Sword Among Us

Chapter 966: Confrontation wolf

Chapter 966 Fighting Wolf

The continuous reed land, along with the arrogant cutting of the violent sound blade, was cut into a flat dwarf with a diameter of two hundred meters. At first glance, it was very lack of beauty and love.

Happy is not very sure of the specific location of the piano sound, but after seeing this place, it quickly accelerated the pace.

Do not know why.

The power and momentum just now made him unconsciously think of the scene of the day when the Yangzhou Divide was besieged by Yipintang and Lingxiao Palace.

In the rep, the wind chimes used to help the brothers of Mufu kill the enemy as much as possible, and used the trick of forbidden, because the power was not enough to control, and eventually the string broke and died.

The amazing terrorist power just now is obviously ten times as great as the power of the time, which makes you happy!

Although I don't believe anyone in the Central Plains who dares to go with Bai Xiaosheng's apprentice, but the intuition tells him that the situation is not good, the speed of "Dong Xu Bu" is directly raised to the peak state, flying at the fastest speed in the reed land. Going over, approaching the unsightly place.

Happy eyes are good...

As soon as I saw it, on that huge open space, I fell on this woman with a sullen, pale face.

Wind chimes!

Although it is completely different from the soft and funny temperament of the other world's wind chimes, it is a little more chilly and majestic than a thousand miles away. It is a little bit weaker than a girl, and a little more suffocating, but happiness is still recognized at a glance. The identity of a woman who likes a white tunic.

With a gaze, I quickly noticed that there were two bodies lying in the distance not far from the wind chimes. To be precise, it should be a **** and ruined body that was destroyed by blood. It should be the enemy that caused the wind bell to ban.


His eyes turned and he found that when a man pulled his knife and slowly approached the wind chime, he was happy again, and the arrow rushed into the island's reeds.

Even if you are slow, happy know that the murder on the other side is pointing to the wind chimes!

Happy has forgotten that there is no intersection with the wind chimes of this world. Only the wind chimes in the mind are carrying the exaggerated box swords on the weak shoulders and following the pictures in the team.


The anger was like a glimpse of a sunny day, rushing into the reeds.

Hey! !

The other party's mind is completely concentrated on the wind chimes, because the relationship between the angles did not notice the joy of flying, until I heard the sound of the smashing of the clothes, a slight surprise! I thought that the helper of the wind chime has arrived!

Looking back, there was only one strange young man, one person and one sword, and the nervous look was missing. After careful scrutiny, he was replaced by indifference and murder.

A person……

No help, no faction.

It should not be a person of Bai Xiaosheng, just a guy who crossed the road.

Originally, the wind chimes heard someone rushing to the scene, such as the smell of surprises.

However, when I turned my face and looked at a strange swordsman who had escaped from the ordinary, the light swordsmanship did not reach the perfect situation. One heart suddenly fell back to the bottom and was disappointed.

The other party is a person of the wolf organization.

The top players in the Central Plains are hard to cope with! Unless the big gang team arrives, there is no way to save her, but it will lose her life.


"Get out of here!"

"He is a wild wolf!"

Although the wind chimes can't move because of their weakness, they seem to be sharp-eyed and arrogant, but they can't bear to endure each other because they have died and injured for no reason.

The wolf had some hesitation.

At this time, I heard the wind chimes proactively alert the people to leave, but the wild wolf’s eyes radiated an amazing murder: “Go?!”

"My wolf organization has done things to kill people, and has never left any living. Since it is here, let's stay."

During the speech, it was left in the original place, and the speed was amazing and greeted with happiness.


I don’t know if I’m happy when I’m here.

The wind chime lasted for five years and has long been cultivated to the point of inaction!

Three people can force the wind chimes to use the same ban, the average top master is difficult to do!

In the middle of the road, happy hearts have already flashed thousands of thoughts, and even included the wolves in the list of suspects.

After the reminder of the wind chimes, the heart sinks:

"Sure enough, the wolf?"

Although I have not yet prepared for the formation of the wolf organization, I have not thought that after several years of accumulation, the members of the wolf have reached this level, and the trio can push the wind chimes into such a situation, but in the heart There is no thought of retreating.

If you come across it, just take a nap!

Sooner or later, I will fight the evil emperor. Now, since there is an opportunity, it is necessary to have a pair with the ordinary members of the wolf and understand the strength of the members of the Wolves.

There were a few thoughts flashing in my heart, and my eyes immediately became much colder. The sword that did not hesitate greeted the people, and screamed in the mouth: "Take your wild wolf and wolf, since you hit the hands of this son, die for me!" !!"

The latter three words are accompanied by an astonishing power, a type of magical scorpion, when the sky is drawn with a savage black scorpion, rolling to the wolf.


The scornful color in the eyes of the person is thicker:

"Ordinary four-stage one-name device, the sword method has not reached the great perfection, this strength also dares to go to the front of this seat, it is ignorant and fearless."

On one side of the body, it is easy to avoid the swordsmanship that is happy and open, and suddenly accelerates at the foot, and instantly deceives the face of happiness.

The dark long knife with the cold and icy cold mans, instantly turned out the six-knife shadow, and sealed all the dodging routes.

Between a move, happiness falls into danger.

"It’s a man who is a wild wolf, an international mercenary, and he is cautious."

It’s a pity to be happy.

I sold a very obvious flaw to lure the other party into the move. I didn't expect the other party to choose the trick change, the kind that can be attacked and defended, instead of killing the killer.

Although it is a pity, the happy movements have not been a bit sloppy.

The golden giant bell floated out and slammed into six knives.


A loud noise, the knives are broken, the Admiralty is annihilated - although the golden bell is the body of the creation of the realm, but the righteousness is out, but the opponent's knives are offset before the other knives are released.


This move of happiness is obviously beyond the expectations of the other party. I did not expect that the one that I was determined to win was actually broken by the other party so easily.


The sword stunned and shook out seven black lotuses in one breath and retaliated back.


This scene also gave the wind chimes.

Just now I saw a happy "stunning" trick, she has already done a good job of closing his eyes and not watching him dead, but I did not expect this guy to have a secretive style of play, the golden bell ecstasy actually makes this Skilled, but instead of stepping back the wild wolf.


After being forced to retreat, the man showed a sneer: "Resolve you within three strokes!!"

A wild wind screamed out of the latter's body!

boom! ! !

With that person as the center, an amazing momentum broke out from his body! The reed powder in all directions was blown by the amazing waves of the air, and it was instantly a circle of tens of meters.

The view is blocked!

The powder is blown into the eyes like lime powder.


I am happy and my eyes are uncomfortable.

At the same time, the warning signs in my heart are mad! Less than thought, the powder in front of it became a huge whirlpool, and a sharp knife was transmitted from it.

The hesitation of the moment, the sharp knife is already slamming into the face of happiness, avoiding inevitable...

Golden body Lohan! !

At the critical moment, I was happy to start the golden body.

The skin hardens instantly, and an amazing will comes.

The sharp knife fell to the body almost at the same time...

Wiping out the power of vomiting blood from the body;

But happy but successfully avoided the mortal killing!

It seems that it was a surprise that his long knife was blocked, and there was a slight horror in the air again... It was returned to himself by the golden body Lohan.

Between the masters, the outcome is often a moment, life and death are only between one thought.

Happy because of the changes in the environment and the discomfort of the eyes, I suddenly entered the danger, but I used the precious Aojin Jin Luohan to support it;

But the wolf's man was stunned for half a second because of the killing that he had made in an instant.

A half-second mistake may not be completely useful to ordinary people.

But in the eyes of happiness, it has become the most crucial turning point in this battle!

The wolves are even more powerful than the three elders of the blood league that have been dealt with the previous two days... whether it is the mind or the strength - even the golden body can cause trauma.

Dragon swing tail! !

At the moment when the opponent was able to retreat with a knife, he did not hesitate to start the counterattack technique. The body was twisted like a dragon, his eyes closed, and the lightning-like rushed into the mist.

boom! ! !

There was a strong crash in the air.

The wolf was flew out.

call! !

With a lot of reed powder, from the reeds flying in the sky, like a cannonball flying out, the body could not grasp the balance and rolled a dozen meters before they jumped up.

This roll, the mighty equipment has a lot of reed powder! It looks dirty, it’s awkward...

Not far away, the weak wind chimes are stunned, and the face is incredibly shocking!

I thought that the unlucky guy who was kicked out should be the strange swordsman who had solved the problem. I didn’t expect...

Only a face-to-face, the master of the wolf is forced to retreat for the second time, and the loss is not small.

"threw up!!"

Some of the reed powder accidentally touched the lips. After the wolf master spit out angrily, the eyes were already cold and cruel, staring at the happiness that slowly came out from the inside, and there seemed to be an invisible in the eyes. The flame is burning.

"You are irritating me."

"..." Hearing, happy just shrugged his shoulders, turned a blind eye, his face was very plain and said: "I just can't understand you bullying a woman, you have to fight, I will accompany you."

"Play, naturally, I want to fight, but..." The wild wolf master said coldly here, suddenly his tone turned: "I will wait until I finish the task, then pack you up."

As soon as the voice fell, a black and white mansions flashed out, and the goal was a wind chime that was not far from the resistance!

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