Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 899: The status of living things lies in who eats

All the Z insects did not launch any attacks on the Dragon Emperor, but all pounced on Zhao Mai. The flying dragon was the first to arrive, hitting Zhao Mai directly, breaking into a pool of viscous liquid. It is originally hollow and does not have much hard shell material, so its cells are the easiest to absorb.

Different Z Worm units reflect the different states of the same cell. In the final analysis, they are all cells of Zhao Mai. Using himself as the core, combined with the wild transformation ability of the Force of Nature, Zhao Mai showed the other side of the Z insect as a species: the cluster creature.

He himself melted into the flesh and blood of other Z worms, and his size continued to expand. The Dragon Sovereign did not hesitate to spray hot sand at this group of cell aggregates, wondering if the target could always be hit after getting bigger? Unexpectedly, the Z-worm polymer quickly changed its shape, twisting its body like a colloid, still as flexible, avoiding most of the hot sand rays.

This group of Z insect cells has no fixed shape, and Zhao Mai's psychic powers have become internal support and external restraints. A huge arm grabbed the Dragon Emperor, causing it to twist its head to respond by breathing out. Unexpectedly, this hand collapsed in the air, and it smashed to the ground, flowing towards the foot of the Dragon Emperor.

Polis kicked on all fours, his wings fluttered, and immediately rose into the air. In his experience, none of the jelly monsters can fly, but for a while, he forgot that the guy on the opposite side has greater mobility. As soon as Dragon Emperor exposed his abdomen, Zhao Mai completed the initial transformation. He chose the slender and powerful Chinese dragon form, jumped up from the ground, and suddenly bit the dragon emperor's abdomen.

"This skin is really hard!" Zhao Mai cut off two teeth, and it fell on the ground as nothing but two gums. The energy tentacles on Dragon Emperor Polis kept burning his body, and the burnt flesh and skin exuded a terrible fragrance.

The supernatural power comes from the mind, the realm comes from the race, and the natural force comes from all the lives around. Jumping dogs can be regarded as creatures one by one, as are Hydralisk and Flying Dragon, but this is not the smallest unit of Z Worm.

It only takes a few cells to aggregate, and the Z worm can perform the most basic functions of life-even single cells in some cases. Zhao Mai used this characteristic to become a cluster creature, which is not only an animal but also a plant, but also bacteria and fungus. He himself is a complete ecosystem, the natural force is strong and concentrated.

Mangroves can make Wadsworth become a giant tree, and Z insects form the dragon of Zhaomai. He mainly clings and winds up in the shape of a dragon, with his claws hooking the dragon king's scales, while his thick and long body wraps around it, while forming a long track behind him for the Z insect creature to climb up. In the air, when the Chimera spacecraft hit its head, it pushed the Dragon Emperor back to the ground. When all the surrounding creatures began to dissolve and flooded again, Polis knew he was in big trouble!

In all directions, Zhao Mai's domain and psychic powers are constantly suppressing the Dragon Emperor's attempts to cast spells. Zhao Mai simply didn't want to overwhelm the Dragon King from his spell ability, focusing on making troubles was a much easier way. Occasionally a few offensive spells were cast, Zhao Mai didn't care at all. As long as the Dragon Sovereign can't escape and is suppressed by him, that's fine.

The first witch king to use teleportation to rush to the battlefield is Abel La Chili, the plague **** of orcs. It was she who initiated and united some Witch Kings not long ago to persuade the Dragon King to punish Mike Dragon Roar-death penalty. The price she gave was one hundred thousand lives, paid in ten years, and no attempt to transform the dragon for one hundred years. After she received the dragon emperor's call, although she was full of suspicion and worried that this was a trap set by the dragon emperor, she had to come and had to come as fast as possible.

Then she saw a long dragon emitting blue flames pinching the complete dragon emperor, being... beating? She couldn't believe her eyes, rubbed them vigorously, and then opened her mouth wide enough to put her fists in. The powerful Dragon King has always been the culmination of evolution, but physically, even Rajat has not reached that level. Even the primordial sorcerer of the year, spells and psychic abilities can suppress the Dragon King, but it is absolutely impossible to defeat him with his body.

And now, the Azure Dragon that Zhao Mai had turned into was constantly slapping the Dragon Emperor, always not letting him finish his breath. "Fighting, you know fighting! A stupid idiot! It was used by Rajat in the past, and now it is used by other witch kings. If you don't negotiate, you will only fight. That is the action of a reckless man!"

"The most annoying thing is that you were not ready to go to war!" Zhao Mai slap left and right, shaking his hand to pieces every time, but he recovered quickly every time. "Do you regard me as an ordinary Witch King, strong and limited?"

"Stop!" The Dragon Emperor said while spitting out yellow blood: "Without me, there would be no way to suppress Rajat. You will eventually be killed!"

Zhao Mai slapped again, and said bitterly: "That's right! Originally you would not conflict with me because of this credit. Didn't I send you the obsidian ball? I want you Is it a penny? Do you regret it now? It's too late!"

Zhao Mai grabbed a bunch of soft glue from behind and forced it into Dragon Emperor's mouth. Although the spitting hot sand immediately destroyed these Z-worm cells, Zhao Mai kept stuffing them. The two people kept rolling on the ground, Zhao Mai wrapped him tightly, and did not let go. The entire city trembles in the rolling battle of two giant dragons, and thousands of years of history are turned into ruins. Both of them roared and verbally abused each other, and they didn't have the noble temperament that a dragon should have.

The psychic abilities that collide with each other turn into lightning, which fires outward from their bodies that are constantly rubbing against each other. Abel La Chili hurriedly lowered the altitude ~www.ltnovel.com~ and called Nibannai who had just arrived to avoid the aftermath of the terrible battle. Both people have discovered that even the Dragon King's annihilation breath can't stop the opponent's entanglement, and there is no point in adding two Witch Kings.

With the seven Chimera spacecraft and thousands of various Z insects transformed into source material, Zhao Mai finally completely wrapped the Dragon Emperor. From all the pores and cavities in Polis' body, Z Worm got in and controlled him inside and out. The Dragon Sovereign was still alive, but he found that his body was paralyzed and could not move at all. Only a slight twitch proved that he was alive. The psychic powers are still there, the magic is still there, but the other party just constantly uses similar powers to offset them. In all aspects, the Dragon Emperor is comparable to Zhao Mai, the only difference lies in the biological form.

Z insects continue to adapt and evolve, taking the Dragon King as a sample. This powerful creature created by psychic powers, magic and countless life energies, although evil and tyrannical, can still serve as a model for Z Worm to learn. Gradually, the outer layer of the Z insect source material hardened and gradually became amber-like form. It's just that this amber is two hundred meters in diameter, and it's not flies or mosquitoes, but the dragon king.

A part of the source material protruded from the amber and became Zhao Mai with a sword in his hand. He looked in the direction where the Witch King was hiding, staring at them with a smile on his face. Abel Lachili and Nibannai glanced at each other, and left with the spirit of "Never slower than the other", saying that they would not come back again.

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