Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 878: 1 will not be less

? Hamana praised the messenger of the gods, established a ruling system dominated by temples and elemental priests, controlled Urik city-state, and became the witch king. He imprisoned other people's thoughts, but was never so stupid to think that he was really God or God's messenger. What really maintains his rule is not the preaching pastor's shouts on the street, but the force and the method of obtaining stronger force.


   Therefore, gold and silver treasures, precious steel products, and magic devices are stored in the temple in the city. And those materials about psychic powers, elemental plane research, dragon magic and dragon transformation, he kept all by his side, secretly stored in the palace, and protected with a complex and deadly magic circle.


   "Really can't it be demolished?" Zhao Mai was a little itchy, but Sadili said clearly and her attitude was very firm.


"If you want to destroy the things inside, then hit it with a punch-anyway, the protection magic here can't kill you, at most it will make you lose some image, it hurts for a while." The female magician closed her eyes. The hand swayed back and forth in front of him, detecting the magical energy to inquire around, and returning the situation of the magical protection array here to Satiri's mind.


   "There," Sadili's mouth bends, and she poked her scallion white finger: "Use your eight-eye sword to destroy that position, you should be able to feel an energy node."


   Although I don't know why, Zhao Mai still does what he says. A rush of energy mixed with lightning and flame surged along the sword, and was firmly wrapped by Zhao Mai with psychic powers. It is still an elemental spell. It seems that Hamana is still very researched in this regard, but this level of magic can not cause any real damage.


   "The battle is over, what do you think of the level of the Witch King?" Tyrion asked.


  He is preparing for situation assessment and planning, but he doesn't know what he is calculating in his little head. Zhao Mai trusted Tyrion's plan. Wasn't he here for this? "The fighting power of the Witch King is a little different from what I thought. On the whole, it is lower than my expectations, but he has one or two tricks that are more powerful than I expected. Generally speaking, the Witch King is not my usual opponent. , Let alone become a blue state." Zhao Mai used psychic powers to suppress the elemental energy of the magic circle, and then said: "To be honest, I didn't expect this kind of battle. When not using the domain, I and Ha The Manner gap is not too big. Relying on the defensive prominence and the more comprehensive skills, I can also fully control the situation. However, as long as I use the domain, it is an absolute overwhelming advantage. You can understand that, defeating and killing the witch Wang, it is no longer a question of whether it is possible, but a question of whether it is necessary."


   "Then don't wait, kill all the evil Witch Kings, and liberate Artas!"


"Satiri, I will do that. Don't worry." Zhao Mai said, "Of course, we must clean up all the Witch Kings and execute them. It will definitely be evil and will not be wronged. But don’t forget, whether it’s Tyr or Urik, the spells provided by the Witch King maintain the agricultural production around the city. They use methods that harm others and benefit themselves to maintain their rule, which is bad for the entire planet, but the city’s The people have a source of food. Tyre and Urik's food reserves are enough to support my expansion and provide legion bread, so that agriculture will not be interrupted. Kill the Witch King anytime, then we have to Consider more about rescue, right?"


"It's true." While looking for the energy nodes of the magic protection array, Zhao Mai asked Zhao Mai to dismantle them one by one, and said: "After Taixi'an took over the city of Tyre, the most troublesome problem was ensuring food production. Nothing. Karak’s magical support for the Templars is simply unable to guarantee the output. By reducing waste and changing the distribution method, the situation in Tyre is good this year, but it will be hard to say next year."


   "There will be bread, and there will be cultivated land." Zhao Mai stabbed the eight-eye sword forcefully while blocking the surging elemental flame. The energy of the entire magical defense array was vented little by little, and the threat became lower and lower. The method of destroying energy nodes can also be regarded as a brute force cracking, only a little bit more advanced than hacking. However, with Satiri's keen perception of magic, coupled with Zhao Mai's overwhelming destructive power and defensive power, the entire magic circle was finally stripped away layer by layer, giving way to the passage.


   Hamana is the "Assassin" among the witch kings, who kills Melan the superior. Compared with Karak who is proficient in spells, his methods are few and sophisticated. Here, you can easily find a lot of information on the use of elemental plane energy, and other aspects are lackluster.


"Don't mess with the things here, I feel the dangerous magic aura from many items." Sadili ended the magic induction, opened her eyes, and found that after entering the treasure house, she and Zhao Mai were two people, and everyone else paid back. Outside, he asked strangely: "Aren't you curious?"


"Anyway, Zhao Mai will take all the good things back. I'll just pick it at that time." Dojian waved to Sadili: "Come out, if there is a mechanism you can't find in it, it's not good. ."


   "Yes, this kind of expedition, let Zhao Mai and Xiaohua do it, they are not afraid of accidents. Oh, what are you doing with me!"


   The Reserve Grain loosened his mouth and stuck out his tongue to lick his mouth. Is there any other reason for what Xiaohua asked him to do? He wagged his tail, ran in again, dragged Satiri's skirt, and pulled her out.


   Seeing this scene~www.ltnovel.com~ Zhao Mai just smiled. The treasure house was not as dangerous as Dojian thought. After passing through layers of magical protection, this is where Hamana collects things, not a cage for suicide. Duojian's caution is mainly due to the emotional factors of protecting Sati, rather than rational and calm thinking. People are not machines after all. It is this sensibility that makes people worthy of love.


   He collected all the books and materials in the psychic power space, and never let go of them. Hamana is not a scholarly mage. Most of his collection comes from the excavations and contributions of his subordinates and the property of his predecessor Myron. Therefore, these materials span multiple eras and have not been carefully classified at all. Hamana prefers to collect weapons, especially those powerful magic items that can be used for covert assassinations and even threaten the existence of the Witch King. Zhao Mai saw the Heartwood Spear in his collection. The quality was even better than the one used to assassinate Karak.


   Heart Wooden Spear is, in the final analysis, a fixed weapon made by halflings. Although there are not too many, it is by no means unique. Beside this heartwood spear, a halfling skull fossil caught Zhao Mai's attention. It does not emit any energy fluctuations, nor does it possess any magical ability, just ordinary bones. But Hamana put it here solemnly, there must be his consideration.


   "Could it be that the head of some big man was made into a specimen here?" Zhao Mai picked up the skull curiously, and immediately discovered something extraordinary.

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