Sword Among Us

Chapter 975: Shock, don't believe

Chapter 975 shocks, do not believe

Since the operation of the rivers and lakes, more and more things have been developed, and more and more comprehensive, and there is also the atmosphere of rivers and lakes martial arts.

Killing a prisoner...

You can be jailed in jail.

However, the guards in the prison are strictly guarded. Anyone who is recognized in the face of a prisoner will be killed by the imperial body!


There is also another kind of essay.

It is to get through the joints, bribe important officials, and pardon the crimes of the prisoners before they are arrested.

However, to pay bribes, you must get rid of the current crime by buying the Zhongtang adults ‘and 珅’ and using 50 million yuan and two silver as a price!

After the pardon, the previous crime was written off.

Happy is obviously someone who helped to clean up the crime, so it happened that the two mythical masters in the vicinity would be so ridiculous, but they did not.

After understanding this point, happy will not pay attention to one old and one less two golden knives to catch fast, put away the spoils, and pass the book to Bai Xiaosheng flying pigeons:

"Thank you for helping me spend money to clean up the crime. I don't have to worry about it next time. The money counts as my reward. I can't help the master of mythology to find me trouble, give me a spat... and... can you tell me? I, where are the helpers you mentioned before?"

"You really don't know the human heart."

Bai Xiaosheng evaded the light and replied: "I told the person who went there that he didn't need him to shoot when he arrived, so he didn't mean to grab your limelight."

"...I would like to know more about this, this is what makes me guys who are almost in the hands of the wolf."

Happy naturally didn't reply to my true thoughts. Because of the people who are not so small, and secondly, he seems to have seen a few familiar faces from the surrounding crowd.

Whirlwind Xiao Li.

Wind chimes.

there's still one……

In the crowd, he stretched his neck and stared at himself, disguising as a wretched guy of ordinary players.

Happy to see the heart of the dark smile, almost can already determine who the helper Bai Xiaosheng temporarily called, this guy's strength is good, but has not reached the level of confrontation with the wolf organization.

"The next thing is not my business. I have already killed you for the wolf. Well, to be precise, Jin Luosha died twice, the blood prison knife died twice, the wolf ran away... Next, you have to kill to block, you pull yourself, anyway, I have no time to continue to grind with them."

After letting go of the pigeons, the wind chimes came out of the crowd with a smile, followed by two imposing masters.

"Happy big brother, tell you about it... Xuanfengmen door master 'God', Tianxing help the main 'Li Wei', the local gang leader with the most masters under the Gusu city, my master asked them to take care of me and **** me back to Beijing ""

"Happy brothers, have long been famous."

"Yes, that's right, I heard a lot of people telling you about your deeds. When you see them today, you will be better known."

The two gang bosses apparently saw the confrontation between the happy and the wolf-organized people, and they did not dare to be happy in front of the shelf, and the tone was very low.

"you flatter me."

Happy and humbly smiled, "The two bosses can come over and take the burden, I am really relaxed." Then I looked at the wind chimes: "Since there are Xuanfengmen and Tianxing help the main escort, I will leave. ”

"Okay, all the way!"

The wind chimes know that it is a good thing to go down the river south, and I have met Mrs. Wang before, but I have to go to the Mandu Villa.

"Happy brothers, if you want to stay in the area of ​​Gusu City for a few days, you can come to our altar to sit, my star will open the door to welcome."

"Oh, definitely!"

Happy and the star help the archer to arch the hand, and polite and the main entrance of the Xuanfeng door, turned and walked far.

When the happy figure disappeared far away, the main door of the Xuanfeng Gate regained his gaze, and he did not know what to do with the help of the star:

"Li brother, you seem to be very interested in him, shouldn't you want to pull into your star?"

"Hey, god, don't say that you don't mind, the strength of the wolf organization, you don't know, not the general top-level athletes can't compare... happy but can win with one enemy two, such a powerful master, look at the whole The Central Plains, there is not much fear of being able to match it. If there is such a trace, it may be brought over, let alone you will not act."

"But don't forget, who is the happy one."

God shouted.

Wen Yan, Li Xiao suddenly laughed:

"Why is the League of Blood and Yipintang? After this battle, I don't believe that the Blood League and Yipintang have the idea of ​​dealing with happiness. What do you think of the wind chimes?"

When the two helpers spoke, the wind chimes had been listening.

I heard a smile:

"The two helpers laughed. I was a woman, and I was young. I didn't care about the power of the gang. The master never let me get involved."

Cleverly blocked the two lords to explore the possibility of deepening.

"Little Fox."

The two gangs are actually well aware that the person who helped to clean up the crime should be Bai Xiaosheng, and only Bai Xiaosheng who lives next to Zhongtang can handle everything so quickly and so quickly.

Although it can be explained that Bai Xiaosheng has repaid the rewards of saving the wind chimes, but happy to deal with the wolves, has indirectly explained that some agreement has been reached between Bai Xiaosheng and Happy...

It is very likely that Bai Xiaosheng and Happy are allied.

If so, happy may be able to compete with the blood alliance and Yipintang.

However, the wind chimes also saw that the two helpers wanted to take a message from her mouth and gave them no chance at all.

The three people left with their hearts and minds, but they did not notice the crowds next to them. Two people were staring in the direction of happy departure.


"So good opportunity, why don't you catch up?!"

In the face of Wenyuan’s grievances, the whirlwind Xiao Li bluntly replied: “Chasing you a dead man, I have no friendship with him.”

"That's your bad memory. If you don't have a happy family, how do you know that you are a Murong family disciple, and send you a "Black Heaven Magic"! You are really mad at me! Even if you don't know, you can take a picture. Cheng!"

Wenyuan’s hate iron is not a steel.

Whirlwind Xiao Li gave him a back head:

"Idiot. If he doesn't know me, I will go up and say that I am a whirlwind Xiao Li. He regrets, what should I do to take back the "Black Heaven Magic"?"


Wenyuan’s eyes were black and completely defeated by the explanation of the whirlwind Xiao Li Qiang.

"Walk, practice martial arts, hold people's thighs interesting, not as good as their own cultivation, and get out of the crowd!" After that, the whirlwind Xiao Liyi strode to the meteor and returned to Rong Shijia without any reversal.


On the side of Gusu City, the wind stopped, and the network was boiling again.

The emergence of the wolf organization;

a plot against the wind chimes;

Happy at the meeting;

Unparalleled skill, Bai Xiaosheng and happy cooperation.

Each one can stimulate and shake the current Central Plains martial arts, combined together, like the 12th-level earthquake, the sensation brought far more than the happy rep in the blood of hundreds of blood leagues.

For a time, the forum was filled with posts related to it:

"The wild wolf is coming! Happy heroes save the United States and win a good impression! 》

"The wild wolf master killed the sorrowful Su city, happy and strong shot, the wild wolf master died twice! 》

"The three masters of the wolf, two dead and one escape! The unnamed kid in Gusu City is on the lookout! 》

"A year and a half ago, if you are happy, you will become another ‘one emperor’! ! 》

"Broken conspiracy, the strength of happiness"

In the forum, countless people were shocked at the fact that the wolf master appeared in the Gusu. At the same time, it was incredible and unbelievable to be happy to kill the wolf master with two enemy three.

If the three elders of the blood league are the top stars of the Central Plains, then the people of the wolf organization have reached the level of the moon.

The masters of the wolf organization, each of their strengths are incomparably close to the first lord of the Central Plains ‘Phantom of Shadows’, happy this time, it is broken through the sky, to bring people in addition to unbelief, or do not believe.

Even though many players in Gusu City upload their own rep, many people are still skeptical, saying that it is impossible to be a wolf.

Because in their impression, the wolves had entered the Central Plains three times, which brought incalculable losses to many gangs of the Central Plains. Even the emperor was defeated by the evil emperor. In the end, Bai Xiaosheng personally contacted each other. The big gangs fought back and killed, and after paying a terrible price, the wolf organization understood the determination of the Central Plains martial arts.

In that battle, the wolves were like ghosts...

Wherever he goes, no matter whether he is a famous master or a gang of masters, there is no power in the hands of them.

Even the phantom, a top master who gathered the expectations of countless martial arts people in the Central Plains, was also succeeded by the masters of the three wolves!

Therefore, not only many ordinary martial arts people do not believe that those gang members who have experienced that ghost event are not willing to believe easily.

Until the wind chime personally appeared to upload a rep that was robbed by the wolf organization master in the reed land, and confirmed the identity of the three wolves with the stunts and dialogues of ‘天魔驭琴’...

The wind of public opinion gradually became happy.

Because in that battle, the wind chimes were unarmed, and when many people gnashed their teeth, they saw the flying knife that was happy, and captured the brilliance of that moment.

After acknowledging the identity of happy and wild wolves, more people are crazy about the strength of happiness.

They are very concerned about a master who has been lying in a hospital bed for a year and a half. What kind of will is to fight and revenge in "The Rivers and Lakes"...

At the same time they are more concerned.

If there is no framed that time!

Happy to go this year and a half, what step can you take?

The world's top eight?

Still going to a higher position?

Will there be a second one!

For a time, there are different opinions!


Many gangs are very concerned about the things behind this thing and the impact of this incident.

Some people even started to worry ahead of time.

This time the wolf has a planned ambush, who is the door to the wild wolf! Also, does this ambush seem to mean that the wolf will come back again? !

In addition, with the relationship between Happy and Blood League, Yipintang, and now with Bai Xiaosheng, will not have a bad influence on the plan of the Hengwowo organization;

After the happy show of amazing strength, the reaction of dream clouds and blood coats.

There are people who are worried about the sky, but they are afraid that there will be no chaos in the world. In short, the forum is already a rumor.


"...影影! Come on, you are finally off the assembly line! Big things!"

"What big thing?"

"The forum is almost noisy."

“Forum? Is it happy again?”

The phantom came out of the well-behaved bedroom and saw two sisters who liked to wear pajamas and squatted on the sofa.

"Sister, you are a god." "It's really him."


The phantom slightly reveals the color of the accident, but also gives a curious heart.

When the news that hundreds of masters of the blood league were happily chased came out, their sisters were not so surprised. The happy rep on the top ten also only made them a little embarrassed. Is this thing more shocking than the last time?

Could it be...

Are you happy with the blood coat or the dream cloud?

I was happy to kill a few hundred people the day before yesterday. It is currently in the state of genius, and it is really possible to say it.

The more I think, the more I feel that it is possible. Immediately, the phantom does not consciously speed up the pace and make up the past.


Seeing the name of the post of the second woman browsing, the phantom was shocked.

The first thing that comes to mind is that it is impossible!

But soon, she recognized the identity of the rep wolf...

At that time, there was a figure in the trio who killed himself outside the city, but the wolf had not yet revealed his identity. No one knew that he was a wolf.

It was also the quirky one of the wolves that fixed their own, and the phantom was only shot by the other two, and there was no chance to delay the waiting for help.


The phantom will pull the computer in the hands of the two women to the front, and the brow is close...

A full ten minutes passed.

The phantom only took a deep breath:

"The evaluation of an emperor at the time was really correct."

"..." The two women looked at each other with a sigh of silence.

I used to doubt the evaluation and opinion of the emperor on happiness. It seems that it is only strong or weak.

The masters of the wolf organization, each of them are top masters, regardless of equipment, strength, skills, are the best, even Mengyun is also because of the attack, the cultivation is more painstaking;

However, a person who has been resting for a year and a half can actually rush back to the peak of "Jianghu" in a short time. It is really incredible!

"I didn't expect to be able to do this with his strength... It seems that Bai Xiaosheng has successfully negotiated with happiness."

The phantom muttered to himself:

"I can laugh and deal with the wolf organization. Bai Xiaosheng will definitely give the help he deserves. It seems that it should be that thing... This time the wolf ambushes the wind chime, fearing that there is an idea to start again in the Central Plains. Be cautious and careful, and Bai Xiaosheng should also contact him."

Suddenly, suddenly there was a smile on his face:

"There are people with skin masks and help from Bai Xiaosheng. Now I am happy. I don't have to worry that Blood League and Yipintang will hinder his development. Instead, they are both blood and dream clouds. After reading this rep, it is estimated that there will be many nights of insomnia."


The second woman is next to it: "One and a half years, although the team planter seems to be asleep, but this life can not forget... If it is me, I will use the back time to let those who frame themselves. People spend time in a nightmare."

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