Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 851: Remember the original dream?

The patter of raindrops fell and flowed slowly after hitting the roof and the ground. Eight?? One Chinese W≈W=W≤. ≤8≥1≥Z≤W≤. ≤COM They have a pungent smell, and everyone who smells it feels dizzy. "Poisonous!" They reminded each other loudly, and launched a counterattack. The crossbow arrows were shot into the air, as did the magical beams. Zhao Mai used his magic wand to draw a circle in the air, and the ultimate protection spell and the impenetrable spell formed a cover, covering the entire manor below.

The venom continued to wave, combined with the surrounding natural force, and penetrated into everyone's body. Neither the psychic powers nor the spells of the mage can completely block the natural force. No matter how strong these people are, they always have to breathe and exchange with the external environment. And in Zhao Mai's magic cover, the only thing that could breathe was the pungent air. Even if they use magic to create wind, there is not much room for wealth in a closed space.

"What kind of poison gas is this, why did you use a detoxification spell, I can still smell the pungent smell?" Kaskak roared to the family magician. In fact, he himself also has some magic and psychic powers. Among them, psychic powers can be regarded as a good hand with unique skills, but he is still powerless against the "toxins" in the air. He tried to break that layer of shield, but his strength was consumed faster than usual, and he became more and more unable to control himself.

The servants in the manor were the first to fall to the ground, then the private soldiers and mercenaries, and then the mages who had cast various spells but still failed to achieve good results also began to stand unstable.

Zhao Mai landed on the ground, the insect heart guarded against the dim light. Immediately afterwards, there were waves of shaking accompanied by a roar from the ground, and several hidden passages all collapsed, completely sealing off the road connecting the inside and outside of the manor. All that remains is to wait for the poison gas to diffuse into all the spaces and everyone falls down.

Zhao Mai waited outside the protective shield, and Tyrion wandered to a room. This place is located on the west side of Duoji'an's house, completely unaffected by Zhao Mai's anger. He pushed open the dangling door to meet Duojian's glaring eyes.

"How did you tell the master?" Dogian pointed to the ground quickly, indicating that she was in a very bad mood. Tyrion hurriedly put a smile on the corner of his mouth, and then moved towards Santilly. The latter said: "Dogian, you are angry and unreasonable. What I asked Tyrion to do is only between me and Zhao Mai."

"No matter how Zhao Mai chooses, you are his." Dojian stared at Satiri and said: "You little girl, you have no choice at all. Don't say Zhao Mai will not let go, even if he let it go, I I won't let you go."

"In terms of force, I am indeed not Zhao Mai's opponent, but compared to you, it is not necessarily who will win or lose." Sadili shook her head, her long eyelashes trembling as she blinked. "Besides, I'm not going to dump Zhao Mai. I know how good he is to me, but I want to know how good he is to me."

"How much is more, how much is less, the answer you want to know is totally meaningless!"

"It makes sense when he has multiple women." Satiri looked at Dogian and said, "Because you have rescued him from Taisian, he has always treated you well, even if you lose your soul. He and the memory did not leave you behind, and took you with me when I left. What about me? Although for me, he has been away for less than a long time, but he has taken you for thousands of years in the outside world!"

"If he can take you away, he must have taken you away. After so many years outside, he has been working hard to improve himself, seizing every opportunity to study the will of the world, just wanting to come back and take you away." Dogian snorted and said : "Isn't this enough?"

"Take me away because he wants to possess me, not...not..." Sadili was speechless for a while, and she really couldn't say those words in front of everyone.

"Adolescent rebellious little girl!" Dogian glared at Satiri, then turned his gaze to Tyrion: "Dwarf, tell me what you think..."

"In this matter, I have no selfish intentions at all, and I want to see what Zhao Mai would do. If he kills those people, it’s okay. It’s okay to kill only a part of it. I will provide corresponding advice in the future. ." Tyrion shook his little hand: "I'm just a job, serving Zhao Mai. At the same time, I also want to make Zhao Mai's house more peaceful, so I did it according to your ideas this time. Sadili, this is the only time I have reduced my suggestions for you, and I will definitely provide Zhao Mai with the most complete advice in the future."

"Of course, one time is enough." Sadiri replied.

"What nonsense is this!" Duojian knocked **** the table, and a deep crack was smashed into the slate tabletop. "Zhao Mai has spent so many years, spent so much effort, and took countless risks. Is it possible that a **** came back to you specifically, what else do you want him to prove? Once? Why do you propose this time?"

"I'm not a slave, of course I have this one!" Satiri also knocked on the table, "I'm going to see Zhao Mai for so many years, and I still remember what I think is the most important thing! I allow him to forget, but I Don’t like him to forget! If he can remember, what a wonderful thing..."

Tyrion stuck his tongue out behind Satiri and rolled his eyes upward. Another girl who likes fantasy, just like his former wife Sansa Lannister, an innocent girl. It's just that Sansa lives in a cruel world and meets cruel people. Satiri's world is also cruel, but the right person can change all of this.

So the question is, is Zhao Mai the right person? Is he the one who can remember Satiri's preferences?

Tyrion sat down and waited, but he didn't feel thirsty, even if the fine wine was close at hand, he didn't have the mind to get it. After a while, barking and heavy footsteps came from outside, followed by the expected sound of opening the door. The reserve ran over with Xiaohua wagging his tail, and Butcher followed it with an excited smile. His loud voice buzzed in the room: "I won. Take the money, it's eight thousand gold coins!"

"You are wrong, our bet is only two thousand gold coins." Dojian said with a raised eyebrow.

"Anyway, you are happy to pay the money, and not give it more?" Butcher said to Sadili: "Mike got there, sealed the entire yard with magic techniques, and then poisoned everyone. But those people were all. Alive, none left over to Taisian. He told Taisian that someone tried to mobilize the relationship between them and he was able to clean up these people at any time, but now the king of Tyre is Taisian, and he lives here. Follow the rules here."

He chuckled twice, and then said to Satiri: "And that kid said ~www.ltnovel.com~Sadili likes fair and open trials and doesn't like lynching, so he just helps the Templar arrest. . However, I think that kid must have done something to the Kaskak family. Even if they wake up, they don’t have the power to break free from the shackles. It seems that psychic powers and magic have been killed."

"He handed everyone to Taixi'an?" Sadili's face flushed, and her words were already shaking.

Duojian gave her a blank look and snorted coldly: "It was handed over to the court, isn't this what you want? I tell you, don't test him anymore. Even if he doesn't notice or even cares, I won't allow this Things regenerate."

Butcher scratched his head, and then (thought) he understood what was going on: "You two are in conflict. It was because of this? I'll tell you that even if those people are not killed on the spot, they will not end up. Good end. I remember that when he was still very weak, he ran into a particularly beautiful female paladin, and he used the trick of handing over the law. Finally, he hanged the goblin and prevented me from killing those female paladins. ."

"Pretty female paladin, okay?" Dojian and Sadili turned their heads and asked in unison: "What is going on?"

"Have I said this?" Butcher stretched out his hand: "Where are my eight thousand gold coins?"

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