Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 853: shock

Zhao Mai knew that he must have done something right, otherwise Satiri would not pester herself so intimately these days, or even take the initiative to drag Dojian together. On weekdays, she has to help her master Cotande deal with the various matters of the Masked League. She is always very busy and falls asleep when she returns home. Now, Satiri has obviously reduced her workload, and she spends at least half a day with Zhao Mai every day, which makes Zhao Mai a little uncomfortable.

After lunch every day, Satiri would drag Dojian and Zhao Mai to take a nap together, even if nothing was done, this was unimaginable before. The feeling of hugging left and right is of course very good, especially since the two people have no signs of conflict or quarrel again. Every time Zhao Mai tried to figure out what had happened to cause this change, the answer was only Sadili’s blushing cheeks and Dogian’s slightly upturned eyes. This has become a secret matter, but fortunately, other questions can still be asked.

"Your teacher didn't scold you for always disappearing?" Zhao Mai needs very little sleep time, so he can always watch someone wake up. Satiri woke up early this time, so Zhao Mai talked to her quietly.

"No. Let me tell you, I now feel more and more that the Masked League is not good, especially when compared to Dogian and Tyrion, so I don’t want to go. I told the teacher, he also feels the same, so I am willing to let I will follow you to learn more. So I won’t get scolded for this.”

"Just don't scold you. To me, the Masked League has basically completed its historical mission. The time to liberate slaves and combat profanity has basically passed. The next focus is to manage and build Tyre, the Masked League. There is no such preparation and talent pool."

Satili was lying on Zhao Mai's left shoulder, holding the amber braid and sliding on his chest. "However, you are the son-in-law of the Masked Alliance, and you can't stand by. I recently heard news that Urik’s Witch King Hamanna asked Tyr to pay for the iron ore. Witch King Karak borrowed money to build his The large altar also used iron ore miners for sacrifices, resulting in the continued low output of Tyre Iron Mine. The breach of contract and the interest on borrowings may overwhelm the city of Tyre, and may even cause war."

Zhao Mai was about to answer. Dojian finished pretending to sleep, and put his head on Zhao Mai’s right shoulder, looking at Satiri with blue eyes: "Yu Shi, Zhao Mai is only responsible for a few of us. He is not. The people in the Masked Alliance are not the templars of Tyre, so you shouldn’t ask you whether you are involved in the dispute between Tyre and Urik. You can’t substitute personal affairs for official duties.”

"Is this using personal affection to influence official affairs?" Sadili blinked, thought about it, and said, "Oh, I understand. Then I won't ask. Anyway, if there is a need, the Masked Alliance or Taixian will naturally send People come to ask for help. In the past, I only had masked alliances in my life, so I don’t know very well... I don’t ask, I want to sleep a little longer."

"Why did you fall asleep when you just woke up? Are you sick?" Zhao Mai touched Sadili's forehead with the back of his hand, and the natural force penetrated in. Satiri felt a chill from her forehead, and her irritability was immediately relieved. This comfortable feeling made her even more sleepy, and a sweet smile appeared on her face.

"Huh?" Zhao Mai frowned suddenly, and his body trembled a bit, and Duojian, who was lying on him, immediately felt it. Suddenly, Zhao Mai sat up suddenly, his hands emitting blue and green light, his expression was very serious. He opened the domain to isolate all interference from the outside world, and carefully and cautiously inspected Satiri's body.

"What happened? Did someone poison Satiri?" Dogian got up immediately and began to put on clothes and armor on himself. She raised her eyebrows and shouted outside the house: "Little Flower! Little Flower, reserve grain, come here!"

Zhao Mai took his hand from Satiri and put it on again, seeming to be a little bit uncertain about the results of his examination. After a while, Xiao Hua dragged Xiao Wei, who had become a raccoon, and rushed in together riding on the grain reserves. "what happened?"

"I don't know, but Zhao Mai is very nervous." Duojian used his psychic powers to hold up the armor, and soon he could wrap his body. "The situation seems to be toxins, diseases, etc., let Zhao Mai check it for you later."

"No, I use the force of nature every day to treat everyone's body, and check and deal with the possible harmful substances in the surrounding environment, shouldn't such a thing happen?" Xiaohua scratched her head and flew to Duojian's side: " Just in case, I'll check it for you first."

Wait until Xiaohua has thoroughly inspected Duoji'an, and then it is the grain reserve, and Zhao Mai has not yet inspected Sadili. Xiaohua leaned over and asked softly, "What happened? Your spells are much stronger than mine. What did you find?"

"Hey..." Zhao Mai smirked twice, scratched his head, and said: "I should have killed someone."

For a moment, everyone didn’t react, and a few seconds later, they exploded: "What! Sadiri is pregnant! Zhao Mai, don’t be kidding, you two species are different, how could it be... Did you find a modification back to yourself? The original method?!"

"Uh, it should be the bloodline that I left behind before leaving Atas. Now my Z Worm cell body can only imitate humans and cannot completely transform back to humans. It is indeed a different species. But I can be sure that I am going to be a father. !"

Everyone was completely excited, even the food reserves were being sent around in the house, and they used a half-baked tone to imitate the wolf cry~www.ltnovel.com~Satiri was surrounded by a group of lunatics, blushing, and she shrank in her quilt. Overwhelmed in bed. It took a long time to squeeze out a sentence: "Are you sure?"

Xiao Hua shouted so that her throat became hoarse. In order to be able to speak, she relieved her body to re-coagulate before she recovered: "Yes, why don't I see it when I use natural force to check your body every day?"

"It may be that Sadili half-elves live longer than humans, so they behave much slower than humans; it may also be that she is younger? I am not a pregnancy expert. How do I know? If it is not for the discovery of the second life I can't see the pulsation of power and psychic powers. I guess this child will have to grow up for a long time."

"He is so young that he has psychic pulsations? Are you sure?" Duojian asked with a frown.

"I've checked it again and again, and it's true that's right." Zhao Mai's face flushed seldom: "My bloodline is the center of Zworm cells, so it is not surprising that it can acquire some abilities from Zworm cells. This may also be one of the reasons for his slow growth."

Satiri had hidden her face under the pillow, and Duojian also squinted at Zhao Mai, before finally restraining herself from touching her belly. The atmosphere became extremely embarrassing, only the reserve of grain has not been relieved from the excitement, and kept barking.

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