Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 852: What's the use

Taixian looked at more than a hundred "criminals" with their hands tied and unable to resist, and Zhao Mai with a smiling face on his side, his scalp numb.

When Dogian, Satiri and others were attacked before, he felt that things were not good. This kind of routine was too much like his own style, planting and framing, causing civil war, and reaping the benefits. He hurriedly sent the most trusted samurai to express his attitude on his behalf, but was blocked by the short man.

Since then, Taixian has always been on guard, carrying more than a hundred guards wherever he goes, and he will never be alone. He knew better than anyone else that the Witch King Karak died in the hands of whose hands. Although Ricas and Butcher are very powerful in combat, their strength is still within the range that they can predict, and they are definitely not like Zhao Mai.

"You are the king, and your city is in charge." Taixian didn't respond to these words from Zhao Mai for several seconds. "Sadiri likes a fair and open trial. She proposed this at the beginning. I naturally want to realize this wish for her."

"Ah...no problem, I agreed to it, and of course it will be done." Taixian nodded, "At present, the tasks of templars in the city are heavy. I am sorry to trouble you to catch these criminals. After all. right now……"

"Don't tell me, if this matter did not involve my family, I would not take action. And I caught the suspect, not the criminal. There are some differences. There are some evidences that have been collected. Leon is the little man in my family who is easy to recognize. You can send someone to find him to get it. I am just staying in the city temporarily, and I will move out until I finish building the manor outside. However, I must still pay Will come to Tyre often, after all, this is the largest city nearby."

Want to move? This is simply great! Tesian heard from his subordinates that Zhao Mai attacked Kaskak's home alone. At first he felt that he was dead. Unexpectedly, the news he heard later was that he was attacking nearly two hundred people alone and was about to win. Taixian looked at the Hundred Guards around him, only to feel the cold wind swish in his neck. Tai Xi'an knew that Zhao Mai had the ability to assassinate, but he did not expect him to have a more powerful frontal combat ability. Karak, the Witch King, died unjustly. He felt that if he died, he would be unjust. Such an uncontrollable powerhouse can die as far as he can, and it is also great to move away if he does not die.

Of course, on the surface, he still has to ask very politely: "Building a manor outside the city is not a simple job. Do I need to provide some skilled craftsmen? Some buildings in Karak are also planned to be demolished, so Tyre City There are also a lot of building materials, do you need it?"

"That's not necessary. I basically don't need that to build the manor." Zhao Mai seemed to have just thought of it and said it out: "However, my manor covers a relatively large area. It is all desert wasteland in the past. There is no owner. Kind of land."

"Use the land as you like," Taixian thought for a while, and added: "You want you to be able to develop it and survive on it. In fact, the city of Tyre is also pretty good. Why do you want to move out?"

"Because you are a king, I am just a resident here, so I will always feel a little uncomfortable. You are me too." Zhao Mai's answer was so straightforward that Taixian was puzzled, and he didn't know how to answer this for a while. Fortunately, Zhao Mai finally spared him: "Okay, let’s not say much, I handed over these suspects to you. Within five days, they will be completely unable to use magic and psychic powers, and their muscles will vary in degree. The paralysis is easy to take care of. But after five days, this effect will slowly fade away, you have to be careful."

Tai Xi'an smiled slightly and said, "If the evidence is conclusive, it will take less than five days to produce results."

Zhao Mai nodded and used the Phantom Shift to directly teleport away. Taixian couldn't help but twitch at the corner of his eyes as he watched the dark smoke slowly dissipating in the air. He turned his head and said to his high-ranked templar: "There will be no need for a hundred people to follow me in the future. Let's arrange for them to do other tasks."

"Your Majesty, what about your safety?"

"It's enough to reduce it to ten people. The number is meaningless. If the opponent is someone like Mike Longhou, even if it is a hundred people and a thousand people, it will not stop him from suddenly coming to me and cutting it down. My head."

"Your Majesty, how many people are there like Mike Longhou? If you immediately reduce your guards because you see his strength, wouldn't it be an expression of extreme weakness and lack of confidence? It will have a lot of prestige for you Negatively affected, Your Majesty."

Taixian took a few more glances at his men, then nodded and said, "You are as smart as I thought, and you can find out after a little trial. But I am very dissatisfied with you, why is it not early to have the ability? Show it? Wouldn't I be fooled for a lifetime if I hadn't been patiently exploring?

"Subordinates are terrified." The templar said: "Your Majesty has always managed the country in an orderly manner. If I didn't give me such a chance, how could I have the opportunity to express myself?"

Tai Xi'an laughed slightly, and the mood of being hit by Zhao Mai a little better. He sent his own hands to find Tyrion for "evidence", and decided to execute the attacker on the fourth day as long as the evidence seemed more rigorous. However, he also figured it out, thinking that it is not appropriate to kill everyone, and some of the ones that are irrelevant and threatening should be let go directly. This is a "fair" trial.

Texian and Satiri have completely different understandings of "fairness" ~www.ltnovel.com~ but this does not prevent him from doing superficial work to fool this matter. The most important thing now is to fool Zhao Mai away. Don't stay in Tyre City to make people fearful all day. Through the informant, he heard about Zhao Mai's "great plan" from the Masked League. Transforming the desert? That is completely wishful thinking! Strong combat ability does not mean that it is strong in other areas. The more magic and psychic powers are used, the more serious the desertification will be. Taixian has already begun to imagine Zhao Mai cursing, struggling with pain, and not being able to survive—that's really pleasant.

There are still many things in Tyre. The most important thing is to quickly improve its strength and strengthen the building of the army. Those who are arranged by the Masked Alliance should be able to attract corruption as soon as possible; those who cannot, should be placed in a position where it has little influence. Of those who only know how to secretly free slaves all day, how many of them know how to manage and fight on the march? Taixian also heard that if it hadn't been for Zhao Mai's reminder, the Masked Alliance would never have thought of sending people into the Templar to "combine with each other."

Means, ability, and ambition are all indispensable. Mike Longhou has both the means and abilities, but unfortunately he has no ambitions, and he will end up bewildering everyone. Taixian believes that what he lacks is ability, especially his personal ability to protect himself. Thinking of this, he crossed out the plan of meeting his lover in the afternoon and enjoying gentleness, and changed it to a course to exercise psychic powers.

The city of Tyre is mine, and so is Artas—Texian keeps reminding himself.

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