Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 859: My home

Zhao Mai took a lot of thought and finally turned "My House" into a tightly defended fortress. In the air, on the ground, and underground, there are surveillance eyes and striking forces everywhere. Hundreds of jumping dogs, Hydralisks and transporters are hidden in every corner and usually dormant. But as long as there is wind and grass, they can wake up in one second and start to counterattack in the next second.

"This is too exaggerated. Living here is almost the same as being in a barracks." Sadili shook her head vigorously. "I don't like it here. I seem to be going to war and murder at any time. This makes me feel very uncomfortable. ."

"The defense system built by the three castles is like this. The manor in the middle has no jumping dogs and worms. That is the living area." Zhao Mai said to everyone: "I show the defense power outside just to illustrate. One thing: If someone can break through or pass through the outer line of defense, then that person has exceeded your combat effectiveness level, and only I can deal with it. Once something like that happens, never hesitate to leave the escape channel immediately. It will take it with you You descend 52 kilometers to the center of the earth. The earth will close the passage behind you, release energy, disturb the space, isolate and transmit to buy time. Even if it is me, it will take several days to dig through the rock to reach the center of the earth. I built a Chimera-class spacecraft with independent and closed thinking capabilities there. Its only goal is to take you to escape."

"Is it necessary?" Although she was very surprised, or even a little confused, Sadili could feel Zhao Mai's absolute importance to them. Obviously, the construction standards of the defense system here are designed in accordance with Zhao Mai's level. Even if Zhao Mai personally comes to attack, everyone will have a certain chance to escape, which is quite difficult. "You won't hurt us, will you?"

"Of course I won't!" Zhao Mai smiled and replied, "I am worried about potential enemies such as the Witch King and the Dragon King. You must know that although Karak died, he died more of a sudden attack by the Xinmu Spear. After all, he is not as resistant as I am. If the offensive and defensive is transposed and the Witch King launches an attack, we must not underestimate their abilities."

Seeing Zhao Mai's seriousness, everyone felt nervous. During these days, everyone always thinks of the little baby, and has somewhat ignored the danger around him. However, this "everyone" does not include the little demon Tyrion. After he came to Artas, there was not a day that was not nervous. Compared with the knights who use long swords, chains and spears in Westeros, the Atas people who can use psionic powers are more dangerous. He has received many psychic warnings, threats, temptations, and temptations. Fortunately, the training plan and methods that Zhao Mai formulated for him were top-notch, and he was also hard enough, so that he did not burn his mind again and again.

"Okay, the tense thing is over, now... welcome home!" Zhao Mai pointed to the front, and a piece of overgrown sand wattle and cactus gave way to the road, leaving a gap for everyone's sight. Everyone was blinded by the dazzling water surface in an instant. None of them expected to see an artificial lake covering an area of ​​100 meters here!

The lake is clear and transparent, and microwaves are gently rising in the wind. The sun in Artas is blood red, but within Zhao Mai's realm, through the color of the bottom soil of the lake and the surrounding buildings, the entire lake presents a relaxing light blue, chic and beautiful. Three gray arch bridges connect the two banks with two small lake islands, black scaly carapace steps extend under the feet, and the white jade Z insect statue stands on the railing. Through the arch bridge, there is a three-in-one courtyard, and the main building is a three-story white building.

Black tiles, white walls, red doors, green window lattices, and strong contrasting colors form a unique artistic style. Two live Hydralisks replaced the stone lions and stayed at the gate forever. A dozen gardeners ran in and out, busy cleaning the house. After all, this is in the center of the desert, and it takes a lot of manpower to clean the dust every day.

"I like it here!" Doujian and Sadili said in unison with their eyes shining. Xiaohua and Reserve Grain have long been familiar with the terrain here, and their performance is relatively calm. Tyrion's eyes rolled around, his short fingers pinched his chin, and he was speculating about Zhao Mai's personality based on the architectural and decorative styles here.

"There are trees planted in front of and behind the house, but they grow slowly and cannot rise up like legion mushrooms. Especially the sacred tree in the northeast corner of the house. You usually don't move it to avoid danger." Zhao Mai said: "Usually, the gardener dragon is responsible for cleaning the house, raising plants and other chores, but don't trust their cooking skills. I can only guarantee that you will never die because of food, nothing more."

"You can swim in the lake outside, but don't take a bath here. There is a hot spring bath on the basement level of the main building, which is enough for you to use. After all, in the desert, water is still precious, and it is troublesome to purify so much lake water, and... …"

"We don't care about it!" Shadiri yelled, and rushed towards the lake with her feet open, and Duojian, Xiaohua and the reserve grains that joined the fun also rushed past. I saw the thumping water overflowing, the silver bell-like laughter rang, and then there was a prolonged water play.

Xiaowei, in the form of a raccoon, heard Satiri's laugh and jumped into the water together. Taking care of the hostess is her ultimate goal, so she turned into a chubby puffer fish and swam past, acting as a buoyancy ball~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai had long considered that the desert people’s swimming skills were worrisome, so the depth of the lake was only up to the point. It's just the breasts, and they can't be overwhelmed easily. The only flower that is shorter than this does not actually need to breathe.

The puffer fish ball was thrown in the sky and flew around until he fainted in circles. Shadili hugged Xiaowei, who was restored to his original shape, lying on her back on the water with her head resting on the lakeshore, enjoying the exhaustion of happiness. Doujian and Xiaohua have better physical strength. They commanded the gardener dragon to deform the lake, and after the formation of deep water, the swimming competition began. Anyway, there are monitoring insects and gardener dragons around, and the workers disguised as rocks on the shore are ready for rescue at any time. There is basically no problem in safety.

Tyrion walked to Zhao Mai with his hands behind his back, and raised his head to ask him: "Which room is my? I am a person who has higher requirements for privacy."

"You have a relatively isolated area on the east side of the main building. There is your bedroom and study room. No matter what you do inside, the sound will not be transmitted to the west side. You can also bring friends back, just pay attention to the general etiquette That's it. Maybe there are some things that you find inconvenient. I also built a separate house on the other side of the lake, that is, the side that has not crossed the arch bridge. It is also for you."

"I can't ask for more anymore." Tyrion said, "Since I already have it, I should tell you about the Crimson Legion and the Urik Predator."

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