Chapter 973 Danger

A year and a half of sleep, for ordinary people, should have been unable to keep up with the times!

Like happy, after re-emergence, I immediately became famous.

On the one hand, because the foundation of happiness here is indeed very solid, the understanding of various martial arts has been integrated, and the moves are easy to handle; on the other hand, thanks to the high-end development of the world on the other side of the year and a half - the myth of contact There are more masters in the world, and the eyes are widened, and naturally it is in front of many people!


After all, it has been in operation for five years, which means that the high-end players here are far more than a year and a half happy on the other side of the contact - all this, in the ordinary players and ordinary players. The body is still not reflected, but in the face of high-end top experts, facing the master of the night wolf organization, happy finally realized their shortcomings for the first time, the crisis brought by the blank of this year and a half!

He has never heard of the means of the wolf...

This kind of power that exchanged itself with the insane madness actually made him appear in a state of impending mobility for a moment.

With the attack of the blood prison knife, the moment will form a mortal situation!

On the occasion of a thousand miles!

Happy quickly speculated that the tricks that the wolf used to exchange for many internal forces should be a kind of strong control martial arts similar to the gas field, and immediately gave up the dodge, biting the teeth and bearing the blood knife.


The knife is like a dying yang, lightning-like from the chest of happiness, bringing out a **** mark...

It is a man of the wolf organization. In addition to the toughness of the heart, the fighting skills are also superior. The strength contained in the knife is not very strong, but it is forced to be attached to the darkness, and it is so happy that the body is tumbling and the whole person is away. The ground rises and loses balance.

"Get rid of him!"

The wolf licked his neck, staring at the screaming and screaming, and his chest was violently ups and downs. Obviously, the trick he had just made him pay no small price.

"Reassured, can't run."

In the twinkling of an eye, the blood prison knife chased behind the happy ones, and even three knives, shocked to be full of blood, the body barely touched the ground, and went out for dozens of meters.

At this moment, the silver shirt in front of the happy chest has been cracked a few cracks, and there are several shocking scars on the chest! The mouth is bloody, it seems to be a lot of wolverines...

When the fifth knife fell on the happy body, happiness was already crumbling, clutching the sword, '蹬蹬蹬', under the attack of the blood prison knife, stepping on the rush and constantly stalking, the foot was dying, it seems that even the station is unstable. A second second may not support the appearance of falling in the hands of the blood prison knife.

The blood prisoner's face is cold and cold, and he is tightly biting the joy that is constantly retreating. The fierce knife is aggressive and progressive, and the cold Chinese is like a bullet.

"If you appear with the wind chime, maybe we will still be jealous of you three points, ridiculous you actually find someone to come to the door ... give me death!!"

Speaking of the back, suddenly the whole person's momentum rose, and the long knife in his hand shook a silver light, like the overwhelming tide:

"Yinhai Shengbo!"

The silver light skyrocketed, and the squatting was happy.

However, when the blood jail knife was full and ready to use the killing trick to end all of this, suddenly the pupils shrank, and it was incredible to find that the body was crumbling and the eyes could not be seen, and he was walking in the moment of his move. The momentum of the smashing wolf smashed, and the sword stabbed into the vast silver sea!

The people watching the war did not feel strange.

In their view, happiness has long been unable to stand up, has been dragging the heart of the wounded battle with the blood prison knife, the battle to death is only a matter of morning and evening.

The **** knife smashed out of the savage power, so that people who watched the war far felt the devastating oppression, happy to die, but it is showing their will!


Unbelievable things have been staged.

Happy starling a little starburst, after the cave into the waves like the Milky Way, the blood prison knife's momentum is like a blown balloon, it disappeared without a trace.


boom! !

The happiness of the banyan tree, if the whole person is struck by lightning, flies out more than ten meters with a sigh;

In contrast, the blood prison knife.

The wolf master who has always maintained the upper hand, but after the slashing of the knife, with an unbelievable gaze, staring at the happy for a few seconds, seeing the latter actually panted and regained, no death, There was a disappointment and unwillingness in the eyes!

"This way you can't kill you."

The words of the blood prison knife smashed out such a sentence.

Until this moment, the talents watching in the distance found that there was a red line invisible in the neck of the blood prison knife...

As soon as the voice fell, the red line quickly became clear and the blood splashed out!

Under the astounding eyes of countless people, the blood prison knife blew blood in front of the happy throat, and the body fell to the ground in a hard state, falling between happy and wolf.


Everyone, including the wolf, didn't think that things would be such a result!

The blood knife that holds the upper hand is actually blood, and the happy sword that is about to die is killed...

A lot of players are confused, and their eyes move back and forth between the body and the wolf's wheezing, and it is difficult to agitate the liquid in the throat:

"What happened in the end?"

"How come to die?"

Although happy and alive, the result of the death of the wild wolf master is gratifying, but including the whirlwind Xiao Li, everyone does not know the moment when the blood prison knife is a killer, what is happy in the end...

How happy is alive?

Lived under the horrible offensive of the Blood Prison Knife, and stabbed the top master, the Blood Prison Knife.

The wolf's eyes are also tightly condensed, staring at the incredible incredible.

"What the **** are you doing!"

In the face of the wolf's drink, the whole body was hurt, and the whole body hurts. After a few seconds of inhalation, I grinned and said, "What did I do? Why didn't you ask your companion what to do? Don't talk nonsense. Now, there is only one of you in the three-person group. You can also meet him at Wu Temple!"

Happy words are very slow and very difficult.

Because now every mouth vomiting a syllable will affect the pain nerves, all the pain.

The power of the inaction knife is not covered!

Although the defensive body of the semi-hanger is good, it has been broken at the time of the fourth knife! If it is not because the "Yi Jin Jing" defense against the periosteum is enough to offset some of the dark damage, I am afraid that the blood knife has been beaten when the fifth knife is out!

No one knows that it was just when the situation was most dangerous, and I was happy to know the mystery of Yi Jin Jing in battle.

The more serious the injury, the more "Yi Jin Jing" can play a strong self-recovery ability...

There is a wound!

The meridians automatically close and quickly stop bleeding;

Intensive into the body, the periosteum immediately strong one point, weaken the dark damage, and instantly recover.

Don't look at the blood puncture knife just hit him, but he can recover a certain injury from the breath of Yi Jin Jing;

Happy naturally, nothing will be good.

Dark energy can hurt people and protect people!

As long as the infuriating air is condensed to the part that is suffering damage, the defense is greatly increased, so the attack of the blood prison knife is basically difficult to cause substantial damage.

The reason why I have never fight back, happy is also to open the distance with the wolf...

He is worried that if the wolf can use the previous means again, then even if there is the anti-day practice of "Yi Jin Jing", once again, it will never bear the indiscriminate bombing of the blood prison knife.

The wolf did not keep up, happy is the idea of ​​counterattack!

But what he didn't think of was that the blood prison knife chose to kill the murderer at this time.

This trick of making exaggerated sounds contains a magical effect, which can give an illusion that is incomparable to some extent - unfortunately, the blood prison knife does not know, the ability to listen to the wind and recognize the position, with the "Yi Jin Jing" belt The spiritual consciousness that comes is not affected by the illusion.

When the trick is at its peak, it is also the most vulnerable moment of the blood knife itself...

Seize the opportunity, kill and kill!

Happy to complete the anti-killing in the textbook.


No one sees the means of happiness in the people watching the war.

Although the wolf is clever, although he realizes that the happiness after a hard fight with the blood prison knife may have been nearly dry, raising his hand can kill, but before he is happy, he has created a weak and suppressed posture, but in the Jedi. Under the circumstance, everyone unexpectedly killed the blood knife under the peak state! The death of the blood prison knife brought him a lot of shock, so that he suspected that his speculation is not wrong, this is not a happy trick.

This stop is to let the happiness sigh.


In order to fight off the blood prison knife, I happily used the "magic annihilation of the world" theory power is not small "devil destroy this life", paying a full two hundred points of internal force, the realm fell to life and death, this time if the wolf shot, still Can not get rid of the fate of the tragedy.


After weighing the pros and cons, the wolf carefully chooses to open the distance and delay the time.

Happy smile.

Although the master of mythology has already been dispatched, because the slaying star is killed in the city, happy bet the wolf does not know the difference in treatment.

If ordinary martial arts people are killed in the city, the mythical strong will quickly appear in the city and maintain world peace.

But it’s a pity...

Killing the slaying star in the city, although the murderer will be wanted, but the mythical power will be slightly negatively completed, and it will take a few minutes to slowly appear.

The wolf is a man of the wolf organization. It is obviously the first time to use this kind of handwriting to sneak into the Central Plains to kill!

Until the happy "Yi Jin Jing" recovered most of the injuries on the body, the mythical strong people of the six doors still did not appear, but the golden Luosha who was happy to be crushed to death, murderously found back, in countless The player's exclamation came out of the crowd.

Hearing the movement behind him, he was happy to look back at Jin Luosha. The latter was fierce and rushed over. The momentum and speed displayed from the latter were not difficult to see that the other side was not injured.

"The wolf organization really has money."

While evading, I am happy and heartfelt.

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