Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 864: You're welcome

A forest of purple and green mushrooms under the yellow sand sea and the blood-red sun presents a weird collocation of tones, which seems dangerous no matter what. Those ferocious creatures whose heads are bigger than a lion, have more tail hooks than a scorpion, and a carapace that seems to be thicker than a tortoise, put on a stinky face of "This is my place", which fully expresses the attitude of idlers.

   The Crimson Legion were all killed from the slave arena. What kind of scenes have you not seen? I have never seen such a scene. They would rather deal with half giants, lions, giant scorpions and tortoises than take a half step in front of Zhao Mai's Xiyang Oasis.

   Butcher looked at his left and right companions, raised his hand to point to the direction of the oasis, and then dragged his almost paralyzed leg forward with Ricas. Behind the two of them, the legion swayed, slow and unwilling to follow up-they had no other choice, that is, the person in front of the body fed the monsters, and the people behind had to go in to find some food and water. Fortunately, Jumping Dog did not attack.

  The oasis of the earth soil swayed in the eyes of everyone, constantly raising wind and sand, just like an illusory mirage. Butcher has an illusion, it seems that he has strength again and has taken a step further, otherwise it is difficult to explain why the oasis has become so close. He rubbed his eyes, and the sand fell from the eyelids and corners of his eyes. Only then could he see clearly: twenty giant beetles, which are like elephants, are dragging the oasis toward them.

   In fact, in places he couldn't see, not just giant worms, but many jumping dogs lurking underground, using their own digging power to carry this oasis, slowly and firmly coming towards the Crimson Legion.

   Seeing this scene clearly, the whole army was stunned. Their shadows stood still, until the shadows of the Legion Mushroom merged with them. The carrier sighed, stopped, shrank into a ball, and stopped moving like a rock. A jumping dog strung a piece of Legionnella mushroom with a backstab arthropod and ran over and handed it to Butcher.

   Legion Mushroom has no taste, or it is as unpalatable as rubber. But Butcher's mouth was already dry and there was no saliva, and he couldn't taste it. It took him so hard to swallow the Legionnella, and his stomach told him: "You need this kind of thing!"

   Jumping Dog got out of the way and Butcher walked in with the Legion. He lay on a tall legion mushroom, opened his mouth to bite off a piece, chewed hard and swallowed it, and said vigorously, "This one can survive!"

The voice of   吭吭吭吭哧 came. When the hunger reaches its limit, there is not much difference between a human and a locust. Everyone has eaten a few large pieces, and then feels relaxed, the body's needs for food and water are met, and the rest is rest. So, in twos and threes, they were ready to fall asleep under the shadow of the Legionnella mushroom.

   Someone was more alert and hurriedly shook his companions around him: "Don't, don't sleep. After we fall asleep, bugs will eat us, or chop us up as fertilizer."

"Shut up, even if I die like that, I'm still full." The companion replied: "This oasis can be moved, and it can be kept close. When we are all hungry and thirsty, we will use the corpses as fertilizer. Don't be blind. If you’re worried, you don’t want to rest. Don’t disturb others!"

   The man tried to keep his eyes open, but soon he couldn't resist his body's needs and fell asleep in the cool shadow. They sleep soundly and deep, and are especially safe because of the guardianship of the jumping dog. The wind outside is whistling, but it can't affect their dreams at all. Therefore no one knows when "" arrived.

   "This is the Crimson Legion? It looks so embarrassed, and the alertness is too bad. The slaves in the arena know that they sleep with one eye open." Sadiri's criticism of them was quite pertinent.

   "It's too embarrassing. You guys wait here, I'll go in and find Ricus or Butcher."

   The soldiers fell asleep on the ground stumblingly and disgustingly. Zhao Mai passed by them, and no one woke up. Fortunately, even when they fell to sleep, the legionaries spontaneously surrounded their generals for protection.

   Zhao Mai flicked his finger, and two cold water bombs hit the two people's faces. They woke up all of a sudden and saw Zhao Mai put his finger on his mouth and made a silent gesture. Ricas and Butcher smiled, rubbed their faces with ice water, and followed Zhao Mai out.

   "Thank you for your rescue this time. Without this oasis, we would be dead." Rikas thanked him sincerely.

   "Actually, if you continue to move forward, you can get training and supplies in Kaird Village. Turning to the desert to find my oasis is actually a life of nine deaths." Zhao Mai was blunt and scared after speaking. "In fact, you have gone the wrong way, you should not be able to touch the oasis. If it weren't for me to order the oasis to move and consume about 40% of the oasis's fruits, you are already dead by this time."

"That's why we thank you in particular." This time, even the dull Ricas heard that Zhao Mai's tone was bad, so he asked: "Did something happen? The Masked League still provoke you. ?"

"It's not them, but you." Zhao Mai said: "I was a little busy a while ago, running around, either in the depths of the desert or in the dark underground. I didn't meet you, but you always knew Where are Satiri, Dorgian, and Tyrion! You got the Crimson Legion, you have to stop the enemy in the great alluvial sand wasteland~www.ltnovel.com~Why don't you come to me? Do you think I should Do you feel happy and grateful if you come to help us? We are friends and comrades in arms, and we don’t say anything about life and death matters. Why?”

Butcher hummed twice, and slapped Rikas on the back of his head: "I **** said you think too much, right? You and Cotande didn't learn a lot. Take the Tyre noble's fake I learned it politely."

   Ricas looked embarrassed, but he has always been a responsible person, and immediately apologized when he knew he was wrong. "I... The Masked Alliance wanted to acquire a military force of its own too, so the Crimson Legion decided not to fake it from the beginning."

"Bah! All the sources of troops are provided by Taixian. Where did you guys come from?" Tyrion said mercilessly, "The entire legion, food, drink, and use are all from the Tyre City Temple. Provided by the samurai, the only belief and fighting spirit that your Masked Alliance can give, has never been able to instill it. So you think this legion belongs to the Masked Alliance? In addition to the continuous fighting that gives you some prestige, this When did the army belong to you? One transfer order, another general, the Crimson Legion will remain the same, because it does not smell of the masked alliance at all!"

   "Well, first solve the problem of survival, and other things can be done one by one." Zhao Mai suddenly looked up at the sky. After Satiri and the Crimson Legion merged, the pressure on the will of the world suddenly eased. At this moment, he understood that it was this force that made Butcher choose to enter the desert and forced Zhao Mai to rescue.

   The will of this world is really as annoying as spring and brown sugar, and it lacks discipline, Zhao Mai gradually understands.

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