Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 826: Motto

"Mike, you are back alive!" Dumbledore waved his wand and opened a door on the protective cover: "Come in and say, come in and say, Ado misses you very much!"

Zhao Mai looked at the door, his steps were motionless, and Dumbledore's heart also lifted. W≠W=W≈. ≈8=1≠Z≠W. COM "Although you are also protecting and helping my friends, I am still very dissatisfied, but this can be said slowly. Dumbledore, how is Addo now?"

"Some sad and sad, but everything else is okay. He misses you very much and has been worried that you are dead. You should comfort him first. This is the most important thing."

Zhao Mai still didn’t move, turning his head to look at the official of the Ministry of Magic: "I’m Mike Longhou, I’m back. I haven’t seen you. I don’t know if you recognize me, but the Ministry should know what I do. Yes. Go back, understand what kind of opponent you are facing, and then decide on the next move. Ado is under my protection."

"How about being protected by you? This is the action of the Ministry of Magic. Today I will take away Addo!" Before his words fell, the man had disappeared, leaving only a black coke shadow on the ground. Zhao Mai still stood in place, as if he had never moved. There is a plume of green smoke on his left fist, and a suspiciously broken skin on it.

Zhao Mai shook his hand and threw the piece of skin on the ground.

"Mike Longhou, if you still consider me a friend, just come in!"

Zhao Mai looked at both sides of the protective cover, and everyone's heart was cold wherever he looked. Everyone only felt their eyes dizzy and didn't see what was born, Zhao Mai was already standing next to Dumbledore. "I'm in. But at my own rate, you can't stop me from coming in again."

"So I won't talk to you, I will only talk to you about favors." Dumbledore waved his wand, and the protective shield became complete again. "Come with me, I will take you to find Addo."

"Ado is with you, where is Dojian? She will let Ado be bullied?!"

"Dogian should still be dealing with territorial matters in Africa. The news I heard is that an independent revolution broke out there and the rule of Queen Dokian will be overthrown." Dumbledore saw Zhao Mai clenching his fists and hurriedly Reassured: "Don't worry too much, Barbara is also in Africa. Many wizard families in Europe have interests in that land, and they are definitely helping each other. Moreover, Dogian is very shrewd and won't suffer."

"One thing, one thing." Zhao Mai asked: "What's the matter with Ado?"

"A wizard got drunk and said that his wife had an affair with Ador, and then the matter went to the newspaper, using sensational topics to lead the story. The Daily Prophet wanted to increase his influence on the Ministry of Magic, so I moved some people and started to hype about this matter. What they did was to pour dirty water and buy lies."

"The other fundamental reason is that they think Ador is good for bullying, don't they?" Zhao Mai looked at Dumbledore and shook his head: "Why is the magic world so undeveloped? Sometimes I feel that Grindelwald said that Yes, he is really necessary."

Dumbledore paused and asked, "Did you go to America to see Grindelwald?"

"The United States? Grindelwald is in the United States? I don't know that." Zhao Mai's thoughts turned quickly, and immediately shook his head pretendingly: "I went to other worlds and came back so late in trouble, but I haven't gone yet. Settle with Grindelwald. What is he doing in America and doesn't want to conquer the European magic world?"

"He was arrested by the Magical Congress of the United States. Over the years, he has attacked many places without being caught. This time he finally suffered a loss. But also, if locked up can make him change..."

"If you can change him, it won't be Grindelwald." Zhao Mai had already smelled the smell of Addo, and rushed directly over. Dumbledore shook his head helplessly, seeing that there was no one around him suddenly. It seems that my friend's strength has grown again, but this is definitely not good news for the magic world. The radicals in the magical world are influenced by the European Big Six, and they have been doing more and more recently. Maybe those old conservatives should come out and cool them down! He stopped, thinking that he should write a few letters quickly before things got out of hand.

Ado is still tall, but he is sitting down now, who has always been happy, making Zhao Mai look very distressed. "Ado, I'm back."

"Ado!" The giant rubbed his eyes, then ran over and hugged Zhao Mai hard. "Adoado!"

"I'm fine, Xiaohua is fine, and the food reserves are fine, so you will be fine too." Zhao Mai let Ado hug himself and let him vent his emotions. "No one can bully us, understand? You don't have a psychological burden, we are your backing."

"Ado? Adoado!" The giant's expression was a little anxious, he looked around for a writing board, and Zhao Mai smiled and shook his head: "You forgot, I can telepathically. Don't worry, The magic world can't do anything to me."


"Do you want to go home? Where, is it Westeros? Why do you have this idea?" Zhao Mai paused, then said: "I'm sorry, Addo. I haven't been here for so long. Ji Anliu... left it. I don't know why I came back later than expected. It was my fault. I will try to compensate you."

"Addo~www.ltnovel.com~ Do you just want to return to Westeros?" Zhao Mai looked at Addo's eyes, and now he has made up his mind. Addo's temperament has always been like a child, and the child always wants to go home after being injured. He no longer feels at home on earth, Westeros is the only place where he can feel at ease, and this is what makes Zhao Mai the saddest thing.

However, this sadness cannot be revealed to Ado. Zhao Mai bit her scalp and said, "Okay, since you want to, I will promise you. But can you wait for me to find Dorgian and see her condition, and then send you back to Westeros?"

Ado nodded and smiled with tears.

After a while, Xiaohua and the reserve grain arrived in the car. They bypassed the defensive circle from underground and parked the car in front of the castle. When Zhao Mai heard the sound of the horn, he took Addo into the car. The giant who got the promise to go home feels much better, and is happy to play with the food reserve. Zhao Mai looked sullenly in the driver's seat and looked at Hogwarts Castle without a word. On the gate of the castle, there is the old school motto of the magic school: "Don't mess with the sleeping dragon".

"Dragons don't just roar," Zhao Mai said.

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