Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 894: I can

After camping at night, Tyrion took the half-dragon maid and walked towards Z Worm's lair. Jumping dogs and Hydralisk saw it, grinding their teeth and shaking the arthropod bone spurs, making the sound of thorns, spines and pulls. Tyrion walked very steadily, and the half-dragon maid's legs were a little weak. Her psychic powers felt the savage and terrifying aura, and a kind of pressure shrouded her at all times. Years of training allowed her to feel the emotions of others and to exert influence to a certain extent. But this group of monsters has no emotions at all, just machines that absolutely obey orders.

"You are a Psion, and I am a person who has to deal with all kinds of confidential matters. It is not appropriate to be together." Tyrion said as he walked, "Although you are really beautiful and likable, but I must make sure that I can trust you. I will show you a brain controller, and if he says yes, then he can."

"Okay." The half-dragon maid answered calmly.

"Aren't you afraid?" Tyrion was surprised. "If I were to see a brain controller, I would be very nervous, for fear that my head would be opened by him."

"We have been trained by a brain teacher. Our mind has no secrets, and our body has it." The half-dragon replied: "Our thinking is similar. The body and the services it can provide are the valuable parts. If we can It is good to dispel your doubts and ask your brain controller to check my mind, so that I can reflect my value more."

Tyrion shook his head: "It's incredible." He passed through the Z insect and finally saw Zhao Mai among the four transport insects. He sat suspended in the air, more than half a meter above the ground, with his hands and ten fingers facing each other on his chest. In the space enclosed by the two palms, many stars are slowly spinning, emitting a faint but crystal light.

Seeing Tyrion approaching, Zhao Mai ended his psychic power training and stood on the ground with his feet. "Tyrion, although I am alone now, you can't bring me a woman! I must be fine, but you will definitely be beaten badly!"

"Let’s say it first, there is another one in Taixi’an, it should be prepared for you, that’s..." Tyrion glanced at the half-dragon, and she hurriedly said: "It’s a half-water elemental man, the other half is of blood Elf."

"You can accept it directly for me, can you just send it back? Do you want me to accept it personally? Who do you want?"

As soon as Zhao Mai finished speaking, the half-dragon man knelt down: "Master Longhou..."

"Very clever, stand up, don't have to kneel." Zhao Mai scratched his head: "What are you looking for me for?"

"I am a psychic, trained in some abilities. Lord Tyrion hopes you can verify whether my heart is loyal and trustworthy, so..."

"Oh, I don't want to analyze the memory and soul." Zhao Mai shook his head, "I can only say that you are not currently affected by anyone else's thought control ability. All decisions made are your own thoughts. . If someone threatens you to do something, it’s not through psychic powers or magic. Tyrion, is there anything else?"

"Yes." Tyrion sighed: "My lord, I have a feeling that Texian already knows you are in the team. I don't know why he didn't say it, but he brought out three maids today, two of us. Everyone picks one and the other is left. He already has the intention in this regard. He can choose not to pick it himself, or give me one directly. Doesn’t it seem more intimate? Keeping one, besides for you, can what is the reason?"

"Half-water element? Interesting, I have seen the water element and its descendants, but I haven't seen the half-water element. Well, ask him how much he spent and I will buy it."

"Texian certainly doesn't want money. He only cares about whether his position is stable."

"You know our strategy, Tyre City is a matter for him and the masked alliance, I don't want to worry about it." Zhao Mai flipped his wrist, and his psychic powers formed a blue regular hexahedron above his palm, and flamed with Zhao Mai. Countless stars shimmer in the hexahedron and gather into a beautiful nebula. Among the stars, there is a yellowish-brown planet that stands out, right in the middle of the cube.

"This is the message from the Chimera. There are so many planets outside Artas." Zhao Mai said: "The tawny one is Artas, and it is the only civilized one discovered so far. Planets. My breathing soil can spread throughout Atas within three years. After fifty years, I don’t know how many planets will have Z-worms. I don’t care about Tyre and Texian. You know what is important to me."

Tyrion nodded. The most important person is of course the friends around Zhao Mai, and the most important thing is the portal. Therefore, as long as you protect your friends and portals, the gains and losses of a city-state or even several city-states are not important~www.ltnovel.com~The barren natural environment makes Artas' population relatively sparse, and it must be impossible to compete with Alda. compared to. With the help of Xiyang and Legionnella, Atas' old system will have to be changed or it will be eliminated. Zhao Mai didn't need to use conspiracy or force to change Tyre into a ruler, he only needed to push the general trend of the world forward. Tyrion nodded and replied: "I understand. Let Taixien feel at ease, reduce the turbulence, don't cause trouble, and don't worry about the rest."

"Yes." Zhao Mai glanced at the half-dragon maid, and then said to Tyrion: "You can relax and save more energy and energy. After all, he will see the Dragon Emperor soon. He will definitely use his mind. If you can come to coerce you, don't show your cowardice."

"I know how well you are, besides, don't you still have you!" Tyrion smiled slightly, and then left with the half-dragon.

They walked more than ten meters out of the Z Insect Swarm, before the half-dragon maid said, "Master Tyrion, why is there a fire on the top of Master Longhou?"

"You just want to ask this? Didn't you know before?"

The half-dragon shook his head and said courageously: "I only heard some news about how the Hamana Witch King was killed. It says that Lord Longhou is actually another dragon king with a dragon body. Shaped, tear up Hamana and eat it, leaving only one head."

"Nothing!" Tyrion said: "How they fought, in fact, no one saw it. Just the aftermath of the battle caused the entire city of Urik to keep earthquakes. Those who dare to look closer, will Was affected and died. In short, Lord Longhou will not turn into a dragon and eat the Witch King."

"But I can..." Zhao Mai's voice floated from afar and reached the ears of two people. The half-dragon's face suddenly turned pale, and his body temperature dropped further.

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