Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 858: Desert must grab Petra

When Zhao Mai moved, an army was marching in the desert, and it was Ricas who led them. The Witch King Karak organized a grand gladiatorial competition, and after the uprising, the slaves in these arenas basically lost their jobs. Taisian assigned them all to Ricas, thus establishing this "Crimson Army". More than two thousand fighters who are proficient in fighting and gladiatorial skills are about to stop the destroyers from Urik.

This is the first time that Tyre has faced another witch king since its independence. The dispute originated from the iron ore contract, and when Tyre ended slavery, no one could force the original miners to go down again. Although Taixian promised to strengthen mine safety work, before that, Ulik's contract had expired. Sending someone down is very likely to die, and sending someone to fight may also die. Taisian slyly pushed this dilemma to the side of the Masked Alliance, "Either give me a slave to mine, or I have to prepare for battle and block the army in Urik."

Both the Masked League and Ricas were happy to have won the Crimson Legion, and deeply felt the justice and honor of this action. After a few days of hurried training and the establishment of a temporary command system, the Crimson Corps set off.

The logistical support and intelligence investigation work of two thousand people, coupled with the transmission of orders and information, requires a large number of manpower, causing the entire masked alliance to be trapped in heavy work. Taixian held his wine glass, wishing the Crimson Legion a victory, and wishing Zhao Mai a happy move. He was finally able to draw back the most elite force to complete his plan.

The round-shell beetles crossed one dune after another, and their route did not overlap with the Crimson Legion. Zhao Mai's Xiyang Oasis avoided possible trade routes, and all grew and expanded on its own in inaccessible places. So far, apart from the location of the "My Home" which is public, the other oasis of Si soil are legends in the desert, and are considered to be mirage-like things. It’s no fault of others. Anyone who sees a large mushroom forest in the desert, coupled with weird bugs walking around, will think it is an illusion.

After walking for about half a day, the round-shell beetle encountered the transporter who came to meet it. They have weak limbs in front of the bigger and more ferocious Z worm, leaving only the strength to tremble. In order to adapt to the desert environment, the worms grow up like snake-scale belly and paddle-like feet, so they act like boats on the sand. The round-shell beetle also experienced the feeling of riding other species at once. The sand sea fleet composed of more than 20 transporters increased its movement speed by more than three times, which actually gave people a sense of speed.

"All Z insects are evolving. The springworms that are specially adapted to the desert environment, and the tunnel insects that can directly establish stable passages in the quicksand are all under intensive debugging." Xiaohua adjusted the car to "follow Zhao Mai". Mode, just take advantage of this time to explain to you the structure of the Z bug society. "All Z-worms are part of Zhao Mai, and they will protect you unconditionally. No matter what happens, calling Z-worms is the same as calling Zhao Mai. You can find the gardener dragon for daily trivial matters. Zhao Mai specially gives you all Arranged for the Gardener Dragon to stay invisible, you can't see her."

"In other words, even if I go to the toilet, the gardener dragon will follow?" Tyrion's eyes widened.

"Zhao Mai said, when your psychic powers can relieve him, you can get rid of the protection of the gardener dragon." Xiaohua said: "Currently on the soil, there are guards of jumping dogs and hydralisks everywhere. There is no danger. After Arda’s portal is completed, the races of that world will return, and the situation will become a little more complicated. Tyrion, although Zhao Mai can resurrect you if you die, it is not without a price. Death is for the soul His trauma is permanent, and your body may not be human after your resurrection, so try not to die."

"Really straightforward." Tyrion squinted at the receding sand dunes outside, wondering what he was thinking about.

When Xiyang and the three castles appeared in front of the field of vision, Tyrion had already cleared all the conspiracy in his mind. Creating life in the desert and turning barren land into livable places is a miracle. According to Xiaohua, there are nearly forty such desert oasis, and the number is still increasing.

For a long time, Tyrion's impression of these forty settlements has always remained on the impression of a small desert oasis, which is by no means the spectacular scene in front of him. He had seen the tall temple towers and huge pyramid palaces in Tyre, each of which shocked him sincerely, but none of them could compare with the aerial fortress in front of him.

The closest fortress to them is Petra. Like the other two castles, they are both built on huge stone pillars. From a distance, they are as tall and low as the sun in the sky. The stone pillars are wrapped in soil, like a giant tree entangled by vines, and workers and insects can be seen up and down. Three hundred pillars are like three hundred arms, lifting the castle in the air—there is the nest of Hydralisk and monitor insects, and the stock of ammunition is enough to form a continuous arrow rain covering the sky and sun. The Air Combat Z Worm, which is being finalized, will also set up its nest here. Waiting for Zhao Mai to determine the attack method and other related issues, it will enter the stage of accumulation. The three castles guard the "My House" in the center from three directions, ensuring an absolute advantage in the number of troops and the ability to project firepower. And Zhao Mai only needs to concentrate on dealing with the threat of the highest combat effectiveness.

The Witch King, the Dragon King, and Rajat, the primordial warlock who created the Witch King and the Dragon King, have mastered the top combat abilities of Atas, and Zhao Mai's task is to guard against them. The more territories Xi Yang occupies, the stronger Zhao Mai's power will be, and there may be challenges from the will of the world immediately following. The Witch King, the Dragon King and the Warlock of the Beginning, in order to maintain their rule or restore the world to the style of the halfling period, they are likely to conflict with Zhao Mai, and Zhao Mai also wants to spend time with these people at the right time. Make a move to establish his position in Artas. However, he does not want to confront the will of the world. If there is the possibility of peaceful coexistence and stable transition, even if the hope is slim, Zhao Mai will try it.

Communicating with the will of the world consumes power, so the construction of these three castles is to free Zhao Mai from conventional warfare, without having to pay attention to daily chores. The huge castle casts a huge shadow, giving everyone a shock~www.ltnovel.com~ People who are here for the first time are so surprised that they can't speak, their mouths are round, and they can easily be stuffed into eggs.

"Okay, you can get off the car," Zhao Mai stopped the entire convoy at the border of Xiyang, and opened the door with a smile on his face: "The first time you enter the territory, you should walk over with your feet. This is custom. Brings a good sign!"

"There are such rules?" Duojian frowned. There is no such custom in the neural-assisted network data, maybe Zhao Mai thought it out, right? Or what surprise did he prepare?

She understood when she set foot on the soil. Z-worm cells never waste energy, but how can such a large amount of energy be let go of the light from the sun and the heat of the surrounding air? Relying on the continuous absorption of various living structures of the soil and the Z insect, the temperature near the surface above the soil is at least ten degrees lower than that in the desert, and an incomparable feeling of coolness rises from the soles of the feet to the top of the head. "This is a semi-constant temperature environment I prepared for everyone. At night, the desert will be very cold, but the area you are walking on will be locally heated. But if you still feel uncomfortable, just tap the ground quickly with your heel, and the gardener dragon will Bring in worms and transport you to where you want to go."

Tyrion stomped his feet immediately, but did not see the worm coming, so he looked at Zhao Mai with slanted eyes. "You can't call it today, because I want to introduce you here. You must walk with your feet."

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