Sword Among Us

Chapter 964: Dream cloud experience

Chapter 964 Dream Cloud Experience

At the moment of exiting the game, the dream cloud of nearly 30 years ago finally relieved and relieved, opened the nutrition warehouse, and walked out from the limited-edition virtual game warehouse with a value of 10 million, with a hint of faintness on his face. There is a bit of suffocation.

just now……

She is the fourth time to experience the first time of happiness in the sneaky, more than half an hour, that is, she has repeatedly felt the first perspective of more than two hours of happiness.

It took two hours, and it was finally a sneak sneak effect, and I experienced the real battle situation of the first perspective.


I poured a cup of coffee for myself, and the dream cloud pushed open the floor-to-ceiling windows to the balcony of my own home, facing the sea, and the mood that had been suppressed for a long time was finally released slightly.

How long?

She can't remember when the last time she first experienced someone else was when...

The first time?

seems like it.

Almost a year has not appeared in the rep of the master who is interested in her, whether it is the Central Plains, or other foreign masters, can not attract her interest.

But this time.

She has experienced it for more than two hours.

In the dark sneaky gorge canyon!

Slowly sitting in the white viewing balcony shed, Meng Yunkou muttered: "If it was not a year and a half ago, now I am happy, I am afraid it is already incredible..."


If someone here hears that Meng Yun is happy, giving such a high evaluation to a pair of heads will definitely be stunned.


Most people who have a careful first-hand perspective will have the same feelings...

The sneaky environment is very bad.

Although many people have analyzed the advantages of happiness in the forum, but in an environment of darkness and innocence, to be so unrestrained and unscrupulous to kill the enemy, it is not only the strength of the top masters.

In the narrow passage, every step needs to be very cautious and thorough, a walk, **** paradise!

high speed.

Does not mean that you can rampage;

Strong strength does not mean that you can shuttle freely;

The ability to listen to the wind is at its peak, but in such a complicated situation, to what extent does the brain run? To what extent is the spirit tight?

For half an hour of killing, even if the dream cloud is not imitated, it is impossible to imitate it.

This is why Meng Yun will enter the game four times in a row, and continue to experience happy perspectives and feelings until you feel happy.

of course……

In addition to the shock, Mengyun has collected a lot of happy information in these two hours.

The first is the footwork.

It’s amazingly smart, it’s really reached a very high level; the sword is powerful, but it’s in a happy hand, and it’s really a magical taste;

In addition, the happy heart is obviously not good, did not eat a medicinal drug in the middle, continued to fight for more than half an hour, has to say is a miracle;

Finally, it is also the most amazing move.

A kind of scholastic method similar to the claw method, which can easily hold the enemy and make the enemy stalemate, which is very similar to the interception method of the American master ‘Megatron’, but it is more mysterious;

Another kind of move that is dodge...

One attack and one defense ensure maximum happiness.

Dealing with the same level of masters, these two moves have been able to increase the winning percentage! Falling in the hands of happiness, can only be described as terrible.

Take out the mobile phone, Meng Yun saw a few tips that did not receive the embankment, all displayed from the blood coat.

The brow wrinkled and the dream cloud returned.

"You are watching a happy rep?"

A heavy voice sounded soon after the blood coat was connected.

"What are you going to do now?"

Dream Cloud calmly faces the sea, and does not answer: "The rise of happiness is already unstoppable. You should know what the rep of the top ten into the paid channel means."


The breath on the other end of the phone was slightly heavy.

Bloodcoat did not expect happiness to grow so fast under repeated attacks. He defeated the three elders of the blood league to make him shocked, but he was able to contact the person in charge of the paid channel and get the advertising assistance of the homepage, but it was never expected. To.

Entering the top ten of the paid list, it means that the happy family can match his blood!

Now, even if you use the previous method, use the trick, and use the number to make you happy, it will only happen in today's situation - not worth the candle.

"According to your temper, since you enter the first perspective of happiness, don't analyze anything, you will definitely not give up, I don't know if you have any good ideas."

The blood coat throws the puzzle to the dream cloud.

You must know that although everything was under his command, everyone in the world now knows that the five poison gates are controlled by Meng Yun, and they are the vassal forces of Yipintang.

"The strength of happiness is not to be underestimated. There is a school of "Dragon" and a sword that is hard enough to lighten. Even if the body of the detachment is not in the body, it has not enough to threaten the strength of the master. ""

"..." After inhaling deeply, the tone of the blood coat is even heavier: "I know what you mean in your words. I don't deny it. Even if it is me, I don't have the full grasp of the three elders in my presbyterian church. Otherwise, I won't be in a hurry to call you, I really need to contain it."

"The key is that we have no way to contain it."

Dream cloud smiles:

"Your blood alliance has dispatched more than 500 people this time. She has killed three top masters and more than four hundred elites. Even if I change places, I think the situation may not be better... that is, even if our family is big, talk to him. We can't afford it."

After a pause, I added a sentence before the **** clothes could not hold back:

"Don't you say that you have to deal with the original batch of people who are happy with the West?"

"People have found some, but happiness seems to have no idea of ​​contacting them..."

"He is not awake for a long time, maybe he still doesn't know, it's better to remind him!" There is something in Mengyun's words.

"You mean."

"In this time, no one is active in the forum, has been helping to increase the momentum? This time we help him... Turn all the previous things out! Let him know that there is such a group of people who have done something for him. ""

"good idea!"

The blood coat laughed on the phone:

"Happy people, I understand that others are good to him. He will definitely be better for that person. These people have lost a lot of opportunities for him. As long as we get out, he can't care."

"So, you are ready, when we are about to make a difference, your blood league shots, these people are disposed of, and then... the process is all made... understand?"

"Haha! Good way! Happy one is really difficult to deal with, but if you force them together, it will be much easier. If you are happy, no matter what these people are, it will be even better. When we influence the public opinion, this waking up The vegetative master who came over, immediately ruined!"

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