Sword Among Us

: Image secret

Chapter 978 The Secret of Portraits

For half an hour of fighting, happy is to fight and avoid, use the way of consumption to delay the time, try to ensure that "Yi Jin Jing" restores internal injuries and internal forces, while accumulating more scars in the body behind the yin .

Gradually, the yin finally realized that the situation was wrong.

A Shaolin disciple who has been released from the country has more than five hundred palms in his own hands. He can not die. He has changed the door of any of the seven martial arts. I am afraid that the enemy’s life is still dead. So embarrassed...


After the yin finally stopped, after plundering more than ten meters, his face stared blankly and happy:

"You are the disciple of the penal mad monk of punishment?"

"...not bad."

When you are happy, you know that you can’t pass the yin for too long. While you are alert to possible attacks after the yin, you answer: “I am practicing Yijinjing.”

Immediately after the yin.

Although the mad monk has not been born for many years, but after all, it is the most dazzling genius of the magic door!

With the power of oneself, the top masters of the two sides of the sin and evil, and the creation of countless killings, can be called the Central Plains a fierce god, the realm is also a breakthrough to reach the unity of heaven and man, far from her existence in a mythical environment.

The descendant of the unity of heaven and man can hold up in her hands for so long, she is not a shame...

After the yin, I know that although the other party has not reached the level of easy to repair the periosteum, but the "Yi Jin Jing" is a supreme book, to beat him, it is difficult to do it alone.

"Well, since you are a descendant of my predecessors, this seat will give you another chance. You will use the image of your hands in the "Tian Mo Policy" of my holy door. You are willing or not."

After hearing the yin, I suddenly knew that the other party was ready to compromise.

Just then, the system prompts:


"Trigger the story mission, use the portrait of Mrs. Wang in exchange for the "Tian Mo policy" in the hands of the Yin - "Tian Mo Jiu Shi"."

"Promise, it will automatically give up Mrs. Wang's task, but the relationship with Mantuo Villa and Murong family will turn into hostility, and its own justice value will be reduced by 100,000 points!"

"Reject! Increase the value of justice by 10,000 points, and increase the reputation of 10,000 points and the value of the rivers and lakes! The relationship with Mandu Villa is improved to be friendly!"

This choice of happiness can not even think about it, even if there is no improvement in justice and prestige, happiness will not come with the haze.

After all, he is a Shaolin disciple, not a magician, and doing business with the yin is equal to breaking into the magic.

In addition...

Since the portrait in his own hand has such a strong attraction after the yin, why not prove it, the value of the portrait is even above the "Tian Mo Jiu"?

"Sorry, I wish the Lord, to be a portrait, you may have to take it yourself."


The good news was also rejected, and there was a sigh of anger in the shadow of the back: "You still think carefully, it is better, there is no portrait, but no one can help you answer the secret. The portrait is just a kind in your hand. Waste paper..." The murderous murder in the discourse is unusually obvious.

"I wish the lord is threatening?"

Happy to laugh:

"However, do you think that we have been here for so long, Mrs. Wang will not have a little bit of it? If the Lord wants to stay in Mandu Villa, the younger generation does not mind continuing to lead the lord's sacred Dafa, but if the lord is Alone, if you face the three masters of the Murong family, I am afraid it is difficult to retreat from the Mandu Villa."


The face behind the yin becomes ugly again.

That's right.

I was happy to be led here for a long time, no one looked at Mrs. Wang, and the people of Mandu Villa would have passed the message to the Murong family.

Although the strength of Mandu Villa is not enough to fear, but the old monsters of the Murong family are not good, very difficult.

His eyes glanced back and forth in the direction of Happy and Mandala's inner village, and his look changed several times. After the yin, he finally chose to evacuate.

"Today, I sell a crazy monk, but next time, let me see you again in the good things that you intervene in this seat, and you will be told that you will die without a place of burial!" In the next scene, there is no sign of the figure. Appeared ten meters away.

"I wish the seniors to go slowly, or let the younger generation send a good delivery."

At the same time that Zhu Yuxi flew, Happy also started the hole and followed closely...

"Hey, a junior, it’s hard to worry about this repentance."

"I wish the lord more heart."

I said this in my mouth, but I didn’t have much explanation. I followed Zhu Yuxi’s way to the pier – he was not worried about the style of the Yin School.

Humph! !

Zhu Yuxi did not say anything, fluttering down to one of the boats, the sky was pressed, and the boat was pushed out of the string of arrows to more than ten meters;

After the ship’s boss exclaimed, he slammed the bamboo poles and slammed into the lake...

From beginning to end, Zhu Yuxi did not look back and look happy.

Happy, but for a moment, I dare not squint and stare at Zhu Yuxi’s figure. I watched the ship stay away, and the system prompts the clear and pleasing task to complete the task. This is a long sigh of relief:

After the yin, this demon head was finally sent away with trepidation.

The first step of the mission is also completed successfully. Now, looking for Mrs. Wang, I should be able to answer the confusion in my heart and reveal the secrets in the portrait.

But happy but not eager to see Mrs. Wang immediately, but to look at his own martial arts level information...

After more than half an hour, I have eaten a few hundred palms with the masters of the mythical peaks. If there is nothing to gain, it must be fake.


Called the martial arts page to look at it, happy eyes flashed a surprise.

These hundreds of palms are not white!

In addition to the promotion of "Yi Jin Jing" to the tenth level of realm, the invincible body is soaring to the middle of the eighth level;

"Magic Destroyed World" is not much improved, but it is very close to the mid-term of the tenth level. It will not be long before it will be perfect. On the contrary, the progress of "Dong Xuan" in the sneak leaps and bounds is very small, almost impossible to see. Come out of the gains.

"It is a blessing to eat a loss. This sentence is really correct. It seems that in the future, I will find the trouble of mythical masters..." Happy while talking to myself, while plundering to the Mandala Villa.

After all, Mandala Villa is the site of Mrs. Wang. After the death of Zhu Yuxi, Mrs. Wang quickly got the news and has restored the silence inside and outside.

After the happy identity, the steps of the girl’s communication were saved, and he took him to the inside with enthusiasm.

The meeting place will naturally not be a hot spring pavilion, but in the living room of Mandu Villa!

"Happy little man can actually push the yin back, it is really out of the expectations of this village, this village has already been flying pigeons to spread the book of the family of the elders, asked them to fight against the yin, did not expect the mountain robbing has been happy Resolve..."

Mrs. Wang has already waited here early, seeing happiness coming in under the guidance of the girl, quickly getting up and welcoming, smiling, full of enthusiasm and excitement.

"Seeing the innocence of the lady, I am relieved at the bottom." Happy and docile hand.

"I haven't consulted the teacher of Happy Shaoxia, which is one of Shaolin's sorghums. I have to change the Japanese village to have an incense to go to Shaolin."

"Mrs.'s words, in fact, did not help, Mandala Villa has a strong support such as the Murong family will also be able to save the danger, but in the following but the meeting, with Murong family and Shaolin's prestige forced to retreat, really do not dare to merit... the master under, It is Master Xuanzhi."

"It turned out to be the **** of the sci-fi generation! It is no wonder that the young man is young and gentle, and he is so modest and arrogant in his actions. It is a famous disciple..." Mrs. Wang appreciated it.

After some grateful words, the topic turned back to the purpose of this trip.

Mrs. Wang reveals the sadness:

"This time I blame my eyes, I don't want my place like Mandu Villa to lurk into the genius of the Yin School. After the news of the portrait leaked, it happened to be nearby, and immediately appeared to control the interior of the Mandu Villa. I and my disciples..."

"I am embarrassed to ask the lady, after the yin, I will use the martial arts "Tian Mo Nine" to exchange the portrait of Mrs. Wang in my hands. I obviously attach great importance to this painting, so I want to tell the lady, this portrait. There are secrets in the back, and even the characters like the yin are rushing."

Happy and moving the topic center to the portrait.

Mrs. Wang’s complex complex sighed:

"...the secret of the portrait, the original Zhuangzhuang actually made up his mind, even if he died, it is not like the outside world leaking only words, but since the happy Shaoxia refers to the martial arts after the yin and the martial arts, it must be inadvertently I got some information from the **** and kept concealing. It is not necessary..."

When I heard this, I immediately raised my ears.

Mrs. Wang’s long voice came:

"in fact……"

"A long time ago, during the period of the Great Yan Dynasty, the master of the great interior, which is now the predecessor of the Murong family, took several decades to gather the secrets of martial arts in the world and created the '琅环福地', but with the destruction of Dayan, The soldiers and horses have been displaced, and the people who created the sacred sacred land have been smashing the country... The descendants only have the homeowner to master the secret location of the sacred land, but they dare not open it easily."

Happy nodded slightly.

Martial arts in various parts of the world are taboos in taboos. If you have enough powerful power to guard, such as the power of a dynasty, it is okay. If you rely on a Murong family, it is easy to be overturned by the anger of the major sects. Save.

"... Later, the generations of the Murong family were extended, and the family of Murong gradually became the second-class door of the rivers and lakes... Many people in the family hope to regain their happiness."

"Only my cousin knows that it is impossible for Murong family to regain the great beauty of Yan, and does not want to preserve this scourge that may destroy the Murong family. Therefore, I will paint a picture of me and hide the secret address of the place. In it! Entrusted to me."

Listening to Mrs. Wang’s story, although I’m already happy, I’m still a bit of a heartbeat when I really confirm this message!

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