Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 843: Dig a hole to bury some soil

The large alluvial sand wasteland is about 150 kilometers wide and 600 kilometers long. It is a low-lying area lying southeast of Tyre. ?? W=W=W≤. ≤81ZW. COM has been buried by wind and sand for thousands of years, and the sand here is uncountable. As a slave, Zhao Mai was imprisoned in a prison vehicle. He once traversed the area and encountered terrible sandstorms there. Because of the harsh climate and complex terrain, with the exception of some specific harder Gobi sand roads, other areas may become quicksand areas at any time, devouring human lives.

Everyone wanted to know how Zhao Mai did it, but some people really couldn't get away. Cotande has a lot of work related to the Masked League. Ricas is the current hero of Tyre and the savior of slaves. They can't come if they want. Tyrion wanted to see it, but he wanted to learn more about Tyr, to learn about the Templar, the Masked Alliance, and everything in this world, so as to prepare for the next step. He stayed in the Masked League and studied with Cotande, so he did not come. However, with Satiri and Butcher following, Zhao Mai was already very satisfied.

They drove toward the sand sea, diving up and down, and out, as if they were really at sea. However, the large alluvial sand wasteland was really an ocean in the past, and Tyre was once a coastal city. Zhao Mai is currently unable to bring the blue back, but turning it into purple and green should not be a big problem.

"What the **** are the Z bugs you are talking about?" Satiri has always been curious: "Can they eat sand and become soil?"

"That is the most powerful group of creatures in the universe. It can survive in almost any environment." Dojian gave a very high evaluation: "Satiri, the Z bug is the tomorrow of Artas."

"Don't get me wrong, I don't want to turn all Atas creatures into Z insects." Zhao Mai looked at the navigation map, then turned the steering wheel: "I saw a hard ground, let's start there!"

They found the ruins of a campsite, with a relatively hard ground, and shelters built up with stones and bricks. It used to be a fixed anchorage for the caravan, and everyone can find some earthen jars, sand beds, and stakes for tying round beetles. In the large alluvial sand wasteland, there are many such campsites. They are established and then destroyed by wind and sand, and then find new places to build, and the cycle continues.

Relying on commercial interests is not enough to stay in this terrible desert forever. Only by continuing to dig into the depths and using the power of life can we get rooted and stand firm. Zhao Mai stopped the car on the hard ground and walked a few steps alone, facing the sand sea with his back to everyone.

His head turned blue, and the wind stopped and the sand was quiet under the light. This rare silence made Satiri's ears hum, and she stopped the auditory hallucinations with a hard pat. Butcher tugged at the corners of his mouth and smiled slightly: "At least this looks good. I have seen the kind of preaching pastor, but he is not as good as him."

"The master is a god," said Duojian, hugging the gardener dragon, "there is even more."

"He's a god, but he's not a **** of slavery." Sadili deliberately picked Doujian's thorn. After learning about the travels of Zhao Mai and others in other worlds, on the one hand he regretted that he could not follow, and on the other hand, he was proud to see Zhao Mai returning. She would not admit that she was a little envious of Dojian, so she only said a few words.

Zhao Mai focused on feeling the information of the will of the world around him, and he still clearly remembered his negotiation with this world. When he showed the power no less than the gods, he immediately attracted the attention of the world will. But as Iluvita said, pure world will only cares about his own survival.

"I will let you prosper and stop being hurt by magic." Zhao Mai opened his palm and let the Z insect cell fall to the ground. The hot sand immediately stuck to Z Worm's body, wrapping it in its constant tumbling.

Zhao Mai raised his right fist and hit the ground fiercely. The blue light exploded and the sand turned into water. The water quickly penetrated downwards, and soon disappeared into the sand sea, along with Z insects.

Zhao Mai shook his fist again, constantly using the ability of material alchemy to create various basic elements to provide the Z insects with the material and energy needed to proliferate. Under his boxing, the ground was sunken, and the sea of ​​sand continued to sink. Quicksand soon formed, and Zhao Mai buried it in all directions.

However, the blue light flickered again and again, and the sand was transformed into various substances until Zhao Mai felt that it was enough for the Z insect to start snowballing. He flew out of the sandpit, landed next to the car, opened the trunk and threw a soil-reducing cultivation ball down. The flame on his head turned back to gold, but there was no sweat.

"What do we need to do next?" Butcher glanced at the bunker from time to time, and asked curiously: "Should I expect something to grow in it?"

"Yes, new worms will grow inside, and then the worms will pave the ground and transform the surrounding environment." Zhao Mai said: "As for the next point, we will go to the next point. I estimate the entire large alluvial sand wasteland. It takes more than 30 breeding sites to be able to form a sufficient scale."

"I have to do this thirty times? It's boring than farming." Butcher shrugged, "Mike, if we see sand thief or something on the way, how about going to fight? Anyway, after killing the thief. It will also pose a threat to you."

"I agree!" said Satiri, "The sand pirates do everything, and it should have been cleaned up long ago. Especially those who have been the sand pirates for more than a year, every hand is stained with blood! If the Witch King is the worst , The slave trader is second, so the sand thief deserves to be third!"

"No problem. Things that go smoothly are not dangerous at all and can add some fun."

So on the way to the next "cultivation site" ~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai consciously searched for the traces of sand pirates. Although the wind and sand will bury many things, the underground shelters built by the sand thief cannot hide from the scanning of the vehicle's radar. There are still three caves in Guitu. Zhao Mai and his team found two vacant dens, and finally discovered the existence of Sand Pirates in the third.

"Don't do it!" Xiaohua said to Zhao Mai: "This time, you are just the driver. We will do the fighting. Let us exercise!"

"Don't go down if you are so cute. Can't you play with Xiaowei in the car? She knows a lot of games."

"No, of course not." Xiaohua shook her head, and stretched out the small arms and legs of the gardener dragon. "Xiaowei is just a biochemical person. She will try to make us happy, but she is not really happy. If I study and understand what is going on, and then make her happy and happy consciously, then I will play with her."

"Well, you follow Dojian, be careful." Zhao Mai drew out the hunter's blood spear, and then threw it to Dojian: "You send me the long sword, and you can use this for you. I washed away my own psychic powers. Mark, you find time to fill in your own power characteristics. By the way, would you use a spear?"

"Of course. The memory of weapons and armor has never been lost."

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