Sword Among Us

: "Yangyangzhi"

Chapter 979 "One Yang Finger"

琅环福地, hiding the world of martial arts!

Even if I already have Shaolin Supreme Collection "Yi Jin Jing" and "Knocking the Mind", I am happy to know from the Wangfu population that the portrait has hidden the message of the ring of the Fudi, and it is still unbearable and excited. In it...

Once upon a time, he also like many ordinary people, imagining that the world of martial arts can do their own choice, fantasizing the left hand Jiuyin Zhenjing, right hand Jiuyang Shengong, Beiming Shengong body, Lingbo microstep drift, six pulse **** The sword is in the hand, raising your hand is a record of the palm of your hand, cough, a little far away.

Freed from the beautiful fantasy, happy suddenly noticed that Mrs. Wang stared at her own eyes a little weird, a look of his own thoughts, could not help but look old.

"Cough cough... Mrs. Wang, what do you mean, the reason why you are attracted to the yin is the secret address of the blessings behind the portrait?"


Mrs. Wang nodded in color:

"Since the failure of the Magic Gate plot to attack the seven sects a year ago, the Magic Gate has realized that the righteous sects of the rivers and lakes are strong, not the Eight Great Demon sects can smash, so they began to search for ways to restrain the sects of the rivers and lakes. ......" Speaking here, the tone is low and dignified: "There is a martial art in the world, and if it is acquired by the magic gate, it will be a natural addition to the martial arts. When it comes to the world, it is a disaster!"

I heard the tone of Mrs. Wang’s horror, and suddenly there was a slight uneasiness in my heart.

"What does Mrs. Wang mean?"

"Since the portrait is lost, I can't sleep at night, I am afraid that one day the catastrophe will come, the cause is that the sorrowful blessing falls into the hand of the evil demon! In these years, I have always regretted not burning it at the beginning, leaving a scourge. But today, Happy and Happy Xia brings the portrait to the Mandu Villa, and after the yin is defeated, the portrait is preserved. The present is grateful and unloads the big stone in the heart."

"Mrs. Wang, do you want to ruin it?"

Happy face changed.

Mrs. Wang is slightly embarrassed and embarrassed to look happy: "This village knows the temptation of a martial arts martial arts, but also happy sorcerer is sure to know the location of the 琅 福 福 福, but this village should remind the young man."

"There is a great opportunity for the ordinary warriors, but the edge of the opportunity often hides the same sinister danger... This time the blessed land and portraits have been known for the magic door, the magic door can not easily give up, after the yin Leaving, it is very likely that it is only a slow-moving move, and it is entirely possible to use our hands to enter the blessings!"

"...this is naturally known under the guise, but if you look at the treasure house that many martial arts people admire in front of you, they can't open it... and they must destroy it by themselves. It is really unbearable in the bottom."

"Happy Xinxia's mood, this village is also clear, in order to thank the happy Shaoxia this life-saving grace, and bring back the loss of portraits, this village is willing to contribute a martial arts cheats ..."

"Wu Gong cheats? Like "The Devil's Nine Styles"?"

Happy sighed:

"In fact, the lady knows that there is a blessing in the world. Since I was worried at the beginning, why didn't I directly pay for the world's martial arts in Futianli? Why bother worrying about such a long time?"

"Happy little man but don't believe in this village."

Mrs. Wang’s tone was stagnation, and she immediately smiled:

"Since the portrait was lost, the village knows that even if the person who has the portrait notices a little bit of it, there is no help from the village. It takes a long time to find the blessed land, so I dare not go to the blessings easily, so as not to be Ask the stone to ask for directions."

"As for the sacred study on "The Devil's Policy" that is said by Happy Little Man, the devil's policy is the Devil's Gate to the High Treasure Hall! Everything is powerful, and Mandala Villa really has no martial arts comparable to it."


I am happy to talk.

The system has begun to prompt him to decide to hand over the portrait, but happy but not in a hurry to reply,

Since I know that the secret of the portrait points to the blessing of the ring, if I just get some small returns, I am somewhat unwilling...


There is no reason to have so few mission rewards.

Silence is gold!

This sentence is really good.

Seeing happy and hesitating, Mrs. Wang’s eyes were complicated and changed for a while, making a difficult decision:

"As long as happy and young man promised to destroy the portrait with me, this village is not only willing to give you the martial arts cheats of "Lingbo Weibu", but also can obtain a martial arts cheat from Dali Duan Wang, to make up for the loss of happy and lesser."

"Dali Duan Wang? Duan Zhengzhen?"


There are almost three flashes of lightning in my mind:


The supreme **** of the success of the work.

"Duan Wangye is willing to hand over "One Yang Finger"?" Happy is not surprised by "Lingbo Weibu", but "Yangyang Finger" is the **** of the aura of heaven and earth, and the power is still above the "Participation". Being able to get two cheats at the same time, it is not impossible to hand over the portraits in the hands - because I have not heard of someone owning a "Yang Yang" here, which proves that this should be at least the level of liberation.

""Yangyangzhi", I have a collection in Mandu Villa."

Mrs. Wang’s answer surprised her.

Only when the former said this sentence, his face looked a little weird.

Happy to understand quickly...

The relationship between Mrs. Wang and Duan Wangye, Wang Yuxi is the daughter of two people, and now she is married to Duan Yu, who has always been a biological son of Duan Wangye. The people who are in a complicated relationship with the outside world are not very clear.

Seeing that Mrs. Wang turned out to be a magic, she took out a scroll, a booklet, and she was no longer interested in it, but her eyes became much hotter.

"This scroll, which records the singularity of the free-spirited "Lingbo Weibu", believes that it can be much stronger than the "Dong Xuan" that you are practicing now."

Happy heart is hot, and he took it over seriously.

Lingbo Weibu, in the hands of Duan Yu, but the first-class escape from the light, the original Duan is relying on this martial arts to escape the many deadly bureau.

In addition, Li Qiushui has also exhibited "Lingbo Weibu", which is unpredictable during the fight. It is a ghost, and it is impossible to prevent it. It is the ultimate goal of attacking and defending and escaping.

Bring two martial arts cheats to the happy hands, Mrs. Wang said:

"Lingbo Weibu" needs to have a certain internal force to cultivate, but the happy Shaoxia division inherits Shaolin, and the foundation is solid, and it can be quickly controlled. However, "Yangyangzhi" requires extremely strict internal force and does not have enough internal force. I can't cultivate at all, even if I am happy and young, I am afraid I can't understand the mystery in a short time..."


I was mentioned by Mrs. Wang, and my happy eyes fell on the cultivation requirements of the two cheats!

"Lingbo microstep":

Rehabilitation requirements, root bone 200 points, body method 200 points, understanding 200 points, free from the environment can be cultivated!

"One Yang Finger":

Rehabilitation requirements, root bone 400 points, arm strength 400 points, understanding 300 points, no cultivation for the cultivation!

Seeing the conditions required for "One Yang Finger", I couldn't help but sigh with a chill.

It is not because the requirements for the cultivation of "Yangyangzhi" are very high, and it is temporarily unable to translate into its own advantages and strengths, but because happiness is very clear about the benefits of being indifferent.

So far, on the rivers and lakes, in addition to the evil emperor, this has obtained the innocent "Da Dao Devil's Law", and there are few other incomprehensible schools...

Happy is very clear about the significance of such a martial art falling into the hands!

"Happy little man, you see, the conditions I have opened, is enough to exchange the trust of happy young man, return the portrait to the village."

"This is natural."

I didn’t hesitate to be happy. I took out the portrait from the treasure house of Wan’s Mountain Villa and handed it to Mrs. Wang’s hand.

"Is the lady really going to ruin it?"

Although the harvest is already very expensive, there is a hidden blessing in the back of the portrait that makes all the martial arts enthusiastic, and happiness is still not completely relieved.

"There is a hope for the former Murong family to return to life and to regain the great Yan Yan... But now, it is the biggest scourge left over from the rivers and lakes. The family of Murong family once told me that no matter who is in the hands of the Fuhuan Open, once traced to the Murong family, Murong family will definitely be devastated!"

Mrs. Wang’s tone has turned to be easy!

"Now the portrait is lost, unless someone can take a secret from my mouth, otherwise it will be impossible to find a blessed land."

During the conversation, Mrs. Wang put the portrait on the candlelight...

A beautiful portrait of a beautiful man, a portrait that hides the biggest secret site on the rivers and lakes, 琅 琅 福 福 福 , , is so ignited!


In the flame, the portrait was paid for.

Madame Wang finally showed a relaxed expression of relief.

Looking at the portrait that quickly melted into the fire group, I couldn't help but sigh.


This is the mentality of the warrior.

"Since this is the case, there is something to be done underneath, so I will not bother my wife!" and Mrs. Wang resigned, happy with two precious schools, and left the Mandu Villa in a complicated mood.


Before leaving Gusu, I naturally didn't forget the flying pigeon biography Bai Xiaosheng and asked about the follow-up development of the three wolf organization masters.

The result surprised him.

Bai Xiaosheng was still steady and did not choose to pursue, completely leaving the three in the Central Plains, let them copy the road to the sea.

"It's rare that you have time to ask, it seems that your work in Jiangnan has been completed."


Happy answer.

Originally, I was looking for Duan Yu's young couple, but I didn't expect to meet Mrs. Wang halfway, and I got the benefits of Tianda, and I was naturally in a good mood.

"The words are flying between the dragons and the phoenixes. Everything goes well, there should be a good chance." Bai Xiaosheng is no wonder that he can get the affirmation of the celestial temperament, and there are some things that are different from ordinary people.

Happy has not really cultivated "Lingbo Weibu", Bai Xiaosheng has inferred from other aspects that this trip to Jiangnan is exceptionally smooth...


"Right, you go offline, fight the three masters of the wolf, not only shocked the Central Plains martial arts, many countries around the world are very shocked, it is estimated that the person in charge of the paid channel can not wait to get your rep, Don't miss the opportunity to get rich."

"You can guess this?" Bai Xiaosheng's reply made him happy for a while: "You shouldn't really be Zhou Yi."


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