Chapter 972, the old man

"Little Li Ge! Little Li Ge!!"

In the backyard of Murong's family, the whirlwind Li Lizheng himself was eager to feed the little white rabbit for the "Participation". He suddenly heard the screaming screaming of his name, and he did not feel up and screamed at the stranger: "You are not Going to the market to set up a stall? So coming back so soon?"

The person who yelled in was his younger brother, Wenyuan, a normal player who was not a good talent. Like him, he did not make a comeback in the Murong family, but he wanted to get one of the yy of "Shenzhizhi" and "Take the Stars Move". .

"Little Li Ge, let me go."

Wenyuan looked excitedly and pulled up the whirlwind. Xiao Li went out.

The latter quickly rushed half of the carrots in his hand to the rabbit's nest, and opened his hand: "What are you going to do? Feathers... Don't quarrel me, I have a mission."

"Brother, I will take you to see someone."

"See people, who is such a big face, did not see me feeding the rabbit, telling him that I am not available... Also, I see you can't see the talent right, your clothes? Is it robbed?" Li looked up and down Wenyuan, this kid has a whiteboard underwear, how dazzling and wretched.

Wenyuan discovered that he did not wear clothes on his body...

"It’s not a robbery, it’s a good thing."

"Are you being robbed?"

"I am! What are you thinking about in your head."

"There is something to say, frighten my rabbit, don't eat radish, I have you look good..." Cyclone Xiao Li continued his rabbit radish business.

Wenyuan was so anxious to turn his eyes, but when he saw his brother’s indifference, he talked helplessly from the beginning:

"Senior brother, when I went to the market to set up a stall, I met a strange person. He said that he knew you and then wanted to buy my clothes..."

"I certainly don't know this person." Wenyuan's words were interrupted by the whirlwind Xiao Li, the latter was a serious saying: "Who I know, who will brains to buy your body? A set of 2 paragraphs and 2 products Equipment transition..."

"The point is not this. I was afraid that others would look at my equipment and look down on me, so I wore the ordinary costumes of the family."

" really got robbed."

The whirlwind Xiao Li’s head did not return to sigh.

"Brother!!" Wenyuan was full of indignation.

"Well, look at what you are being humiliated. The first thing that comes to mind is me. You continue to say..." Whirlwind Xiao Li smirked and teased the little rabbit.

At this time, Wenyuan has no temper completely, and has been relieved from the previous personal excitement!

"The guy said that he knew you, then bought all the things on my clothes and stalls and gave me two million dollars."

Wenyuan's tone is much calmer. Even when it comes to money, it is also a gloomy face: "He said that he knows you, saying that if you come back, bring you something."


This time, the whirlwind Xiao Li finally turned his face.

"Hey, I heard the news of yours?" Wenyuan was angry.

Whirlwind Xiao Li shakes his head:

"I am wondering, can you sell two million **** rubbish? One million is not bad... I am interested now, who is this brain pumping guy?"

"You don't want to know what he told me to give you?"

""Black Heaven Magic", your kid took me to open it?" Cyclone Xiao Li does not have to guess, because Wenyuan has already got things in his hands under the excitement.

However, Xiao Li’s expression in the whirlwind is very weird.

At present, most of the first-class ordinary masters on the rivers and lakes use the body-building methods of life and death, and they can have a certain status with the solution of the body.

The reputation of "Black Heaven Magic Body" is not small. It is considered to be advanced in the body. The value is about 50 million. It is not a whirlwind that Li can afford, let alone this guy...

However, the whirlwind Xiao Li does not believe in the words of Wenyuan.

Someone stopped him on the street to buy a set of ordinary costumes of Murong family disciples worth no more than one hundred and two silver? Also use two million and two silver to buy the garbage of less than one million in the hands of the following garden? Moreover, it is also very safe to hand over the "Black Heaven Magic Body" worth more than 50 million to a stranger.

The first reaction of Cyclone Xiao Li was that the boy in Wenyuan flew to the wind, and then he ran to the front to show off.

"Brother, this is what the person told me to give you."

"Too lazy to care about you."

The whirlwind Xiao Li went straight down.


"Black Heaven Magic Body" falls on the side of the whirlwind Xiao Li.

Feeling the significance of the move of Wenyuan, the heart of the whirlwind Xiao Li suddenly heated up, slowly turned back, looked at the cheats on the ground, and looked at the Wenyuan with a serious expression.

A few minutes passed...

"Take me to find him!"

Whirlwind Xiao Li put away the "Black Heaven Magic Body", with a whiteboard of the Wenyuan rushed out of the Murong family, rushed to the market!


But what surprised them was that when they found the young stall owner, Cyclone Xiao Li was speechless and found that he was obviously not half-seen to this person.

Never seen it before!

However, the whirlwind Xiao Li was surprised to see that the atmosphere of the three people before the stall was strange, and immediately approached the past with the Wenyuan...

The confrontation of the four people was quickly swayed by Li Xiaoming.

Although I don't know what the four people are entangled, because of the "Black Heaven Magic Body", the whirlwind Xiao Li naturally stands on the side of the young stall owner.

When he heard that the young stall owner said that the things on the booth were useful and that they were very skilled, the whirlwind Xiao Li had a feeling...

The other person may be a person of the Murong family, and he may know him.

Is it a human skin mask?

Whirlwind Xiao Li pressed the heart to the excitement and curiosity.

However, after hearing the whirlwind, Xiao Li noticed a trace of flaws...

When the other party was talking about the city's main government, the whirlwind Xiao Li and Wenyuan were obviously a glimpse.

The main house of the city has entered a house, but a few things like the mythical masters are obviously nonsense...

There is no such thing as a mythical master in the city government, and the masters of the mythology who are responsible for arresting wanted criminals are from six doors.

This kid is jealous.

The moment when the two people look at each other and smile, the sudden change! !

At that moment, the cyclone Xiao Li breathed suddenly! !

From the young stall owner to the broken neck to kill but not blindly, the instant succeeded, Jin Luochao's neck was crushed like a martial art, and the sound of a piercing bone cracked, the head abnormally twisted to one side.

At the same time, the other happy one is already holding the wolf's neck.

However, the vigilance of Canglang is obviously slightly stronger than that of Jinluosha. Although it has been stopped, it has already started the bodyguard, and the action of tearing has turned into a shock.


With a sigh, the wolf's face was ugly, and the wolf was extremely stunned.

The neck is originally a weak and vulnerable part.

Although the start of the guard body resisted the fatal blow of the young stall owner, the latter's retreat was almost the same as the top of the throat.

Breathing is difficult to retreat, and his face is purple and blue, temporarily losing the ability to do it.

The young stall owner instantly smashed the three masters into one death and one injury. The thunderous attack caused the surrounding players to be frightened and withdrawn.

"Sure enough, you!!"

The blood prison knife reacted and saw the situation of the wolf and the golden robes, and the face became extremely ugly.

"How dare you do it in the city!"

The person who made the violent attack is happy...

Seeing the blood knife knives in front of the wolf, happy sighed and sighed, and immediately looked "what is afraid?" but did not hesitate to tear off the human skin mask from the wind chimes, revealing Your own original appearance.


The people around are exclaiming.

The whirlwind Xiao Li and Wen Yuan are even more stunned.

How is this going.


The person who gave the whirlwind Xiao Li "Black Heaven Magic Body" turned out to be a super master who had been rumored in recent times.


Happy naturally, I have already recognized the whirlwind Xiao Li, but I don’t know what to say now, and it is not convenient to talk.

Under the protection of the blood prison knife, the wolf's face was purple and blue, and his face was almost distorted. He stared at himself with sorrow: "Very good, I thought that Bai Xiaosheng did not intend to revenge. I didn't expect it to come! It seems that this Everything has been designed by Bai Xiaosheng, and the trap is here to wait for us to hook up..."

"..." In this regard, happiness is not okay.

Originally, Zhengda’s bright and unconscionable two peaks, who are not in the blood of the blood, have no chance of winning. The other side is suspicious and suspicious.

However, this news is heard in the ears of other people, but it is no less than a ten-level typhoon - players who are far from the battle circle have a shocking expression and look happy.

Bai Xiaosheng?

What is the relationship between happy and Bai Xiaosheng?

Many people have countless question marks on their heads, including the whirlwind Xiao Li, and even can't help but let Wenyuan help him to see if he is dreaming.

"No way, it is really the reputation of your wolf organization is too big, too evil, even the apprentice of such a kind person of Bai Xiaosheng has not let go, this time because I really can't look down, I promised Bai Xiaosheng to help. Killing you..." Happy and timely throws a more shocking and explosive news.

No amount of light suddenly slammed into the body of the wolf and the blood knife!

Wolf organization!

Many people change color on the spot...

The wolf organization used intimidation, intimidation, assassination and other bad means to monopolize the vast majority of the gang resources in the world. The only thing in the Central Plains has not been how to get involved. This is the pride and pride of the Central Plains martial arts. The most sensitive topic.

Hearing the wolf, the blood prison knife turned out to be a wolf organization, and the players present suddenly understood what it was all about.

"No wonder they are so equipped..."

"It turned out to be a wolf organization!"

"The purpose of their coming to the Central Plains this time is to deal with Bai Xiaosheng and our Central Plains master!"


"That guy died very well..."

"So, I am happy to join forces with Bai Xiaosheng to fight the wolf organization?"

For a time, the players in the hearts of the game flashed thousands of thoughts.

Soon, the emotions of the enemy are appearing on every player present!

"This awkward kid."

The wolf's brow is close, and the heart is dark.

If Bai Xiaosheng breaks their identity, they are not afraid, because Bai Xiaosheng at the top let the masters of the big gang come over - a person standing in the high position gives orders, ordinary players have always ignored because of various emotions.

Then they can just count the money.

But happy has mobilized the emotions of ordinary civilian players and enemies, because he does not have any gangs, and has fame, prestige and strength, freeing the realm, just to represent the masses.

Happy naturally, I see everything in my eyes. I also expect that the wolf and the blood prison knife will definitely break through after the arrival of the masters of the six doors, pick up the things that the Golden Rakshah burst, earn the pockets, and then stop short. Rush to two people! (The killing star effect is killed, the explosive equipment)


As fast as lightning.

The long knife of the blood prison knife is faster.


Or because the shadows in the reed field have brought shadows, the blood prison knife is fully open, the body is activated, and the defensive moves are still used. The sharp swords are constantly rotating in front of them, protecting themselves like hedgehogs. .

The wolf is still uncomfortable, unable to shoot, under the cover of the blood prison knife, holding a thing in his hand, but he dare not easily shot.

Because there is a shadow in his heart!

Mythical master...

There are masters of mythology in Gusu City.

This thing in the hand, there is no problem in dealing with happiness, but once it is launched and hurt others, it is difficult for him to leave the Central Plains again.

Now, relying only on the blood prison knife to resist the happy attack, delay the time, waiting for the mythical master to show up!

He did not know, his psychology has long been known and calculated.

It is expected that the wolf will not dare to use the big killing magic device casually. Happy is also a good idea to win the two people's ideas - anyway, the only one who really has the strength is the blood prison knife.

If the blood prison knife is holding the normal state of mind and confronting him, he must defeat him. If he says no, he will have to spend a lot of hands and feet and time. Now in the shadow of defeat, the defense moves are as good as the thief. Show your own safe.

It happens that...

Happy for the crack of the move, not the general experience.

tread! tread! tread! tread!

Four steps!

Four swords!

At each step, a wave of darkness spreads;

Each sword contains the power of the 12 points of "The Devil's Destruction", which respectively attacked the four weak points of the blood knife.

Happy can send out their own attacks in a short time, but the blood prison knife has no way to seal all attacks in the blink of an eye.

Up and down two roads, inside and outside!

A sigh.

When you are happy, you know that the blood prison knife has been used for four times to resist the long sword.

Injury in the body, the movement is inevitable, the flaw is more obvious!

Hei Yiyi rushed into the knife without hesitation, cutting a few blood marks from the bloodstain knife's face.


At this moment, the face of the blood prison knife is exposed to the shackles and tricks...

boom! ! !

An astonishing black inflammation emerged from the body of the scorpion wolf behind the blood knife.

The frantic black inflammation instantly increases the temperature around it a lot.

Suddenly, the wolf seems to have recovered his ability to act. His face is proud and his arms are widened. A force of imprisonment firmly holds his heart:

Gas field! !


"Give me death!"

When the pressure is reduced, the blood prison knife suddenly laughs, and if you don’t say anything, you can slap the knife! The two have a tacit understanding, as if they had rehearsed thousands of times in advance.

In the twinkling of an eye, the knife wind is in front of happiness.

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