Sword Among Us

Chapter 967: What is your name

Chapter 967 What is your name?

The wolf organization is a more disciplined organization in the international mercenary. Although it is only a game, when the situation changes, it will still not hesitate to complete the task as the first priority - and this time, the reed will lie in the wind. Already paid two masters, the price is not small, although the killing of happy now is getting stronger, but the rationality still has the upper hand.

Mission goal, wind chimes.

The wild wolf master is almost at the moment when the voice falls. The raised hand is a black and thin man. It is intended to solve the wind chimes without any resistance, complete the task, and then deal with it without knowing where to kill it. The master of the Central Plains - at least in his opinion, can take the upper hand twice from his hands, using the golden bell to cover this low-level body to counter the people, in the Central Plains can definitely rank among the top players.


The wolves clearly understand the meaning of killing the wind chimes once. They are happy and don’t understand their purpose. He knows better than the wolves. The wind chime is once equal to the previous effort. It takes at least one year to recover. The blow with the wind chimes is great.

So from the moment I came to see the wind chimes, I was always watching the other side’s every move.

After the "Yi Jin Jing" reached the ninth level, the ears were clear and the perception of the surrounding was very strong, and it was no less inferior to Jiuyang Shengong.

The wolf master raised his hand, and after the happy, he rushed to the wind chimes first...

Hey! !

The dark weapon technique of the wild wolf master is very concealed, but under the cover of the happy flying, the other party does not notice his other action.


The sound is crisp and the metal sings.

The black and white mans were intercepted by a white light in the air, and both fell into the ground near the wind chimes.

This accurate and beautiful flying knife not only shocked the wind chime, but the wild wolf master also sank his face, and the eyes that looked happy became more dignified and dangerous.

"But I can bully the little girl, what kind of skill, you wolf, this is only the ability?" Happy has appeared in front of the wind chimes, looking at the ugly wolf master, slowly got up...

The latter suddenly laughed after a cold cry:

"I have to see, how do you want to keep her!"

Although the other party's strength is extraordinary, experienced, and even faint, there are signs of restraining themselves, but counterbalance is one thing. To protect an ordinary person without any action in front of a strong enemy is another time. thing.

This means that next, happy to stay in front of the wind chimes, move, miss a few attacks, the wind chimes will fall.

"Is your close ability not very good? I have to see, how long can you stay under my attack..."

As soon as the voice fell, the three black knives flashed out!

The happy face has become less beautiful...

This guy really is not a general reason.

Actually, relying on the advantages of the realm to attack remotely, so that he can not move at all, only to block the scalp in front of the wind chimes.

The black cockroach instantly infused over the long sword.

The moment of the knife and the body, the happy shot.

The body was slightly shocked, and the sharp knife was happily seen as a light and easy block, but there was no half-back.

The wild wolf master once again showed the unexpected color:

"High arm strength."

"It is rare to see players who have been trained to get out of the country. They can have such high arm and root bones at the same time... The body is still so smart." Speaking of the latter, I still don't forget to add a sentence.

"Friends' life-saving grace, wind chimes remember, today, regardless of whether the wind chimes have survived, you must recommend you to my master, and thank you."

The wind chime said behind the happy.

Thank you again?

The wind chime here, it seems that there is no cute **** the other side.

Thinking in my heart, I suddenly noticed that the wind chime seemed to be using my body to cover up some small movements.

Happy did not look back, did not answer, but I realized that the wind chime just said that I want to distract the attention of the wild wolf master.

It happened that he felt that the wolf was really troublesome. It was not easy to deal with. He simply laughed at the wind chimes: "It turned out to be a wind chime girl who is known as a piano in the rivers and lakes. I heard that you should please your master Bai Xiaosheng to cover people. Once in a row, at least 10 million yuan of silver once, when the wind chimes girl can make Bai Xiaosheng promise to cover me thousands of times, not to be found by Ye Lang people, then Cheng."

"This is no problem!"

The wind chime responded with a loud voice, while quietly pulling the Tianmo piano thrown aside...

The two sang one by one, and the posture did not put the opposite person in the eye.

The latter sneered:

"... It seems that you don't know the wolf organization, dare to take the initiative to block the good things of the wolf, no matter who you are, you can't keep you!"

"Oh, I see, the person who can't keep it is you!"

The wind chimes look cold and cold:

"Since you have shot me, you should be ready to be killed by the entire Central Plains! From the moment you started, my master should have gotten the news and ordered people to encircle... You think, you still have the opportunity to live. Leaving the Central Plains?!"

Although there is no such thing as intrinsic gas, these words are still very impressive. Although the wind chimes do not belong to any gang organization, Bai Xiaosheng is also the same, but Bai Xiaosheng’s status in the Central Plains is transcendent, and the disciples’ wind chimes are The only six-finger violin descendant, a piece of piano sound can break the soul, the two on the rivers and lakes in fact with the vast majority of gang forces to deal with, dispatch troops, anytime, anywhere.

It’s really hard to encircle a few people in the Central Plains with the gold signboard of Bai Xiaosheng...

"Oh, dead to the end, still a hard mouth!"

The wild wolf master is a person who is used to life and death and bloody. How can he be caught by a little girl: "It’s useless to delay the time. The nearest city is dozens of miles away. People waiting for Bai Xiaosheng arrive, I Walking without a shadow... As for the two guys... Do you think that the people of my wolf organization break through, and those mediocre hands can stop?"

Suddenly, sneer again:

"Little girl, still want to delay the time?"

"Unfortunately, I am not interested in continuing to talk nonsense with you. You two, fighting today!" The eyes were cold, and the wild wolf master shot out, instantly forcing three knives, and the people disappeared from the place.

Happy face changes slightly.

The previous shot was a temptation, and now... It seems that the other party is really impatient and ready to be strong!

The figure of the latter was set, and I was very happy to welcome it!

Dragon plate! !

At the moment of leaving the wind chime, the fourth form of "Dragon 10" came, and an invisible majestic breath suddenly solidified around the happy.

The defense of the invincible body suddenly increased, and the three knives of the hard-working wild wolf masters;

Under the horror of the wild wolf master, I was happy to eat three strong attacks, but the body did not shake, and immediately rushed to the front!


The response of the wolf is not unpleasant. Seeing the happy cracking and picking up his own moves, the mood has not been shaken, and he has not hesitated to force a knife. The speed is amazing, leaving a shadow, ready to bypass happiness, first extinguished. Wind chimes.

But at the moment he started, he saw that he was very happy and shunned the blade and said that he was still awkward with one hand and caught himself! This shot, the whole body is flawless, and the empty door is exposed!

"what's the situation?"

The wolf master's heart just flashed this thought, and soon his face changed.

An irresistible force is uploaded from the other hand...

The body is stiff! !

The destination was actually seen in advance, and the whole person seemed to be sent to the happy hands as if he had intentionally sent it to the door.

Robbing pulse?

The wolf master's heart flashed a chill in the heart, and it is already a good intention to start a protective body to support a round of attacks.


The dragon's hand raided the work, and happiness is obviously not easy to lose the chance to kill the enemy.

One catch, one buckle, one twist, one spin.

The wild wolf master suddenly became like a little punk on the ordinary street, and was happily brought around with a lap.

In the midst of chaos, the wolf master feels that his arm is still happy and firmly in his hand.

Dark into the body! There was no way to condense the slightest internal force, and when I was on the face, I realized that I actually encountered a top secret master.

In the air, people found a happy face flashing a touch of cool color, and then a series of almost horrible power carrying dark power from the various joints of the body, the point of penetration.


At this point, the wind chimes of the battle are incredibly wide-eyed, and I can’t believe everything in front of me...

After the wild wolf masters were in close encounter, they were directly caught by a strange mysterious swordsman, spinning like a sandbag in the air;

Happy fists continue to fall on the latter.

Judging from the splashing picture of the wild wolf master, the wind chime decisively determined that the magic weapon extracted from the celestial piano was not used.

Unfamiliar mysterious swordsman, oh no, now it should be said that the warrior is right, almost no intention to give the other party the opportunity to struggle and resist, but also the qualifications for landing, there are at least ten seconds, the body has at least 30 more fists, face Both fight off.

"When did the Central Plains come out with such a powerful master?" The wind chimes are deeply inhaled. If it is not because the master Bai Xiaosheng can clearly explore the origins and everything of the other party, she really doubts whether the savior in front of him will be The wild wolf sent.

It lasted for about half a minute...

Happy finally stopped!

thump! !

The body of the wild wolf master fell to the ground like a broken sandbag, his face was swollen and his face was blurred, and he could not see a good piece of meat.

"...too violent."

"It seems that there is a little bit." Happy smiled embarrassedly, suddenly turned to the wind chime, very serious: "Now, it is time to cash in."


A wind chime:

The heroes who saved people in the rivers and lakes are not very high-spirited and modest, and this guy...

"You can rest assured that there are not many people in the Central Plains, and you will not retaliate against you now. Can you trouble me to protect me from leaving here?"

Wind chimes explain.

"Send the Buddha to the west, I will naturally take you to Suzhou, but after the trouble you tell your master, if you want to return to the human condition, use the fog of the sky, don't let the ordinary Zhouyi teacher find me easily."

"Listen to you, it seems that you have a lot of enemies, right, you still don't know what you call..."



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