Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 877: Hand and foot

? Most of the time, Atas' planetary will is anxious and irritable, and there are few other states. But this time, Zhao Mai clearly felt joy, surprise and happiness, all of which originated from the death of the Witch King Hamana.


   It conveyed gratitude and encouragement to Zhao Mai, and then left. and many more! Zhao Mai will not let this happen. If it is an ordinary person, there has been no way to take the world, but Zhao Mai has his own domain and took out a destiny gold coin. It is obvious that the will of the world has stopped and he is willing to talk to Zhao Mai.


   "Hamana Witch King can no longer destroy and absorb the life force of the planet, is this what you want?" Zhao Mai tried to induce the world will to say what it wants in the future, so that it can take the initiative in the negotiation. He changed several ways, but he didn't get a response. Karak's death was a major event for Atas, marking the beginning of Tyr's and slave liberation, and Hamana was not qualified. Hamana is not yet dead, but his death is indeed a good thing for Artas, the planet will increase his chance of survival, so he feels happy. But it doesn't know what needs to be done next, it seems that there is nothing particularly urgent.


   After Zhao Mai asked many questions, Planet Will sent a message: "What do you want?"


   This is not telepathy or rumbling sound, but a kind of ideological synchronization and emotional communication, in other words, wild communication. A living planet needs a natural environment because of life, has the natural force because of the natural environment, and can communicate wildly because of the natural force. Every world will composed of living bodies should be able to communicate wildly, but theology, religion, doctrine, and detachment will complicate communication.


   "I want to be a native creature, and the world will not repel me." Zhao Mai said: "I want to live and live here, and I want to have my own territory."


   World Consciousness did not answer, it may be that he was caught in thinking. Since there is no other will to interfere, Artas only seeks his own survival, so the criterion of judgment is simpler. Zhao Mai took this opportunity to spread the soil-breathing spores and Z-worm cells into the air, and by expanding his domain, he allowed these two things to merge with Artas' world will. Treat the entire planet as an animal, establish a relationship of trust through wild communication, and even modify the planet's species list to add soil and Zworms.


   After waiting for a while, Zhao Mai finally got a reply. The will of the world expressed doubts, but also agreed. It seems that the in-depth meaning of the "territory land of native creatures" is not understood by Artas' world will. It just felt Zhao Mai's determination and ability to improve the ecology and natural environment, so he agreed.


   This is expected. If the will of the world can start negotiations with Zhao Mai on the "indigenous biological field," then there is a problem. Zhao Mai's focus is more on the soil and Z insect cells. He patiently observed the changes in the will of the world, staring at the brilliant energy changes above his head. Finally, a ray of purple and gold mixed colors entered Artas' world will, Zhao Mai's goal was achieved.


   He immediately noticed the change. On the large alluvial sandy wasteland, the soil oasis grows while being constantly attacked by sandstorms and various animals. They are able to slowly expand due to their strong adaptability and resilience, and the protection of jumping dogs and hydrangeas. When the purple-gold color representing the Z bug entered the will of the world, the wind and sand immediately became smaller, and the creatures in the desert regarded the soil oasis as a rare refuge and began to attach importance to it. Legionnaires are still very attractive, but the idea of ​​"rare" and "cooperative protection" has spread.


   as large as a giant snake that spits plasma saliva, a three-tailed fire-poisoned giant scorpion, as small as a desert lizard, the attitude towards the soil oasis has gradually changed from vigilance and hostility to curiosity and temptation. In this way, when the soil oasis grows in the early stage, there is no need to use a large amount of material to make jumping dogs and hydrangeas, and the expansion speed will be greatly enhanced.


   Zhao Mai regained his domain when he achieved his goal, and the will of the world quickly receded. The death of Hamana is great news for the Scarlet Army and Tyre, which means that their safety is temporarily safe. How to develop next is what Zhao Mai should care about.


   As for Uric City, the power of the entire ruling class has dropped by more than 80% after the loss of the Witch King and those priests and priests. Zhao Mai has always believed that people should save themselves. He has already done this. If the slaves do not strive for their own freedom and even continue to protect the interests of the slave owners, then Zhao Mai can only say that "the time has not come".


   He landed on the last remaining part of the platform, walked in along the route where the Witch King came out, and at the same time summoned the car. Several loyal priests waved scepters or whips and launched a desperate charge at Zhao Mai. They know that they can't hurt the enemy in front of them, they just want to make the last bravery, so that they can pursue their gods and enter the eternal heaven.


   For such a person, Zhao Mai twisted it with his psychic powers and threw it all into the bone pit. Without the help of spells, even if there are still some psychic powers left, how many people can fall dozens of stories high without dying?


   I looked for several people, and then I asked where the former Witch King Hamana's daily activities were. Zhao Mai shrugged, feeling very innocent. He just killed the guys who attacked him, and didn't see a big killer. Why should he treat himself like a devil? And ~www.ltnovel.com~ everyone said, "The Witch King’s vault is not in this building, and those things are under the temple in the city."


   Gold, jewelry, these things, Zhao Mai no longer needs, unless he wants to make jewelry as a gift one day. "Where is the research room, the library or the place to practice magic? No?!" Zhao Mai curled his lips. Zhao Mai is still very interested in the kind of "no smoke and fire" hot rays. Even if it is a kind of dragon magic, it needs to absorb the power of life to activate, it can be regarded as a kind of evil spell. But firstly, Zhao Mai's extraction of the Z Worm's life force is to extract himself. He has no psychological burden at all. Secondly, he can at least learn from the attack method.


"" When she came to Zhao Mai, Sadili rolled down the car window and lost her temper at Zhao Mai: "Next time we are in the car, don't use the summon function. You know how many steps the car has taken us along this road. Isn’t it? Turns and abductions continue, everyone is vomiting!"


   Considering the characteristics of this city built on mountains, the most suitable route for the car is to come along the mountain road-even if it is all steps. "Sorry, I owe it. You help me look at the terrain scanner. I'm looking for Hamana's treasure. See where he might be placed?"


   Sadiri's eyes glowed with excitement, shouting "I'll come, I'll come", and rushed to the scanner.

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