Sword and Magic and Taxi

: The Thousand and One Nights: The Mist (Part 2)

The space crack seems to have stopped merging or expanding, because the height of the bionic monster that came through stopped at about 20 meters, so that Zhao Mai's desire to meet "Godzilla" fell through. Although the thick fog is still there, the number of monsters has drastically reduced, and the speed of killing them has been greatly reduced. I have been playing the "background music" for most of the day, and it's time to let my ears rest.

Pressing the stop button, the high-frequency ringing still echoed in the ears, and it took a while to slowly disappear. It is estimated that in the next period of time, there will be an explosive increase in the number of consultations in Naples ear and neurology.

The chaos in the town continues. No one can see who is in the fog, and the fear formed by the unknown will gradually spread and become the most harmful thing. As for the bionic monsters, why did they encounter the counterattack of the undead? As long as it is a place that has been patrolled repeatedly by aliens, there is generally no more threat from monsters. The strange ghosts received strict orders not to attack humans. As for being attacked by humans? Zhao Mai didn't feel distressed at all. After all, the corpse was originally transformed, and there is nothing wrong with returning to the corpse.

The ghouls and strange ghosts on the ice are walking ice blocks, but they are visually uncomfortable, but the corpses piled up under the volcano have begun to smell bad. Zhao Maichao threw a ball of flames on the corpses and cremated them.

Soon, half of the hillside was reflected by the red fire, and thick black smoke rolled up into the sky with ashes. Zhao Mai controlled the wind direction around him to prevent the flame from spreading, and the scorched protein flavor was diffused everywhere.

"Strange, this kind of thing doesn't threaten me at all, why is there a spiritual warning?" Zhao Mai scratched his head. He carefully checked the surrounding situation, and specifically asked the Pisces Golden Girl. He promised not to peep, so he consciously relied on her to convey information. "Master Vulcan is very good, please rest assured, thank you for protecting us."

"You're welcome." Zhao Mai felt more and more strange, but in the end he could only attribute the strange feeling to the abnormal world will. Opening an alien portal on a planet, bringing offensive alien creatures over and attacking local creatures, this situation is generally the most vigilant and opposing world will. Zhao Mai was once "smashed" by the gods of Graleion because of similar things, and it was almost the result of being ostracized and deported. But the world will of the earth, regardless of the bionic monsters, just let them wreak havoc in towns.

It is precisely because of the existence of this abnormal shape that the entire earth becomes chaotic, and it is also fueled by the death star. After a day of chaos, the Death Star seemed to die, slowly sinking toward the horizon. Zhao Mai kept staring at it, watching to leave. Don't know what trick it will use next?

At this moment, a dark shadow appeared in Zhao Mai's perception, tracing an arc, falling from the sky at a very high speed. Between the sparks and flints, Zhao Mai had already seen what it looked like. "Cannonball? Who is firing the cannon?"

He grabbed the cannonball and couldn't help but spit out: "Italian cannon? How did I become the guy attacked by the Italian cannon?" Although he was not very familiar with the weapons and equipment of various countries before World War II, especially the caliber, model, and power of the artillery. There is no concept, but he knows that the artillery of this era does not have an aiming radar, and still uses a combination of ballistic calculation, test firing and visual observation.

"Where is the observer?" Zhao Mai looked in the direction from which the cannonball came, and did not find the suspicious target. In fact, he made a mistake. The observer and the artillery are not necessarily in the same direction, and it is not necessary to see the results of the test to fire again.

The sound of the flying cannonballs followed, and the howling sound was completely different from what Zhao Mai heard in movies and games. Before he could figure out why he had to be shelled, the artillery position was already firing!

The village of Elisio rang a warning bell, and everyone ran out. They yelled: "Dodge, shelling! Shelling! They are going to destroy us!" Zhao Mai was taken aback for a moment, then the ground under his feet shook, and then there was a continuous shaking. The frequency of the vibration created by this ability triggered the resonance of the volcano, and the energy level quickly increased, and Zhao Mai smelled the dangerous breath again.

"Is that so?" Zhao Mai sighed, the blue flame rose from his body, and the power of the domain was fully expanded. He took over the surrounding environment with his tyrannical force, whether it was the shaking ground or the flying cannonballs, all stopped under the control of his power.

At this time, as long as you look up to the sky, you can clearly see the rotating shells. There are still white smoke trails behind them, as long as tails. From the direction of the wake, the rumble shots followed one after another, and the Italian artillery did not mean to stop. Although hiding behind the hills, and therefore unable to see the fire from the muzzle, everyone can notice that there are more and more shells in the sky.

"Calm down, I can catch as many shells as you come, so don't cause an earthquake and cause me trouble." Zhao Mai directly projected his voice into the village, trying to ease the situation. He was very aware of the negative effects of the Death Star weakening the light, so he temporarily blocked the light with his own domain, but he could not eliminate the effect that was left on the supernatural person. Zhao Mai blocked the shells for them, but did not welcome everyone's gratitude. Several guys who should be scared or really stupid yelled: "Fight! Fight with them! I still can't fight when I hit the door, a bunch of bastards!"

Zhao Mai was about to stun those guys who could not cause the volcanic eruption or stop the shells with a mental explosion, but he heard Hephaestus yelling behind him: "Mike, how did I tell you, don’t Use your Kingdom of God! This is great, it's all for nothing! You are doing it outside... Oh, so many things have happened."

"To be honest, can you change to a volcano? The big deal is that I will penetrate the earth's crust and create a new volcano for you."

"No~www.ltnovel.com~ is here." Hephaestus hesitated to speak, hesitated for a moment or said: "I can't tell you the process and formula, that violates my oath. I can only say, here. The best, and it’s the only best. Anyway, you can’t change places. Just be busy outside. By the way, I will set up barriers in the crater. Remember not to use the power of the kingdom of God to charge, then I can at least block After a while, I won’t have to start all over again...Oh."

Vulcan turned his head back, and at least solved one party. Zhao Mai pulled out his hand and stunned the most affected and clamoring people, temporarily stabilizing the situation in the super-power village.

The third round of shells was still held in the air by Zhao Mai, and he was already thinking of ways to deal with these tricky things. If you use the power of the cold ice of the ghost, you can easily turn the metal shell of the cannonball into broken ice, neutralize the fuze, and then dispose of the charge in it. But these artillery shells fixed in the air can also act as a deterrent under certain circumstances.

Zhao Mai nodded, and all the shells turned one direction, turning into a posture toward the launch site. Zhao Mai believed that even the Italian army would not be too lazy to have no artillery scouts. He said to the crowd: "Be calm and not restless."

Everyone looked at the cannonball on their heads, even if they wanted to leave, they couldn't leave Zhao Mai's domain. Fortunately, after waiting for a while, the fourth round of shelling did not come.

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