Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1000: bomb

The ghosts created by Zhao Mai ran tirelessly in the city of Naples, or crashed in the thick fog like a headless fly. Their combat effectiveness is not high, they can only kill monsters quickly when they are concentrated, and most of the time they can only cause some wounds, or just delay the enemy's footsteps. However, they are all transformed from the corpse state, and any progress they make in the battle is of great help to the people here.

The real killing field is still on the slopes of Mount Vesuvius, in front of Zhao Mai. Thousands of bionic monsters fell dead here, their bodies piled up into mountains and blood flowed into rivers, but they were still trying to charge upwards. As the space gap continues to expand, the largest monster that can pass is already comparable in size to a dinosaur. With a height of more than 20 meters and a strong body, they can easily tear down houses and tear down cities. If they are still in Naples, it will be a terrible disaster. However, when these monsters, no matter how big or small, are attracted to Zhao Mai by sound, it is themselves that really feel terrible.

Zhao Mai stood on the hillside, his feet had never moved a step, he could already destroy these monsters. The ice storm he summoned was densely packed with ice crystals flying in the air, sharp and hard like bullets, and the speed was almost the same. Even if a steel plate is placed on the ground, it will be full of holes in a few seconds, and it will be torn into pieces in a few tens of seconds. The monster army has no power to fight back in front of the real monster demon king, or there is no whole body, or most of the corpses are left, and they are transformed into ghosts, turning their heads and killing their former partners.

Due to the influence of the dense fog, the residents of distant towns could not see the situation here at all, and only the people in the village of Super Power saw this spectacular scene. Even if the light of the Death Star is still on top of their heads, they also walked out, standing staggered on the hillside, one by one as if being fixed. The terrible killings, the huge number of deaths, and Zhao Mai's expressionless and uncompassing normal expression on his face made them afraid to take any action. Even in the light of the Death Star, the brain would not work well, and it would be easy to lose reason and become extreme, but at this time, it was completely suppressed by the terror in front of him.

Elisio sniffed, then swallowed hard, and said in a trembling voice, "He doesn't care how much he kills. There is no fluctuation in his emotions. I...I just say, if necessary, even if the whole world is killed. Be clean, he might just be like this."

"Are you sure? Isn't he a big monster? Didn't you say that he is good at talking before? Wait..." Someone said, "You can feel his emotions at such a distance? When are you so strong? Now, dare you come closer?"

"Dare not, absolutely not!" Alicio shook his head abruptly. "I think I will be killed. Look at the tragedy of those monsters, even if the strongest among us, how many seconds can they survive in a snowstorm? It's just a corpse. I was crazy and talked badly before. Now I think Think, it’s great to be alive."

"You almost killed us all." Simon said with his eyes closed. He turned around on crutches and turned around: "Did any of you see Scud? He should be able to get rid of the police when the fog is foggy, and he should be back."

Everyone looked around, recalled what happened after the fog, and shook their heads. Scud has disappeared incredibly, and no one knows where he has gone. Everyone can't help but feel a little worried. If Scud falls within the attack range of Mike Dragon's Roar, will it be torn apart without accident? Now it seems that the loud noise is not the wailing of death? It's just that everyone can only think about this idea, but don't dare to go to Mike for verification now.

Zhao Mai didn't see Scud, let alone shot him into a sieve. Even though the Frost Bullet Storm seems chaotic, but in fact, Zhao Mai completely controls their trajectory. If a person suddenly appears, there is still a high chance of avoiding fatal injuries, and then pulling out for treatment. Of course, he didn't know that the village next door was still looking for Scud, he had his own things to do.

The scope of the dense fog keeps shrinking, becoming more concentrated, and thicker, but there is still some time before it dissipates. All spatial cracks will only appear in dense fog areas, especially the thickest areas. Zhao Mai ordered his frozen zombies to advance to the deepest part of the fog, where various monsters are most likely to appear. However, being disturbed by the fog and space cracks, Zhao Mai could not manipulate the strange ghosts as finely as he could control an ice storm. He could only rely on their fighting intuition.

As a result, he was able to allocate a part of his energy to study the space cracks in front of him. The ability to observe the Death Star is always related to space, so this opportunity to observe space cracks is very important. It is a pity that Zhao Mai dissipated the fog around him, so he had to explore the psychic powers far to reach the small cracks around the thick fog, which was not enough for him to start research.

When peeking into the cracks in the space, the psychic probe is like the touch of a snail, slowly reaching in while maintaining the connection. Unexpectedly, with a crackle, the space crack closed, cutting off Zhao Mai's psychic powers. He tried several cracks one after another, all with the same result.

"The sound can pass ~www.ltnovel.com~ The wind can pass, and it can come back, but the psychic powers can't pass it?" Zhao Mai launched ice fragments into the space crack and found that they could also fly in smoothly, and there was no Cause the crack to close. Since no signs of surveillance are found around the space crack, this may only be a passive defense mechanism of the space crack itself, such as closing the door when it encounters a special energy type.

"But it wouldn't be right to close the crack as simple as that. It's very possible that the giant crack will not be so sensitive and can allow the mind probe to pass without closing. It's just..." Zhao Mai knew that there was a bigger crack deep in the thick fog. , But it cannot pass. He still has to stay on the hillside, always watching the changes around him. Vulcan Hephaestus still has to work, he still has the responsibility to stay behind. The more he can endure his curiosity, the more he persists here, and the more willing to make efforts and sacrifices, the more important this side becomes. Although Zhao Mai didn't know what Diana was up to, he knew that he was here to attract the enemy's attention, which was definitely beneficial to her.

Since you can't go through to observe there, then take the second set of plans. Zhao Mai secretly separated a part of the Z insect source material from his body, wrapped it in ice, and then was mixed in the ice storm and launched into the space crack. The crack did not react to the ice before, and it was the same this time. Zhao Mai has placed the factors of lurking, spreading, fusion and destruction in the source material that he has just invested. No matter what the world is like, these bionic monsters will face a terrible ecological disaster. There will certainly not be any. What a good end.

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