Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 865: untitled

? A glass of ice water is such a luxurious enjoyment in the desert, only those who have experienced the heat and thirst can understand. Just placing the cup on his forehead gave Ricas a feeling of rebirth. Butcher was much crispier, swallowing the ice water in one mouthful, fighting hard, and then creaking the ice with his teeth, his face twitching constantly because of the low temperature. The empty cup was naturally handed to Zhao Mai, and its intention was self-evident.


   The gardener dragon held the jug on top of his head with both hands, poured water into the cup carefully, and then threw in two ice cubes. "Thank you," Butcher said to the gardener dragon.


   "You never say thank you to me, so I always say thank you when you don't say bad words." Zhao Mai asked Ricas to stretch out his hand and check his loose prosthesis. The skin and flesh of the joints were open, and the nails fixed to the bones were bent during the battle, not to mention the muscles and bones. Had it not been for the endurance of the half-dwarf blood, Ricas would have died of pain long ago.


"The condition is not good..." Zhao Mai shook his head: "There is basically no hope for Xiu, so there are only two options. Either replace your arm entirely, and I will make a prosthesis for you from the shoulder. Or remove this. Sword, I will return my arm to you."


   "That's... wait, what did you say, give me the arm back?" Ricas was overjoyed: "Is it my own arm or your fake arm?"


"It's okay." Zhao Mai stretched out his hand and pressed Rikas' stomach: "If you want your own arm, then eat hard from now on. At least eat the weight of one arm, even five kilograms of Legionnaires. , And prepare the corresponding water."


   For the arms, no matter how unpalatable things can be swallowed, not to mention just bad taste and tasteless Legionnaires. While Rikashu was eating Hesai, the soldiers of the Crimson Army woke up one after another. They first watched Zhao Mai and his party vigilantly, and saw that their two leaders were talking and laughing with the stranger, they knew they were friends and not enemies, so they acted on their own.


"Tell your soldiers that the soil is not easy to grow. Don't damage the environment in the oasis. Any Legionnaire mushrooms that are thicker than a bowl can be picked and stored, but the seedlings should not be moved. Later, I will have to transport this oasis. go back."


   Likas nodded, and while eating the Legion Mushroom, he gave orders to the Legion. Butcher hugged the ice water and asked strangely: "You have to bother to transport the oasis back, why?"


"There is no water here, and the device for making water is actually still in place." Zhao Mai said: "These desert oasis are not stable yet. This tossing will take longer to grow. But this time it is not without gain. At least it has verified the possibility of relocation."


The combination of    Breathing Soil Cultivation Ball and Gardener Dragon is the fastest way of early expansion of Breathing Soil, especially suitable for the environment that is suitable for the growth of plants and fungi. If the environment is bad, such as the desert of Atas, the soil can only develop quickly with the help of the incubator or the refinement room. Now that the overall relocation of the soil environment has been successful, letting the carrier insects take the soil “island” with the incubator and legion mushrooms directly to the new location to settle down, which can greatly accelerate the pace of expansion.


"I once heard a mage say that it is the strong who conquer people's hearts. Unfortunately, people's hearts are changeable. It is impossible to conquer them all. Therefore, there is no real strong." Butcher shook his head and said, "I didn't know how. Refute him. So although he stabbed that guy to death with a knife, he was defeated for a while. Now I want to say that someone like you who can conquer the world is the strong one!"


   "Conquer the world? I can't do it either." Zhao Mai looked at Sadili, watching the world will surround her body, constantly colliding with Zhao Mai's realm, compromising and communicating with each other all the time. "Able to live in peace with the world and own territory, even if it is very successful."


   "You are really low on yourself." Butcher whistled. He followed Zhao Mai’s gaze and saw Sadili and Dogian, and he persuaded: “These two women are yours, don’t spend too much energy on them, they won’t run unless you have physical strength. No, then you have to work harder. However, I think you should not have that kind of problem. After all, you are a therapist yourself. What problem can't be solved? Listen to me, this woman always drags men back. "


   Zhao Mai just wanted to refute Butcher, but found it difficult to speak. If it hadn't been for the goblin, Butcher would have lived in a small village, and had chosen to retreat from fighting and power wrestling, and the ordinary farmers and woodcutters who lived with his wife and children had long abandoned their ambitions. His hind legs were dragged, so he was ashamed to say himself? However, Zhao Mai abruptly restrained the "irony", just joking along with Butcher's words: "As long as the man's legs are strong enough, he is not afraid of women, just drag it..."


   "Hahaha!" Butcher really clapped his thigh and smiled. He laughed for a while and said, "Mike, since you came out of the lair, you won't just come to save us? Do you have any plans?"


"It's really just here to save you this time. By the way, let's take a look at the relocation test." Zhao Mai shrugged: "I have some plans, but before they can be implemented, at least Tyrion told me that. Yes. He listens to me in the general direction, but in terms of specific implementation details, he is much smarter than me."


"That little dwarf is a person." Butcher nodded: "I'm a crude person. I don't understand your big plan, but I know that what you do is a good thing. The Masked League is not so good now, but it is still A normal and serious group, in the cruel and ruined place of Atas, it can't ask for more. Well, Rikas is a bit lack of foresight, but he can listen to the opinions of his friends and has the courage to admit mistakes and correct. ~www.ltnovel.com~ I also have the perseverance to persist, which is already very rare."


   "Yeah...huh?" Zhao Mai's ears pricked up and said to Butcher, "Rikas seems to be in trouble. Would you like to check it out?"


   "Huh?!" Butcher stood up immediately, and stopped as soon as he took a step. "Asshole, I remembered my lesson. If you encounter something, I should ask you first, right? Although I don't know how you heard or saw it, I just sent it away, but I didn't say anything about it. Is it not enough to be friends? ?"


"I'll go with you," Zhao Mai also stood up, "Someone wants to cut down the seedlings of the oasis and is in conflict with Ricas. This matter is also related to me. I'm always not good to let Ricas do for me. deal with."


Butcher froze for a moment, then shook his head and smiled bitterly: "You have to deal with this kind of thing? If you go, Ricas and I will have no face to see you. You sit down and I will go. By the way, Satiri Calling you!"


   Butcher took a big stride after speaking, and the will of the world moved with it, entangled in new events. Zhao Mai sighed. He could see but couldn't figure out this world will. Atas is not Arda, Zhao Mai is not clear about the origin of this place, so he can't even list the first formula.

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