Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 825: Homecoming Group

"What? Fang exploded when he was experimenting by himself? As a result, Gardener Dragon buried him in the soil for burial. A few months later, there were a lot of small Fang Fang...Ahahahaha, I laughed to death. August 1st Middle School? Wenwang?W≈W≤W.81ZW.COM" Zhao Mai laughed in the car, the round hat on his head to cover the flame head jumped and jumped: "After that, he won't need to get married, just cut it. Cut it and throw it in the soil to breed!"

The food reserve yawned, and Xiao Hua rolled her eyes. "He is not as strong as you. You can regenerate if you burn it, and you are the king of survival. By the way, if you slice and bury you in the soil, can you also regenerate? You know, the newly born teeth , Can no longer be called a blasting tooth and a rat. The new green-skinned goblin has completely become a new species. It can photosynthesize through its own cells, and even absorb some energy directly from the surroundings. Fire and electricity are fine. They can also. Continue to evolve, from goblin to orc, or even into a humanoid Z-worm beast. It's just that I have lost my gender and I am no longer interested in female goblins. This is what you learned?

"Me? This can get on my head too? I'm normal!" Zhao Mai glared at Xiaohua hard.

"Oh yes, everyone saw it the other day, uh... uh uh uh..."

Zhao Mai used psychic powers to seal the air vibration around Xiao Hua, thus achieving a silent effect. "Let's see, oh, it's almost here. Wait, this time is wrong!"

The time shown on the car was January 3, 1927, which obviously exceeded Zhao Mai's expectations. The time difference between the earth and Alda is eight times, and it has been 16 years before and after Alda. For the earth, it should be 1922. Why is it nearly 5 years short?

"Broken, Duojian is going crazy..." Zhao Mai snapped his head. Xiaohua and the reserve grain glanced at each other, and tacitly selected the person who was in the wrong. Xiaohua pointed at Zhao Mai: "It's all your responsibility!" "Wang!"

"Well, anyway, I have strong survivability. I am most suitable for this kind of thing." Zhao Mai squinted and looked out the window. He checked the map of his mobile phone and found that the place where he landed was not very far from Hogsmeade Village. far. Although the potion shop was closed, the house had its own permanent property rights, and the keys were given to Dogian, Barbara and Addo. Since it's the closest, go and see first.

Hogsmeade Village is still the same as it was seven years ago, old, weird, and full of wizardry smell. Apart from replacing the newer signs and replacing several rusty copper pieces with stainless steel, there is no improvement here. The residents still looked at Zhao Mai's Yinmei car with the same gazes they had in the past, full of discomfort, disgust and alienation. The only thing that has changed dramatically is Zhao Mai's home. On the black painted walls and gates, the red paint says "Shame".

There is a huge lock on the door, which is definitely not Zhao Mai's lock. The protective arrays that were originally set on the walls of doors and windows have been completely cracked, so this place has long become a ventilating garbage dump. It can be seen that no one has lived here for a long time, and weeds and moss are growing tenaciously on the waste that smells of alchemy medicine.

When Zhao Mai got out of the car, his hands and feet were shaking. The house became like this, and God knows what happened to the others. He hurriedly took out his cell phone to check the members of his car crew, Dojian and Addo were still on it, at least they were not dead.

"Mike? Are you still alive?" Opposite the Potions Store is the post office in Hogsmeade Village. There are at least two hundred owls here, and they have never been quieter than they are today. Kadec, the old wizard wearing a "post" hat, is Addo's drinking buddy, and his back is more hunched than before.

"Ka..." Zhao Mai found that his throat was actually dumb, he hadn't given birth for thousands of years. He clenched his fist, swallowed hard, and then he could speak normally: "Kardeck, how is Addo and Dogian?"

"Dogian hasn't seen him for a long time, Addo is at Hogwarts. Fortunately, Dumbledore is protecting him, otherwise he..."

"Otherwise how is he?!"

Kadeck rubbed his eyes vigorously. He always felt that there was a fire on Mike's head, it must be some kind of illusion. The old man motioned to Zhao Mai to wait, then turned back to the post office and took out a newspaper. It was an issue last summer. There is news in the third edition: Shocked, the mentally retarded giant Hogwarts teacher, and the Ministry of Magic are all watching the show!

"Shocked?" Zhao Mai smashed the newspaper. He turned around and said to Xiaohua and the reserve grain: "You are in the car, I have activated the follow mode."

Xiao Hua nodded, rolled the car window, and held her head with grain reserves. The big dog had already bared his teeth, and flames shot out from his nostrils. Zhao Mai snorted, used Apparition, exploded and teleported away.

He came directly to the door of Hogwarts, where many people gathered. It can be seen that Hogwarts' defensive circle is open, and Dumbledore is standing inside the circle, with his hands hanging in front of him and a wand in his hand. Five officials from the Ministry of Magic, eight reporters with six cameras, and a dozen onlookers were facing off with Dumbledore.

"Dumbledore, this is the affairs of the Ministry of Magic. Don't stop it!" Wei's official is a tall, handsome, and meticulous middle-aged man who is at the most ambitious stage of his life. "Open the barrier and hand over Ado."

"If you have an arrest warrant, I am willing to cooperate. But absolutely I know that no one has filed a lawsuit, and this matter has not been filed. Why are you taking my colleague away?" Dumbledore raised his eyebrows, seemingly calm. , But everyone can see his suppressed anger~www.ltnovel.com~ You will take away Addo based on a report. Why didn't I know that the Ministry of Magic worked for unscrupulous reporters? If this is the case, in the future, don't care about the good and the bad. It is reasonable and unreasonable, and everything is fine. Just go to the newspaper. "

"It is not good to say that, we are also to investigate the truth of the matter."

"The truth? The truth is that a reporter interviewed a drunk man and used his drunk remarks as news." Dumbledore shook his head: "I have said very clearly. This is the school. We are preparing for the winter vacation. The school was temporarily closed for the previous exams. No visits are accepted."

An owl flew over with a letter in its paw. The official of the Ministry of Magic said: "Ah! The thing that allows you to open the shield is here. This morning, Mr. Hagrid was invited to the Ministry of Magic. We hope that he will stand up and bravely say what he has done. File a case for processing. It must be an arrest warrant!"

The owl slowly flew towards him, and a black shadow suddenly passed by. Zhao Mai directly took what was on the owl's feet and stopped in front of Hogwarts' shield. He opened it, and then burned the warrant.

"Why is it still this virtue?" Zhao Mai looked at everyone coldly, with a clear voice: "You only have one chance, get out!"

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