Sword Among Us

Chapter 974: Golden knife catching fast

Chapter 974 Golden Knife catching fast

Jin Luozhan is a grumpy person! This time I came to the Central Plains to ambush the wind chimes. After the failure of the mission, I was already very depressed!

Jin Luozha can't wait to catch people who accidentally appear to disturb the plan.

But what he never imagined was that when the three of them were preparing to rob the Central Plains gang, and when they got out of the way, the **** guy not only did not run far, but changed his body in three play kills. The ancestors' ambush trades in front of them... The most hateful thing is that after the other party cheated on them, they reached out and squeezed him to death, and he was sharp and decisive, so that he had no chance to resist! !

Spike! !

Before he also satirized the blood prison knife was killed...

As a result, I was greeted with a happy second, and I didn’t even see the other person’s true face.


At the moment when Jin Luosha was resurrected from Wu Temple, the whole person seemed to be detonated by the gunpowder library. Under the horror of a group of people, he rushed out of the Wu Temple and bit the ‘Life and Death Dream Dan’.


Back to the incident, Jin Luozha saw a **** heart, and a pair of red eyes almost burned, and the anger in the chest was inflated in an unstoppable manner!

Jin Luozha is very angry!

A master of the Central Plains who was embarrassed by the wolf and the blood prisoner, he was actually killed by a stroke, and he did not even have the power to resist.


With a roar, Jin Luosha first broke the calm between the three.

The moment when the wolf appeared in Jinluosha, it was faintly felt that it was not good, but I didn’t expect Jin Luosha to still be desperate to attack after seeing the body of the blood prison knife. Only then could he exclaim, “Be careful!” Do not rush to the previous policy.

The blood knife is far more stable than the Jinluo Brake, but it is still stabbed to death by a happy sword. It is absolutely impossible to let Jin Luosha deal with happiness alone!


The wolf was rescued late.

Almost at the same time as Jin Luosha roared and shot, the body was so good that most of the happiness was turned to welcome the latter.

Dragon hand!

Seeing happy faces is this trick, Jin Luozha smashed, and the momentum of the front rushed:

"Hugh think!"


The body is activated.

The palm of the sky whistling out.

Seeing this scene, the wolf face is white!

The mind automatically appeared in the scene of the death of the knives, in order to prevent Jin Luosha from being buried again in the hands of happiness, the moment could not help but speed up the pace, rushing in the mouth.

"Don't let him close!!"

The voice did not fall, but the happiness suddenly stopped the momentum of the front, the whole person was a hundred and eighty turns, and rushed toward him.

Everything happened too fast.

Turning the direction without warning, not only did Jin Luosha not react, but even the wolf couldn't help but reveal the shocking color. He did not notice that the two men were only less than 20 meters away from the area...

Eye to eye!

The two men slammed together like a thunder!


The wolf knows that he is in the middle.

From the beginning, the goal of happiness is not Jin Luosha...

Even if Jin Luochao is slow, the shadow of being killed once will surely be cautious.

Happy is the use of this kind of cautious psychology of Jin Luochao, and the wolf worried about the psychology of Jin Luozha's accident, cleverly arranged a trap to kill the wolf.

Happy judgment...

Some kind of powerful tricks that were performed before the wolf should be conditional. They can only be used once a day, or they need to pay a lot of money, and they need to be prepared in advance.

No matter which one, I have thought about it.

Therefore, the use of rushing stacking can not be started, and it is impossible to form a tacit cooperation with Jinluosha to create opportunities.


On the occasion of a thousand miles.

Seeing happy and rushing to the front, the wolf's eyes glanced, and the amazing breath came again.


The black scent instantly covers the whole body, like a huge palm, and grabs happiness.

The exclamations of the surrounding sounded again.

Whirlwind Xiao Li and others can't bear to watch it again, as if they had to perform before the scene...


What makes everyone unexpected is.

The moment when happy is imprisoned, it reveals a smile and a proud smile.

Sure enough.

The effect of forcible imprisonment can only last for one second, and the follow-up is only to slow down the movement speed...

One second is not enough for Jin Luosha to react and chase.


The wolf was pale.

I didn’t dare to continue to use the gas field continuously. The moment the effect of the imprisonment disappeared, it was very beautiful to roll back and shun the start of the dragon’s tail.


"It really is not simple."

A shot fell, happy but not surprised, looking at the wolf constantly flew back and did not return to the figure, the eyes flashed a touch of color.

The previous move clearly left the whole world of the wolf's realm. Nowadays, the solution to the problem is not dare to face it, and at least fifteen seconds will not dare to fight.

Jin Luozha has been so angry at this moment...

It’s hard to rush to revenge. As a result, people are rebellious. After a slap in the wolf, they suddenly stop and start the body. They simply missed a chance to kill and have fun – wait for the wolf again. Before the show's stunts, 'the sky is holding', at least the internal force needs to be added back to nowhere, about twenty seconds or more.

In the face of so many people being scared to stop, Jin Luosha felt that his face was quickly lost, and he rushed to happiness again and again.

But happiness is almost turning with his heart and turning back, backlash!

Dark power?

Perceived the darkness that rushed from the bottom of the earth, Jin Luozhan looked at it with a glance, and refused to return to the record, and collided with the happy.

Jin Luozha is obviously a master of fighting fighting skills. The fierceness and momentum of the shots are even worse than the silver fox!

The fists and feet were broken, and the sound of thunder blew.

At this time, how much happiness has already some understanding why Jin Luosha did not take out the weapons - the latter's fists and feet are indeed the sharpest one he saw in his life.

Can be compared to Jin Luosha, I am afraid that only the giant figure of Shi Zhixuan - the crazy monk did not really shoot.


In the other side of the world, everyone knows that in the face of happiness, don't play melee!

That will die very fast! !



When I started the dragon hand, I was really happy to stop heavy.

The world itself has once been a person who pursues higher-level skills and strengths. In the face of a real fighting fighter, it is a kind of enjoyment to be able to confront each other normally.

But the other party is a wolf...

Right now, there is no win or loss for two people!

The other party is a wild wolf, a rampant "Jianghu", like the evil organization of the underground emperor!

On their own, they represent the people of Zhongyuan Wulin.


Happy still did not give up using their strengths to kill the Golden Luosha...

Although the dark resistance from the latter's body is amazing, it is very decisive to resolve this blow, but the happiness is prepared, and the face is not changed and continues to be close.

With the darkness of the momentum, the darkness of the earthquake will be defeated and destroyed.

擒 Dragon hand starts again! !

In the eyes of Jin Luosha, there was finally a faint horror.

"Don't use boxing in front of me next time."

Holding a gold Luosha arm, happy to sneak into the Jin Luozha body, the dragon claw hand firmly hold the meridian points, the backhand caught on the latter's neck.

"md! This is another trick!"

At the moment when the neck was tight, Jin Luozha couldn’t help but scream in his heart, and then consciousness quickly disappeared...


Jin Luosha died and the battle ended.


When the wolf saw the golden Luosha being happily stunned, he knew that Jin Luosha would die, and immediately he did not hesitate to break through the crowd and walk away.

I can’t find the figure of the wolf when I am happy.

Although there is the ability to kill the wolf, if the other party wants to run, he really has no way.


Today's harvest is not small.

From the body of the blood prison knife to get a piece of equipment, Jin Luochao contributed two pieces of equipment, plus a few pieces of reeds, the three wolves are afraid to temporarily trousers to cover the ugly.

Happy smiled with two pants, suddenly turned his face and raised a forty-five degree angle:

"People above, just look down and go down."


Many people are on the streets.

There are not a few people watching the war. Why do you feel happy when you are alone on the roof? Is there a person with a wolf?

Just when many people are thinking about it, the old-fashioned ones appear on the roof...

Although the old one is clothed, but the spirit is awkward, there is a lot of anger and self-defense!

The teenager is sixteen or seven years old, sitting on the roof with a lazy, but looking down at the bottom: "The courage is not small, under the broad daylight, the murderous and murderous under the eyes of the public, not leaving, courage is not small." ”

When I saw these two people, the players in the street sighed a lot of air, and some people couldn’t help but scream:

"Golden knife catches fast!"

The sharp-eyed person will see that there is indeed a bright golden waistband hanging on the belt of the old and the young, and the ‘ catching’ word on the ironplate on the waist is unusually powerful! Clearly, it is a waist card that can only be given by making special contributions and reaching the mythical realm.

"Does the two come to catch me?"

Happy standing in the street, facing the two high-selling golden knives, not only did the ordinary players panic, but instead appeared to be unhurried, asking two in a homely tone.

"Of course, I am going to catch you. Otherwise, if we both eat more and have nothing to do, run on the roof to enjoy the cold?" The teenager caught him with a good eye and gave him a blank eye.

The old man is cold and replied:

"It was originally ordered to arrest you in the prison. However, on the way we received the order from the top. Someone gave you a way to find a relationship and forgive your crimes. So, you are fine now..."


Have a good time.

Originally, when he noticed that the two golden knives were about to appear, he felt a little strange. How did the other party not immediately start, and did not expect the other party to have such a rhetoric.

With a brainstorm, I know who did it.

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