Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 1002: Humanitarian

"I need to use this volcano, so I will protect it. As long as you don't destroy this mountain, then it will be within my protection range." Zhao Mai sent a message to the villagers of Chao Neng Village and specifically found Alessi Oh. "If you calm down, then I also ask you to find the guy who fired the gun and ask why you want to attack. Tell him who I am, and then give him my warning: I can forgive him this time, but next I will fight back once, a devastating counterattack. Don’t be the cannon fodder background when I show my strength."

"We know who fired the artillery." Elisio sighed and said: "Since we came here to settle, the original army regiment has added two artillery battalions to deal with the so-called threat we posed. If we If you make trouble in the town and threaten the residents, you will be devastated by artillery fire."

"Don't they know you will detonate a volcano?"

"After all, we have not detonated. They will definitely be suspicious. Moreover, some of them think that Vesuvius erupts frequently. The Neapolitans are not afraid, the loss is controllable, and they do not accept any threats."

This idea is not wrong, but more or less caused by the weak light that disturbs the thinking. When encountering problems, you should consider solutions, how to increase your advantage, how to weaken and attack your opponent. "We are not afraid of death, come on!" This sounds right, but just understand it in my heart. What to tell the enemy? Raising one's own cards out, apart from attracting "we are not afraid of death, come and come", it will not help.

Of course, there is another kind of more brainless than this, like those guys who were knocked unconscious by Zhao Mai. They roared: "Why don't you blow up the volcano, why don't you go to work hard? Incompetent!" This kind of guy who first abused his own people when confronted with an attack would use "you" instead of "we" to his own people. Think about it. Zhao Mai hates this kind of people, but can't you kill them just because they are brain disabled? We are human after all.

"Elessio, it's good if you know who is responsible for firing the cannon. Tell him that the monsters that appeared in the town have nothing to do with us. We did not attack the surrounding villages and towns. On the contrary, we helped eliminate many monsters. At present, it seems that this incident The most likely thing is the hands and feet of the Observer Death Star. I hope he calmly and restrained. It is best to establish a communication channel and lay a telephone line at the head office? Don’t shoot whenever something happens. Shooting is just an irresponsible laziness. Method. Tell him not to use the lives of others to make up for the folly caused by fear and lack of confidence."

"Uh... I have to write down what you said." Elisio motioned to his writing companion to quickly record, and then said to Zhao Mai: "Lord Dragon Roar, what you said makes sense, but I think Steele The colonel won't listen. He has publicly stated that the supernatural beings are mutated, polluted, and morbid creatures. They are the dregs and obstacles to development in society and should be eliminated. He is a fascist."

"That's it...you just tell him what I have to say, pay attention to your safety." Zhao Mai has been paying attention to the Death Star in the sky, almost forgetting the current environment. The current Italy is Italy under Mussolini's complete control. The Austrian Mustache is looking at everything "advanced" in Italy with envious eyes in Germany, wondering if he can learn.

These people will only become more and more evil, and when they group together another group of mustaches on the eastern island country, they learn to be cruel and crazy by the way. The next world will continue to be turbulent, and the cruelest history is about to happen.

However, Zhao Mai has made up his mind to stop worrying about the disturbance of history. "When the old man appears, when history becomes what I remember, and when does he stop."

This time the bionic monster's attack was not aimed at the abilities of Alisio. It was obviously an action around Zhao Mai, a temptation of the observer. At least through this action, he knew that Zhao Mai wanted to protect the volcano, and he had a preliminary understanding of Zhao Mai's character. This kind of temptation will not be the only time. In this temptation, whether it is the superpowers like Elisio or the residents of Naples under the mountain, they are all involved in the innocent.

Therefore, he finally said to Elisio: "I sincerely hope that you and the residents in the town are safe, but if the situation worsens, then tell the commander on the opposite side that if you want to call me, I will say that I have held you and People in the town, I’m a big demon or something. Elisio, you also need to make plans. You can’t always think of staying here, you have to prepare yourself for retreat."

Alicio was silent, he really didn't know how to answer. After a while, he nodded, tidyed up his clothes, took the notes his companion had written on the note, and prepared to meet the commander opposite. Look at the thick fog at the foot of the mountain, he needs to travel a long distance. Paul sighed, turned into invisible wings and jumped on Elisio's shoulders-he would be hungry again after flying back this time.

The hillside was temporarily quiet, but the screams, roars, and gunfire in the thick fog continued. Zhao Mai has nothing to do for the time being. After all, the combat effectiveness of the frozen zombies is too bad~www.ltnovel.com~, which is at the level of ordinary people, and he doesn't know how to use weapons, let alone intelligence. If the Z insect army is here, things like bionic monsters will not cause any waves at all.

But having said that, the Observer Death Star will not only have such a level, after all, it is also a former detachment, and the knowledge and power will definitely not be limited to the bionic beast. Zhao Mai will certainly continue to be vigilant, and even more so, especially under the green light of the Death Star. Don't get caught in the "mentally retarded halo" at any time, don't get in randomly, you have to radiate a strong protagonist's light in your background music, this is the way to survive.

The Death Star completely disappeared on the other side of the mountain, and that day was basically over. Through the Worm Heart Ring, Zhao Mai knew that his Chimera spacecraft had approached the solar system, and that the first interstellar Z Worm army was coming. They crossed the distant sea of ​​stars, screaming in the Z Worm network with the excitement of going home.

However, the Death Star made its test today, which gave Zhao Mai a better understanding of the rhythm of the whole situation. If the frog is boiled in warm water, he will be able to grasp it more calmly. "The plan is changed. Don't log on to the earth directly, and don't come over by destroyers." Zhao Mai gave the order: "Landing on Uranus and Neptune, gather on Jupiter and Saturn, deploy in the asteroid belt, expand the base, occupy the solar system, and use the follow-up The delivered blue crystal is modified and upgraded on the Chimera spacecraft, Z Worm is prepared for the highest combat readiness, always waiting for orders, and coming to earth at any time."

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