Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 897: New owner

Zhao Mai hovered in mid-air and looked sideways at his arm. The natural force surged, the power of healing and regeneration flowed past, and the wound quickly recovered. It only took a few seconds, at least the appearance of the arm problem was no longer visible, holding the long sword easily.

A deep roar came from the ruins of the palace, and at the same time it was a terrifying momentum and pressure, which included both dragon power and psychic powers. Dragon Emperor Polis was a little stunned by Zhao Mai's full punch, but after all, he would not die with one punch.

Zhao Mai curled his lips. He hated this kind of battle the most. He had no technical content and was reckless. For the Dragon Sovereign, he thought a little simpler at first. The slave tax of one thousand people is not an important thing to the Dragon Sovereign. According to its ability-or analogous to Zhao Mai's ability-every year Is it difficult to count the number of slaves for sacrifice? That city-state does not execute a thousand slaves every year, which is not considered to be a death due to the harsh environment.

Outside the city-states, there are many small towns, villages, and various "denies". These places lack protection and do not generate taxes, so they are better used to pay slave taxes. It is said that Zhao Mai drove the car to clear up the sand pirates in the sandy wasteland, and more than one thousand people were eliminated. The Dragon Emperor values ​​his authority and rule more, and the deeper reason is to maintain the past state, to ensure that Rajat has been kept sealed.

Karak is dead, Hamana is dead, even if the Dragon King is confident that he will not be killed like the Witch King, other Witch Kings will not think so. When he heard this news, the Witch King would naturally not sit still. Zhao Mai expects that they will use some methods to deal with themselves, such as uniting, such as destroying the soil, such as ambush themselves. But I didn't expect it would be so fast.

He felt that everyone would wait for a while to observe, until he dragged everyone to death, but things would not always develop according to his own vision. Fortunately, he has been preparing and has never been lazy, so although he will be surprised and caught off guard in the face of emergencies, he will not be helpless.

What's more, he abruptly snatched it over.

With one punch, he has time to deal with the "miscellaneous soldiers." Calling those mages and brain-controllers in this way is a bit of a ridicule. After all, each of them is strong outside, but they can't show up in front of Zhao Mai and Dragon Sovereign. Zhao Mai took the opportunity to clear them out, so his team would be much safer, and he could feel at ease to have a king-to-king duel with the Dragon King. If he hesitated a little before, it would be that the Dragon Emperor took the lead, and his generals and troops were slaughtered, and the situation was completely different.

Zhao Mai has only one worry now, and that is whether there will be other Witch Kings ambush nearby. He opened the domain in an all-round way, not for control but for investigation. If there is a Witch King, he will be able to find out. Tyrion's brain analysis was right at that moment. It must be the Witch King who asked the Dragon King to eliminate Zhao Mai. The loss of power could be made up by more slave lives. What they want is to maintain the previous ruling system, and all of this is based on power and terror.

After searching for a circle, I didn't find the Witch King. The Dragon King really singled out with himself! On the one hand, perhaps the Dragon Sovereign is too confident of himself, after all, he has never encountered an opponent except Rajat. On the other hand, the relationship between the Witch King and the Dragon King is ruled and ruled. There is no trust between them, everything is just power and terror. Such a comrade-in-arms probably didn't want the Dragon King either.

Zhao Mai did not find the Witch King but found something else. In the deep underground beneath the palace, there is a complex and strong underground palace. The dense and complex magic circle enveloped it, neither the previous earthquake nor the current domain can penetrate it. For now, the most likely place to detain Rajat is there. Dragon Emperor Polis sits on top of the cage every day. He is a dragon and his heart is a watchdog.

The watchdog king lifted off the ruins on his body, revealing his true body. It was a giant dragon over a hundred meters long, with gold, red, and black scales covering the whole body. From the top of the head, along the spine to the tip of the tail, was covered with a layer of bony armor.

The triangular dragon head seems a little small in terms of body proportions, perhaps because it gave up part of the biting ability to better cast spells. A pair of forward-curved teeth protruded from the corners of the mouth, and even there were golden magic runes on them.

The Dragon Emperor roared at Zhao Mai, and the sound wave came with pressure, forcibly squeezing the air into the square. Those mages, brain controllers, and Templar warriors, dead and fleeing, no longer have the power to suppress the enemy first, and it is too late for the Dragon Emperor to continue this tone. Zhao Mai stopped insisting, let the wind come in, and he could concentrate more.

"As long as you fight, you will die, or you will lose your power to suppress the Warlock of the Beginning-after he comes out, you will still die." Zhao Mai said, "How do you choose to die?"

"Release the Warlock of the Beginning, and you will die too." The Dragon Sovereign's words were accompanied by a low roar: "Therefore, you dare not kill me, nor dare to beat my power below a certain level. The only thing in this battle The ending is that I quickly kill you so that your lovers can live."

"Your logic is too weird. You can live only on the premise of killing me quickly without consuming much strength, and what can you do to guarantee this?" Zhao Mai blinked and snapped his fingers: "Understood, it is nothing more than two means, instantly killing my body, or sealing me up."

Dragon Emperor smiled coldly without answering. Zhao Mai said: "Hamana attacked me with a kind of annihilation ray without any warning~www.ltnovel.com~ Maybe you could do it too, or have similar methods. But that trick is useless to me, I have Know how to defend. The other way, you seal me up, just like you seal the warlock of the early days. You only increase more slave taxes every year and get rid of me forever. But that’s useless, unless you destroy first Only by dropping my domain can the nature of the space around me be changed forcibly, and this method does not have any suddenness, only consumption and then consumption. Polis, do you have any other means?"

"You have miscalculated one thing, the new kid. Do you think you can surpass the Witch King by using the methods of the Witch King? How long do you have?" Dragon King Polis said contemptuously. What you call annihilating the light is just a step in the dragon transformation, and the seal itself is just a small trick. The truly powerful is the complete dragon, without any weakness, the most powerful creature in the world! Do you know why Hamana obeyed me? Because his assassination was not effective for me! Everything he learned from Dragon Transformation and Dragon Magic is only a part of my body shape."

"Wow, that's really strong." Zhao Mai applauded and said: "You are very confident in your own defense, and so is I. The two of us fighting together will only be the result of each other's consumption. But you It’s just a dragon, and I’m a race. Polis, I’ve already sent you the obsidian ball. This is a gesture of respect for your local master. If you want to go to war, then only a new master will be created. To end."

"New master?" Polis narrowed his eyes. He answered with practical actions, and he summoned a storm of spells. The chaotic cloud of elements descended from the sky, and the stingers of psychic powers rose from the ground, attacking Zhao Mai's domain. In an instant, the blue light around Zhao Mai's body was booming, like a blue sun appearing on the horizon.

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