there is no need to worry about the happiness of the world. There are silver foxes, Xiaobei, Lei Zhan, indifferent, Ren Jie and others sitting in the town. There is no problem at all. At present, most of the energy and time are still here...

Once "Invincible Body", "Magic End of the World" and "Yi Jin Jing" reach a high level, I believe that the internal force is enough to cope with the long-term battle, it is also time to enter the next step.

"This way..."

The brethren of the hunter family have shown a pity of regret.

But a group of people quickly recovered:

"We have to cultivate, anyway, happy boss, where are you going? Simply, let's join us!"


Happy to hold on.

The experience of bringing a few people to practice before is not without it, but a large group of people together seems to have never been, and the brain can't turn over at a time - where there are so many resources for so many people to use together?

"This proposal is good."

Yu Long obviously does not want the team to be so happy to be separated from each other. Hesitantly said: "Happy boss, I see, you may not know where it is suitable for cultivation at the moment, where there is a suitable position to cultivate, it is better, we have a place. ?"


Happy heart couldn't help but screamed, and my eyes swept over the faces of my eager friends: "As far as we go, we are very likely to be killed."

"Haha, happy boss, this time you guessed wrong." Someone laughed: "If we go to the high-level cultivation site 'sneaky', we have a lot of traps in the traps, the environment is very bad, the area is also very large, There are many blame and blurred vision. We only need to put a block in the peripheral area and do a few chain traps. Generally no one will dare to take risks..."

"Yeah, yeah, there are so many geeks, it’s a little hard to get in all the way."

"The sneaky grotesque, but not the things, almost all of them are thick and sturdy, the scorpion, the spiders and other monsters, the poisonous insects, and occasionally the elites of the early days of the mythology. For us, it is the best practice. place!"


Happy to remember the name.

In fact, I have seen this word more than once in the forum, but there has never been a relatively intuitive and clear understanding, but since the people of the hunter family are so admired, it is true that they are really cultivating.

“How many monsters can you refresh in one area?”

As soon as I heard happiness, it seemed that Yi Long and a group of brethren were excited:

"Well, in general, there are seven or eight heads... three or four heads of the best!" It’s very safe to have a good walk, and to enter the sneaky, and if you are lucky, there is no gain in it, just touch it. Elite geeks have a chance to get precious martial arts cheats and good equipment weapons.

"so little?"

Happy is a bit speechless.

There are seventeen members of the hunter family...

Seven, eight monster points, just enough for him to practice alone.

I know the hunter’s family’s explanation:

"Happy boss, you don't know, the monster inside is really hard to fight, a scorpion will take half a day to kill, and the attack speed is not fast, a few people can use one end... The spider has the ability to hatch, every five minutes The next group of scorpions, all of them have no way to repair, as long as the mother is taking turns, the cultivating body and martial arts are very fast... It is the poisonous insect trouble point, the poisonous deceleration, is the monster that the player hates most and does not want to encounter. ”

"Yes, we have more than a dozen people, went twice, but can not pack three or four monsters, so I dare not go, happy boss, if you are not enough, we will pack a big, seven or eight That kind."

“Is it so good?”

After I was happy, I was moved.

If it is as they say, this ghost is indeed a supreme cultivation place. An excellent place for the cultivation of countless people is suitable for him to attack the high-level realm of the three martial arts.

"That's true, happy boss. If you decide to go down, we will leave immediately. The ghosts are not very far from here. It only takes two hours to enter..."

"Well, there are a lot of sneaky entrances, the nearest entrance, how long it will take."


"Fu Tianzhu this kid, although the strength is good, but too much attention to enjoyment and out of the limelight, "Mixed Yuan" is not full, rushed out to show off, this time to plant the head ... If you listen to me, hard work, put "Mixed-body" has been promoted to the realm of great perfection. Why is this step taken today?

"Well, "Mixed Body" is not easy. I saw the monk's "Mixed Body". Once it is motivated, it is difficult for the enemy to get close, and it will be a mess!"

"This time, Fu Tianqi was knocking down the muzzle. Not only did he violate the order of the churchlor, but he also lost the prestige of Yipintang in public. I heard that he was not able to do so. He gave him a deputy on the spot. In fact, the 'sub-master'."

In the sneaky scorpion, a group of masters of Yipintang practiced while talking about one another...

"He is the altar, so you are also a friend of Fu Tianyu. If you say this, don't let him listen."

"What's the relationship? He can't say what he did wrong? How did I persuade him not to listen at the beginning? This time it is shameful, no wonder others."

He Yi snorted, and the bottom plate steadily shuttled back and forth between a group of spiders, and the body appeared from time to time.

"However, this **** solution to the physical protection of the body is really difficult to practice. After the 90th level, it is slow and a mess. Five days of music will increase by one level. Laozi can't stand it anymore. He Tianyi's temper is not calm, but also No wonder leaving early."


"Does the owner not say it? It is also necessary to upgrade the level quickly, unload the equipment, and then turn off the realm. It depends on the top of the body and will rise quickly."

Someone reminded next to you.

But it soon ushered in the irony of He Yi:

"I am not crazy, I use a pure body to fight against a group of inaction spiders and an innocent spider. After a round, I have to run away to meditate... It’s better to slowly squat and exercise."

As soon as the voice fell, suddenly a homing pigeon descended from the sky and landed on He Yi’s shoulder.

"Hey? Paying for the flying pigeons of the gods? This kid..."

When I opened it, He Yi’s face suddenly became wonderful, and the brothers rushing around smiled: “Some couples, good news.”


Those who practiced the body and other martial arts in different corners seemed to be at ease, and they all paid attention to it...

"Fu Tianyu said, happy guys are sneaky."


As soon as the voice fell, half of the group of people stopped and slammed the spiders and scorpions in front of them.

"It shouldn't be fake. The goddess of this day degraded his deputy, and he lost his boss. He was not happy. He hoped that the brothers would help find the scene back!"

Someone asked:

"What does the owner mean?"

"Let's pay for the scorpion, and the lord seems to start to face up. By default, we will act this time, and the meaning of the above is very clear. We can't let happy practice." He Yi had a smile on his face after shredding a note: "Don't you do it?"

"Crap! Of course!"

"Haha, actually ran ghosts and practice, the courage is not small, he really does not put us in the eyes."

Several people came over and the battle came over, and the eyes sparkled with excitement and anticipation.

"Scorpio said that people should be coming to the entrance, go to the brothers, and go to the door to meet the master of the ancient times. I want to see if he is really three-headed and six-armed. It is so powerful." Pass through the fog and walk towards the exit.


"Is it a ghost in front?"

Far away, happy to notice that the mountains in front of the mountains are covered in a gray-black suffocating air, only to see the outline of the mountains, even though it is very close...

“It looks very gloomy.”


"But it is really a very good place to practice."

When Yu Long spoke, he suddenly heard a happy saying: "You stop here and wait for me, I will solve a few people."

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