Sword Among Us

Chapter 965: Heavenly Devil

Chapter 965 Tianmo Qinqin

Jiangnan, the name of the land of fish and rice

The scenery in the south of the Yangtze River is even more beautiful, and there is a faint intoxicating moisture everywhere, which makes people feel refreshed and intoxicated.

The beautiful reed beach is neatly separated by a green-green tie, twists and turns, but it is quiet and refreshing.

Standing on the front end of the small bamboo raft that is not wide, feel the fresh air of the river wind and the reeds, and listen to the sound of the bamboo rafts, and there is a more drunkenness than drinking sorghum.

"Boat boss!"

"What is the son of the son?" The boss of the ship is an old man who is over 50 years old. He is honest and has a body, but he has a body that does not lose young people. He hears words and answers with an orderly pole.

I don’t want to go back, pointing to the front: “How far is it from Gusu City?”

"Oh, the son is really eager, not far ahead, is the land of Taihu Lake, after the Taihu Lake, you can go to Gusu City without two hours."

The boss of the ship replied.

"Haha, thank you."

"There are many sons and daughters, and the old man can't afford it."

I am happy not to open my mouth, but to enjoy the beauty while closing my eyes and preparing to go to the other side of the world.

It is already the second day from the capital. Although it is very fast, it wastes two days of cultivation time, which makes him anxious.

So these two days are basically practicing on the other side...

of course!

Not in the gang prison.

It’s hard to get the time to cultivate there. Happy and natural will not be wasted. I found a master of trouble in mythology, and raised the realm of “Imperial Body” and “Yi Jin Jing”.


Just as happiness was about to be pulled to the other side, suddenly a gust of wind blew from the reeds on the left.


Happy and quiet heart lake seems to be suddenly wrinkled, pull failure, directly wake up, suddenly open the bright eyes.

The boss of the ship behind him obviously felt an amazing momentum from the young man at the front end of the bamboo pole...

I used to be like a scholar of a scholarly scholar. At this time, there was a very amazing atmosphere of the rivers and lakes. The momentum of the body was not even worse than those of the rivers and lakes who wandered in Taihu Lake on weekdays.


Happy naturally, I didn’t pay attention to the boss behind me. The eyes were like electricity. I swept over the shore and the breeze was bent by many winds. The brow was slightly wrinkled.

There are people in the rivers and lakes nearby!

"Yi Jin Jing" runs at full speed, and rapidly expands its perception in the direction of the gusty wind.

After a few seconds, I was happy.

In the squally wind, there are some intermittent sounds in the faint...

When I heard this piece of music, there was a slight fluctuation in the blood, as if it was mobilized by the wonderful power contained in the sound.

With a heart and mind, I did not hesitate to take a gold from the Qiankun bag and throw it at the boss:

"Stop here and wait."

After that, I don’t give the boss the opportunity to answer. At the foot, the man is already smashing out seven or eight meters, gently on the calm river, and the two landings are on the shore.


In the sound of breaking the air and the sound of the clothes, the reeds swayed unscrupulously, and a black shadow horse flew toward the front without stopping.

Looking at the figure that happily flies and disappears, the boss of the ship opened his mouth and stunned for a while before he took the gold into his arms.

"The son, you can come back before dark!"


The reeds swayed for a few miles, and the whole was a soft yellow ocean.

However, in the depths of the reeds, the wind swept away, and the three figures flew in rapid flight. With the intermittent sound of the piano, the dense and sharp sound blade was like a violent momentum that destroyed everything. Two men in the back.

The sound of the piano is overbearing, and the two people who are against the enemy are obviously not the general martial arts masters.

The two men's eyes were indifferent, and they stared at the clothes with the eyes of the dead. They were brought out by a dozen women with red blood. The swords merged, and the sound blades that were easily escaped and shattered were chased in white. Behind the woman.

The latter is plain white, temperament is cold, and the eyebrows are ambiguous, but they are still shrouded in invincible.

"Eight ambush!"

"Jade refers to the star!!" "God to destroy the ghost!"

Despite the constant changes in the wind chimes to retreat from the enemy, but helpless, the two behind them are not only extraordinary strength, but also an amazing level of equipment. Even if they are stroked by the sound blade, they only wipe out a series of sparks, even the body. I didn’t shake it and I couldn’t see the damage.

Posture maintenance!

Good posture is maintained! !

"Haha! Wind chimes, your demon sounds are really good, but unfortunately you met two brothers in us!"

"In order to deal with you, we have deliberately created two sets of high-maintenance 4-segment magic devices. With our defense and posture, you can't run our palms!"

When the two talked, one left and one right, skilled to step on the grass, the swords and swords rolled up countless reeds, overwhelmingly formed two fierce black wolves, covering their faces and facing the wind chimes.

Under the two men's moves, each reed becomes as sharp as a long arrow!

The wind chimes suddenly broke into danger.

The face changed, I dare not sneak a shot of the magic piano!

Hey! ! !

The celestial ring turns and flies, and the six strings are facing the ground!

The wind chimes are like the demon possession, standing in place, the hands and the magic charm exudes the light and the light, with a jaw-dropping speed, ten fingers like the wind, in a very strange way, people play on the strings under the piano stand up……

"The devil slave!!"

"This girl wants to go with us! Be careful! Flash!!"

When I looked at the attitude and momentum of the wind chimes, the two of them changed their faces, but at this time, the moves had already been made, and they had to force them to recover and avoid them.

Wandering out of the wolf.

Unfortunately, it is still late...

The celestial piano is like being held in the air by an invisible big palm, spinning at a rapid speed; the wind chimes are faster, faster and more incredible, and a long hair without a wind automatically rolls up high, like a demon, the ten fingers are dazzling and dazzling. The tactics of constantly arranging a string of sound waves.

Silent piano sound, like a smashing like air...

One lap, two laps... ten laps, one hundred laps, 涟漪 overlapping, and the moment enveloped the range within a hundred meters.

Although the two recruited very fast, they did not run faster than the spread.

"The devil slave!"

"Unbeaten! Kill!"

With the coldness of the trial sound from the wind chime, the sound waves filled with space suddenly burst into amazing power at the same time!

Thousands of sounds seem to be as mad as the target...

A hundred meters range!

The moment when the reeds were cut, they were instantly cut into hundreds of fine powders by countless sound blades!

In less than three seconds, the 100-meter radius was completely submerged by the reed powder!

Although the two men who chased the wind chimes had good defenses, but they could not stand the baptism of thousands of sounds, the body was instantly pierced for thousands of times, like a **** rotten cloth, with eyes full of fear and invisible. I lived down to life.

Volt! !

The sky of reed powder, spread out like dust...

The reeds in the 100-meter radius are more than two meters long! An amazing gust of wind swept across all directions!


Complete all these wind chimes, and fall to the ground with a full force.

'天魔驭琴' is a song that is exhausted in the sound of the celestial music. After a song, the body does not have half of the true internal force. In a short time, just like ordinary people, you can easily kill it by yourself. It is a ban on the sound of the celestial music.

A long time ago, the wind chime once played once against the wolf organization. If it was not an emperor, the wind chime was already killed by a member of the injured wolf organization.



A blood spurted in the reeds, and the pale wind bells didn't even have the ability to run the heart. They barely took out a small dan from the Qiankun bag, which was already panting.

"I didn't expect the ordinary members of the wolf to reach this level. I can't deal with the scorpion slaves..."

"And, how did they avoid the speculation of the master!"

There was a lot of blood on the face of the wind chime.

But very quickly, this kind of blood that was nourished by Xiao Dandan quickly disappeared again. Looking at the faint shadows that appeared in the reed powder, the wind chimes were deeply inhaled, and immediately smiled and mocked: "I will know, The people of your wolves have always been careful, how can they only send two people to chase me!"

In front of the wind chimes is a yellow-skinned and dark-eyed master of the Central Plains, but the arrogant and indifferent eyes are exactly the same as the previous two.

Wild wolf!

Still a wolf!

The wolves sent this to kill her not two, but three!

"It is an apprentice of the rivers and lakes, and there are some means. We have killed the wild wolves. It has not been a long time since the casualties."

The man apparently saw that the wind chimes were obviously weak and weak, and even the ability to pull the strings of the demon strings was not. All the walks were very slow and leisurely. The indifferent face was also a bit of coldness: "However, who makes you a hundred Xiaosheng’s apprentice, there are him for you, and there are also the top state powers of Fengfenglou, Yipintang and many Central Plains. It is really not easy to kill you.”

"...How did you avoid the mystery of my master? Your whereabouts, my master has always locked."

"Speak up, feed and kill you, fight against Bai Xiaosheng, but our wolf has spent a lot of effort." The man laughed:

"Several people first went to the Americas, killed hundreds of people there, avoided the eyes and ears of your master with the effect of the celestial star, and immediately returned to the Central Plains, killing people in the middle, for this day, killing probably There are tens of thousands...the state of the annihilation star that has been maintained for a few months, and finally it is waiting for you to place the order."


The wind chime looks white:

"In order to kill me a weak woman, you are really willing to pay the money!"

"It's worth it. Nine yin is different from other players. Killing you once is enough to ruin you and Bai Xiaosheng..." The man laughed:

"Ha ha ha ha... I know that you want to delay the time, wait until your helpers come over, but unfortunately, even if they come, they can't stop me from killing you! And, you don't have that much time." The knife is sheathed.

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