Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 896: If you say yes

Zhao Mai frowned and looked at the formation of the Dragon Emperor. Indeed, Tyrion and the others were in a disadvantageous position: a group of people stood in the small circular square under the steps, and the Dragon Emperor's men basically formed a half-enclosed fan, and they were still condescending. The road leaving the square is not very spacious, and there are tall buildings on both sides that are easy to collapse—it looks dangerous.

But the Dragon King will do it? If you change to Zhao Mai, Zhao Mai will definitely not do it. When the taxes have been brought and the respect has been fully demonstrated, if the heads of several cities and the messengers are killed, what purpose can be achieved? Zhao Mai couldn't figure it out.

"You are Mike Longhou, the character who killed the Witch King?" The Dragon King showed sharp teeth: "You will die here."

"What!" Zhao Mai was surprised by everyone. He looked at Tyrion, who also had an incredible expression on his face. However, the little devil's brain turned quickly, his eyes trembled and he reacted, and immediately explained the situation with a few brief words: "There is a Witch King who has paid taxes for us, then bought your head, and planned to divide the city. Dragon King. Not sure you will come, his preparation is not necessarily the best. Zhao Mai, fighting is inevitable."

The Dragon Emperor rushed over, and Zhao Mai immediately began to act. He lit the blue fire instantly, opened his domain, and then threw the three people out. Texian, Ricas, and Tyrion flew towards the Z Worm's army like catapult projectiles. There will naturally be flying dragons to catch them in the air and let them land safely.

The Dragon King slammed a punch, Zhao Mai also slammed a punch, the two punches collided in the air. Zhao Mai was not polite to those who took the initiative to provoke a war against him, and used all his strength when he came up! This is not the time to face the Witch King to try his tricks, Zhao Mai is not interested in the special abilities of the Dragon King. If there is such an ability, it will be beaten out abruptly, there is no need to seduce him.

Without a fancy punch, the Dragon Sovereign had no idea that Zhao Mai would be such a "reckless man". Hearing a wailing, the Dragon Emperor flew out, and one arm was torn off from his shoulder, spinning and shattering in the air. Zhao Mai was also uncomfortable. His punched arm broke open, and his muscles, blood vessels, bones and nerves were broken into sections. Although psychic powers are powerful, they are the same internally and externally. But if you don't use the physical body as support, and only use psychic powers, the power will be 40% less than it is now.

The Dragon Emperor flew out and slammed into the palace on the steps with a continuous and dull sound. This tall palace made of granite and obsidian is not smaller than the Pyramid of Khufu, and turned out to be the tomb where its owner was buried. Countless bricks, roofs and walls began to collapse, pressing heavily against the dragon emperor in the center.

Zhao Mai knew this to kill the undead Dragon Emperor. After a successful move, he immediately began to expand the results. Raising his left hand aloft, the old magic wand appeared in his hand, the light of the spell combined with the power of the domain, a spell "Fly fast!" along the tentacles of the natural force, spreading the power across the palace square.

Zhao Mai summoned all the air into his hands, and then used natural force to temporarily cut off the wind. In his domain, it is very simple to move the air that is not controlled by other people and protected by any spell.

But it is not so easy to solve the suffocation caused by vacuum. I have to say that these fighters under the Dragon Emperor are very tough and crazy, even if they can't breathe or speak, they still attack Zhao Mai tacitly. For a time, hundreds of iron crossbows shot at Zhao Mai, and hundreds of various spell rays were caught in it. The sky is full of lightning bolts, flame waves, flash bombs, and more deadly magic. Zhao Mai has never seen such a large number of spells appear at the same time.

Whether it's an arrow or a spell, it's futile if you miss it. The Dragon Sovereign is not afraid of his subordinates turning back, because he has absolute power to suppress it. Zhao Mai is not afraid of these spells because of his abnormal speed. Except for the lightning spell that is as fast as the light, it is indeed impossible to evade, other spells with flying trajectories cannot catch up with Zhao Mai's movement speed.

This battle came very suddenly and quickly, but Zhao Mai was faster. The mages and the brain control divisions blinked, and there was no trace of Zhao Mai in the center of the venue. He came to the place where the Dragon King stood before, in the middle of all the mages, templars, and brain controllers, raised one leg high, and then stepped on the ground forcefully.

As I said before, everyone was standing on the ladder, and the ladder shattered and collapsed under Zhao Mai's trampling. The entire **** slid down, and the bricks engulfed many people. The Templars were almost wiped out, and the wizards and brain controllers flew up one after another, trying to escape from this vacuum area. They were able to "read" the first spell because they were prepared. Now, because there is no air pressure, their skin and eyes are swelling, the water in the cells wants to boil, and the capillaries have ruptured in large areas. Everyone's vision is red, and the situation is getting worse, it is hard to see Zhao Mai's figure~www.ltnovel.com~Of course, they can't see clearly.

Suddenly, a dark object came over from the sky, and it suddenly covered the square. When Zhao Mai started, Z Worm received the order at the same time. Hydralisk raised its head, and under the command of the monitor insect and the gardener dragon, covered Zhao Mai with firepower. Countless stinging needles attacked through the air in a parabolic manner, and they reached the battlefield at this time.

The cone-shaped needles launched by each Hydralisk are twenty centimeters long, and the tail is hollow, which is more conducive to acceleration during launch. There are spiral grooves on the surface, which will spin up when flying in the air. When it hits, it will gnaw the wound like a tooth, and even cause it to shatter in the body, killing it twice with fragments. The power of a single needle is deadly, and when assembled, even a spell barrier is difficult to resist.

When the firepower is strong enough, the battle becomes a problem of probability. Zhao Mai dodged the attack, and the others did not have such high flying flexibility. Several lucky guys have received Zhao Mai's key attention. Zhao Mai, who puts away the old wand and uses the eight-eye sword, is even more terrifying to the mage. Those energy barriers were not much better than the full body armor in front of the Eight Eyes Sword, and all ended up cut off. Numerous "counter-attack if hurt" type spells attacked Zhao Mai from a very close position, and Zhao Mai raised his broken right arm to block most of them.

After ten seconds of fighting, the Dragon Emperor's guards had basically been lost, and at least Zhao Mai was the only one left in the air. Others were struggling with suffocation. Several wise men gave up the opportunity to attack, used spells to save themselves, or used teleportation spells to escape from the battlefield, or created an air cover for themselves to keep breathing. In the field, Zhao Mai naturally saw them. But as long as they don't get in the way, Zhao Mai doesn't care about their escape.

He has never killed the enemy's soldiers and deserters.

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