Sword Among Us

Chapter 950: Inspiration from Dream Cloud

Chapter 950, the Inspiration of Dream Cloud

The entrance to the sneaky scorpion is a canyon passage surrounded by gray and black suffocating. The nearby mountain is steep and dangerous, which is unfavorable for climbing. The past players are coming in and out of the canyon passage. The hunter family is right. The place is really popular. There are many players who are good at temperament.


At this moment, the atmosphere at the entrance to the ghost is slightly nervous.

More than a dozen high-quality one-class masters, fully armed on both sides of the canyon channel, staring at the team from the outside ready to enter the sneaky, glanced at each person's face, occasionally encountered someone wearing a fight It will also let the other party take a look at it, except for female players.

It’s not hard to guess when I saw it here. The people who arranged here in Yipintang should come to 'greet’ themselves.

These people are extraordinarily calm and sharp-eyed. Although they are not too many words, there are not many people. But the players who pass the road don’t dare to offend after seeing these people. They are honest and hard to cooperate. Ghosts are more famous people, or more famous people on the rivers and lakes!

“It’s a bit like it.”

Happy sneer, and then a group of brethren of the hunter family, directly remove the fight, turn over and dismount the horse, go to a group of people.


The happiness of deviating from the crowd of people quickly attracted the attention of these masters. Many people who are doing nothing on both sides are looking forward.

Upon seeing it, the other masters of the hall near the entrance of the passage also locked in happiness, no longer paying attention to the flow of people into the sneaky, and the various faces were copied from the left and right.

"he's mine."

Among the masters of Yipintang, a young man's hand was pulling out two daggers from the waist, and the bloodthirsty tongue took a knife and suddenly accelerated without a slight sign.

Different from the many nonsenses that Fu Tianqi did when he started, the other party had no meaning to talk at all. The twinkling of a pair of scorpions was the nakedness of the red luo.

The information conveyed by the eyes is already strong enough...


In the face of a young man who suddenly rushed to speed up, his face was calm and the speed was not reduced. He still took a steady and unsteady pace, as if he did not see the dagger in his opponent's hands and the murderous murder in his eyes.

The young man rushed to the front more than sixty meters!

A distance from the person behind the one-town hall;

The distance with happiness is shrinking at a rapid rate.

The naked killing has already alerted many players in the vicinity, and many people are surprised to stop looking over here.

what! ! !

When the young man rushed into the happy ten-meter range, he speeded up again, and the body turned into layers, and the dagger had disappeared from the former;

The sprint started just right, just to avoid the darkness that was quiet and silent.

Happy to quickly evaluate each other, the strength of the other party is better than paying for the sky, at least in terms of details and timing is very good.

Avoiding, converging edge, doing quite well.

Double-edged, playing is a close-up assassination technique...

It seems that the other person is confident in his own assassination skills.

However, it is a pity that the other side chose a happy confrontation. Even if the double-edged play is fancy, happiness never likes to play against each other in the strengths of others. This is the principle!

I didn't even look at each other even if I didn't even look at each other. The dragon was so swaying that the other party lost the target of locking, and the dragon's hand that followed immediately caught the ‘snake' that the latter wanted to swallow.


The dragon and the dragon hand are still coherent in this world for the first time. The other party screams, and it is too late to react. The hand is very curved, and the short blade is slamming into his neck. Poor and confident guy, one If the recruit did not have time to hand it out, he would be happy with the quick and thunderous means of the moment - and still use his own weapon.

A series of actions can only be seen by a happy person...

Pushing away the other's body, happy to resume the steps of walking in the leisure, continue to be unhurried, and calmly greet the master of Yipintang.


The sound of heavy objects landed a group of people in Yipintang and paused slightly...

A group of people stared at the gradual blurring of the body of the double-edged young man. The sarcasm and ridicule on the faces of a few people suddenly became much stiffer.

After seeing this moment of silent death confrontation, no one in the tacit understanding sent out even a little bit of sound...

Just like a wooden stake stopped in the same place; even a group of people who chased the back of the hunter family also held their breath, and the atmosphere did not dare to breathe.

The tense, dignified atmosphere permeates between the hall and the happy...

The people of Yipintang lived, but the happiness was to continue on the move, and the two sides were getting closer and closer to the entrance of the ghost.

As the happy approached, the momentum of a dignified and almost bursting momentum quickly accumulated and condensed, and the momentum of the whole person soared.

This is the power that has been gradually accumulated after killing one person, because the stop of a group of people in Yipintang has soared rapidly.

When you accumulate a certain intensity, there will definitely be people who can't stand it...


Happy is less than ten steps. Two people at Yipintang finally realized that their behavior is not only for the accumulation of happiness, but also to further help the other side to oppress their momentum, this is a very obvious weakness.


The two looked at each other and flew from the left and the right.


It’s a pity to be happy...

If these people continue to stay, his power will accumulate to a more terrible degree, and at the same time, the pressure of a group of people will have to be shot at the same time.

Now only two people are forced to do it, not a satisfactory result.


Since it is here, it will be killed.

Whether it is the group of rookies of the blood league, or Fu Tianyi who died in the capital outside the capital, he has not really let him feel the dream cloud and the blood coat.

but now……

Finally, let him feel a little something.

A little bit of being overlooked by a class, I felt the dream of the dream.

This is a good phenomenon!

Happy is already ready to take this battle and give Mengyun the first preparation for the meeting. Naturally, I intend to go all out and not hide it.

Oncoming two people, one holding a knife, a negative hand behind, a dark sac in the waist, a row of flying knives.

The man has not arrived, the flying knife has brought out a fierce break from the air!

The character-shaped flying knife blocks the three positions that can be evaded, and the hidden weapon flutters, which is fast and slow, and dazzling;

But the real crisis is the black knife!

The wind rushed, and the black knives rip a strip of gully from the ground and quickly rushed to the front of the body...

There is a hidden murder in the cage.

The two people have a tacit understanding, and the combination of instant moves forms a seamless death trap, which makes people unable to dodge. A group of people who watched the hunter family could not help but exclaim:

"Be careful!"

Seeing happy, it seems that the panic is stopped, there is no dodge, the secret weapon master smiles coldly, several butterfly darts suddenly accelerate, interweaving a network of death, and instantly cover the target;


The moment the butterfly darts accelerate, happy happens to take a step.

At the same time, the body shape was distorted, and the flying knives and butterfly darts all fell into the empty space... all nailed to the ground, and then turned out by the fierce knife.

The two pupils are tightening!

Unexpectedly, the one that was determined to win was completely defeated. At the same time, he quickly noticed that the joy of twisting and twisting suddenly accelerated.

The distance between the two sides is rapidly approaching.

Do not dare to neglect, the secret weapon master hands and even Yang...

This time, the master of the knife did not keep up, and the rhythm of the two had been interrupted.

When the master of the knife wakes up, he notices that he will be wrong, and he will avoid the four hidden weapons in a row.

call! ! !

The black knife is reproduced.

Unfortunately, it’s late...

Just locked in the target shot, happy has been quickly and decisively traversed forward, slammed into the attacker's attack route into the hidden weapon master within ten meters.

"Block him!"

The sneak peek at the foot of the hidden weapon master.

However, the foot stepped on, a fiercely dark rushing into the body from the ground, a black blood spit out, and the hidden weapon that was ready to raise the hand was almost not stable.

Happy is not bad.

Although the strength of these people is good, but each person is good at different fields, not every one knows very well about darkness, and not every one has a body like Futian.

The secret weapon master is better at hiding behind the wounded person, his own protective ability is not strong, he needs people to protect, and he will play the game directly.

However, the master of the knife obviously has an extraordinary tacit understanding with the person who made the hidden weapon. When the latter is injured, the step is stopped in front of the happy, and the stacked knives bloom like black lotus, dangerous and beautiful.

Not an offensive move...

When the hidden weapon master is injured, decisively choose defense!


Happy to see that the other division of labor is very clear...

The advantage is the same as the offensive; under the disadvantage, one defense, one attack, and two fists are difficult to attack.


The face is not changed, and the master who is happy with the hidden weapon has not been able to recover immediately, and keeps an eye on the 'black lotus' in front of him, decisively cut into it.

The latter knife is more prosperous!

However, as a force was shot on the front of the knife, the master of the knife felt only a numb of the arm, and the pupil was round and round, feeling that a broken wind quickly swept away from the front...

The pain of my companion came behind me!

After the momentary stalemate, look back, so that the brothers of the hidden weapon are happy holding their necks, their heads squatting to one side, and their faces are blurred!

No reason, a strong chill rose from the hearts of a group of masters.

Happy choices are too sensible, and the technique is very spicy, giving no chance at all!

I have not dealt with the knife master immediately, because the latter body has been started in time, as long as the happiness is slightly hesitated for half a second, the situation may not be the same now!

It is exactly what the knife is, and the body is slightly stronger than the one who pays Tianzhu!

The secret weapon master died, and the person who was restrained was lost. Even He Yi himself had lost confidence - because he was not sure he could survive from an opponent who broke his knife in an instant.


With one hand and one hand, the body in the hand is thrown high and heads to the righteousness...

Happy, He Yi, and the rest of the one-class masters almost at the same time!

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