Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 895: Looks like there is an ambush

Zhao Mai could naturally see how Tyrion and Half-Dragon did the cooling exercise, but he didn't look at it. In the range of his domain, there is almost nothing that can escape his perception. In the usual state, this range is about 30 meters; when it becomes blue hair, it can expand to a thousand meters. However, as the area of ​​the soil continues to expand, the Worm Heart Ring can continue to increase the range of this area until it becomes a spherical range with a radius of 21,000 meters.

The area under full control is only so large, and no matter how much soil is multiplied, this area cannot be expanded. There must be something unknown that limits it. Outside of this range, Zhao Mai can only detect the situation with the help of spells, spells, psionic powers and the neural network of Zworms.

Within this range, he saw countless souls.

Outside the invisible vision of ordinary people, on the streets, walls, and roofs of Yozoaksa, there were gray-black figures standing. Their faces are a little unclear, and their size can roughly distinguish between dwarves and humans. They were motionless, and did not respond at all to the people coming and going, but gathered a sense of territory full of resentment.

"This city feels gloomy and cold, have you noticed it?" Tyrion frowned and said to Ricas.

"That's not the case, I didn't feel anything abnormal." Ricas adjusted his clothes. He wore a gorgeous messenger robe, wide sleeves that almost fell to the ground, and high shoes, which made his movement very inconvenient. He is accustomed to the cool and concise costumes of gladiators, not the long and cumbersome clothes. The only good news is that he can carry the Xinmu Spear obliquely behind his back, from the right shoulder to the left hip, just enough to hide it.

The Heartwood Spear can protect the user from psionic powers and magic—at least for the most part. Rikas looked around, and the city did seem to be too few people, deserted, and unlike the residence of the powerful Dragon King. Not as good as Uric, let alone Tyre. But there was one problem he didn't dare to think about, and that was "where have people gone". What kind of obsidian ball on the back of the worm was used to charge, he had only heard it once.

A high-ranking templar raised his chin proudly, poking his fingers one by one, and counted the number of obsidian balls. He randomly scratched the paper twice-it should be a list, and then said in a satisfied and sharp voice: "The tax has been collected, and the debt has been made up. The city lord of Tyre, Urik Lord of the city, you can go to see His Majesty Dragon Emperor!"

"Cut him!!" With a flick of Texian's finger, two Tyre high-ranking templars rushed forward, chopping off the ears of the tax officer. "Go on!" Tesian gave the order, and his nose and an arm fell off. "Continue." Taixian said again, and the tax officer was cut into pieces after a scream.

There was no reaction in the city. The situation where Rikas expected a large group of templars to appear for suppression did not happen. It seems that the same murder of templars, the risk of slaves and kings is so different. Everyone left the obsidian ball, and under the leadership of another templar, Texian, Ricas and Tyrion, each with six or seven guards, went to see the Dragon King.

Polis led his high-ranking templars, brain controllers and magicians on the steps in front of the palace. There were only forty warriors in armor, but the other two types of spellcasters were no less than one hundred. This was far beyond Taixi's expectations and also aroused his vigilance. Comparing the city of Tyre, under the leadership of the magic master Karak, there are only about 20 high-level mages who can handle them, and because of the usual sloppyness, they fight separately and cannot gather together. There are slightly more brain-controllers, and there can be seventy people, but you can't get in the battle set by the dragon king. This is just the amount shown on the surface, who knows if there is any hidden? What do these powers do? Taixian did not want to think about it. He glanced at Tyrion and moved closer to him.

The dragon king is not always a dragon, it is usually a dragon turned into a witch king. He stood coldly, the snaking tail behind him flicked lifelessly, and the dust was swept up and swirled to the sky. It is said that the dragon emperor only reveals his true body when he is angry and fighting. Now it is just a daily state to save energy consumption. Polis is currently as tall as a purebred giant, which is about six meters tall. His figure is extremely skinny and a little skinny.

His skin is iron-colored, every piece of flesh and shell has keratinous skin, and the two knees on his legs are facing each other. His arms are almost entirely bones, with round knuckles at the ends. Polis' appearance is shocking, because it is not human at all. At the end of the long snake-shaped neck is a toucan-like head, with tough skin on top of the pointed head, and a pair of bubbling eyes so small that they are almost invisible.

The value of the face is the combat effectiveness. Polis can't fight at a glance, but it seems a bit of a miserable sale. Taixian and others saluted the Dragon King, and Polis said in a loud hissing voice: "You have paid the tax and will continue to maintain it. But there is no Witch King among you, so you cannot hold Karak. And Hamana’s treasure. You have to hand it in. Then, half of the people here will die."

Don't follow the routine? There really is a problem! Taixian respectfully bent over and saluted, and then said: "His Majesty the Dragon King, Tyre respects your authority and strength as always. It's just that after the death of the former Witch King Karak, the city was chaotic. We finally found that many treasures have been lost. Snatched away and left out. We need time to retrieve these things before we can return the Dragon King~www.ltnovel.com~Polis’s little eyes stayed on Taisian, narrowed even smaller. After the pressure passed, Tai Xi'an did not resist at all, and immediately lay on the ground. He was trembling all over, as if his psychic powers were simply decorations, and he was so weak that he could not even be pinched to death.

Rikas took a step and came to Tai Xi'an, and the protective force field produced by the Heart Wood Spear also moved over, protecting Tai Xi'an. Dragon Sovereign frowned. Although it could crush the protection of the Heart Wood Spear, it also meant that these three people would be crushed to death by his powerful force. So he looked at Tyrion and said, "Who do you represent, dwarf. I remember Nibannai (the sixth fighter, the witch king of Nibannai city, the enemy of the dwarf) should have eliminated you all!"

"I'm just a relatively short human, and ugly, not a dwarf." Tyrion said: "Your Majesty the Dragon King, the treasures of the former Witch King cannot be left to unworthy people, so if the strength is matched, can you stay? Up?"

"It's bold. I didn't answer the question I asked you, but I'm here to ask a question." Polis raised his hand and made a grasping motion at Tyrion, and the invisible arm formed by psychic powers grabbed it. Dwarf, pull him over.

Tyrion opened up his psionic field, but it collapsed in an instant. Ricas hurriedly moved over, but was pulled by Tessian. Tyrion's feet left the ground and then stopped in the air.

Zhao Mai appeared in front of Tyrion, separating Polis' psychic powers. He frowned and looked at Tyrion, and said, "How do I think you just want to call me out?"

Tyrion nodded: "Mike, looking at this battle, the opponent is ready and ready to teach us a profound and unforgettable lesson. If you don't call you out quickly, my life may not be guaranteed. ."

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