Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 844: Let's play

"Oh, it's a quicksand trap again!"

The weight brought by Butcher's huge size is completely burdensome on this sandy ground, especially when he doesn't have much common sense about the quicksand traps commonly used by sand pirates. It was already the third time that he stepped on the trap, and in an instant he plunged most of his body into it, but fortunately, Dojian used his psychic powers to hold him.

"Follow my footsteps!" Xiaohua dashed to the front of Butcher, happily like a spring outing child. Shadiri let out a flame with her palm to force the enemy back, turned around and took a look before exclaiming: "Be careful, there is also a trap!"

"I know." Xiaohua jumped **** the trap twice before touching it with her own weight. Immediately afterwards, the crossbow bolts, lime and nail plate mechanism in the sand surrounded. Xiao Hua had been prepared for a long time, she threw the vine whip from her wrist to pull herself, turned her body in the air, twisted and twisted from these attacks, and jumped out in a weird posture. Then, a gust of wind appeared in a whirl, wrapping all the lime powder into a ball and throwing it into the sand.

"It's your turn for the next trap!" Xiao Hua pointed forward and rushed over to the stored grain. It kicked **** the ground, threw its paws, and finally touched the trap. Only heard a crackling noise, the food reserve came out of the trap intact.

"You are a scumbag. Even if you have a zone resister armor, you should treat it as if you don't have it, otherwise it won't be fun!"

The answer to Xiaohua was just two barking dogs. Had it not been for Xiaohua to play, he would not go down to this short and dark cave to fight off the bandits! Even with his dog's mind, he can understand that there is no need to suppress the bandits. Just need Zhao Mai to punch a few **** the ground, and the whole underground thieves’ den will collapse and be completely buried in the sand. No sand bandit can. Survive.

Duojian shook his head. These two were purely children playing, not really fighting. She pulled Butcher out with a spear, and then strode forward. The psionic powers are under her feet, so she is suspended in the air, which can avoid most traps. But having said that, how many traps can there be? This is one of the three entrances and exits of the Sand Pirate Base. Although you don't walk around often, you can't use traps to block the road, right?

These traps are suitable for dealing with some black-eating sand thieves, that is, opponents like Butcher, but they meet the small flowers of the mage Satiri, the soul warrior Dogian, the half druid and half mascot, and the small flowers that can be continuously teleported. The assassination-type fierce dog is of little significance.

Zhao Mai was forbidden to leave, so he could only sit in the car and watch it through the scanning radar. He couldn't bear it after only looking at it for three minutes. He left the car and rushed in. A gray-headed face came towards him, thinking of the hapless man who had ran away, but was beaten to pieces by Zhao Mai.

"What are you doing in here, don't you worry?" Xiaohua dropped the enemy and jumped to Zhao Mai's side: "Look, I'm very clean, they didn't hit me!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was an explosion deep in the cave. Satiri was suppressed by the enemy's crossbow arrows and shot a fireball deep into the cave in anger. At this time, the original fragile structure of the cave was destroyed, and the chain reaction of the collapse has begun to spread in the base.

"You should withdraw? This is about to collapse!" Zhao Mai just finished speaking, and saw the grain reserve looking at him pitifully. "Okay, okay, go ahead and play with you!" Zhao Mai patted the soil around him, and his psychic powers immediately strengthened the wall to avoid the danger of collapse.

Satiri looked at her palm, she was a little strange. Could it be that her magical power has become smaller? Zhao Mai's voice came from far away: "Stop using magic, be careful of blasphemy! Last time I could help you absorb it, this time I won't have the effect of bait!"

"Then give me a weapon, my long stick can't be used here!" Shatiri shouted.

"Then let it go, little girl." Dogian rushed up with the hunter's blood spear. After several shifts, he picked up the enemy's crossbow arrows and rushed past the corner that Santilly could not pass. It was almost the effort of the front and rear feet, Butcher also rushed in with a rumble, waving the tomahawk in his hand, cold light filled the sky.

"The mage should be in the back row." Zhao Mai walked to Sadili and said with a smile: "What weapon do you want to use?"

"A short sword is just fine, or a spinning stick." Sadili said with a smile.

Zhao Mai condensed the dagger with the power of ice, and let Satiri hold it with psychic powers so that it would not hurt her hand. Unexpectedly, Satiri would not care about the battle immediately, and kept turning the ice dagger against her body: "Ah...It's cool. You must teach me this skill!"

"I won't teach what to do?"

"Then use it often!" Satiri looked inside, and then said: "It seems I don't need to go in and mix. Butcher occupies almost half of the room by himself, and Dogian uses his spear to control For the other half, it seems that my magic is not needed. Zhao Mai, are you worried that we came down?"

"One thing, but this is not the main reason." Zhao Mai and Kshatriya leaned on the wall together and chatted on the battlefield: "I have almost no experience of fighting with others, so I see you are very much below. Joy, I can’t help it. If I curb my strength and don’t spoil your fun, can you let me play too?"

"Okay. But we don't have so many opportunities." Sadili said: "Before that, when I encountered sand thief, I ran away and hid quickly. Maybe only Dojian can really kill sand thief. Experience. By the way, what did she call your master? Did you touch her mind while she was recovering~www.ltnovel.com~? In my impression, the high-ranking templar is not Who will become a slave."

"Don’t forget that Karak did her becoming a slave, and the process of Dogian’s true recovery was not my hand. I have seen that she has a complete soul, and I still don’t know how to do it. Create a complete soul." Zhao Mai said: "When my land grows up, you will be able to see many creatures, such as many gardener dragons. They seem to be independent individuals, but in reality they still don't have a complete soul. "

Duojian turned his head and leaned on Zhao Mai's shoulder: "You should never play with people's hearts and souls, and never become the Witch King, you know?"

"Of course."

Just when the two of them were expressing me and me, the reserve ran over with a strange piece of meat in their mouths. Xiao Hua covered her mouth, followed behind the stored grain like a thief, and walked slowly out. The food reserve opened his mouth, and placed the meat sac in front of Zhao Mai with a clatter, arching it with his nose. Satiri smiled slightly, and very skillfully used the ice dagger to cut the outer skin of the meat sac, revealing the golden jelly inside.

"Which **** cut off the round shell worm's honey sac in advance!" Butcher's voice came from a distance, and Zhao Mai and others' mouths were full, and there was no time to answer him.

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