Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 900: Amber Sword

The battlefield was in a mess. The Crimson Legion, the Tyre King Guard and the Z Worm withstood the Dragon King’s attack at a cost of nearly half. Thanks to Ricas freed the slaves in the city and temporarily recruited some of them to join the battle. Although their martial arts are not enough to occupy more than the regular army, their sudden appearance on the side of the battlefield has a great impact on morale.

When the Chimera spacecraft appeared in the sky, the Dragon Emperor's army slowed down. There are basically no huge creatures in the air of Artas, except for the Dragon King, the Chimera spacecraft is considered the largest. Some fighters recognized the spaceships by mistake and shouted "Dragons! Giant dragons!" When they saw that these spaceships were loaded with Z insects, the morale on the Dragon Emperor's side instantly dropped to the bottom.

Tyrion poked his head out from behind the Hydralisk, carefully watching the surroundings. The scene of the two dragons fighting can be seen clearly from outside the city, which is really shocking. The mighty Dragon Emperor struggled in vain, as Zhao Mai of a python-he didn't know the Dongfang Dragon-entangled and suppressed the opponent. The two people rolled around, rolling into the depths of the city. Outside the city, only the flying dragons and Chimera spaceships of countless Z insects could be seen pounced on them, and what happened after that was hidden behind the smoke and dust.

The Hydralisk beside him was dead, and he would definitely die if his head was burned through by a lightning spell. Tyrion was very thankful that he had a short body, unobtrusive and easy to avoid injury. Of course, Jumping Dog and Hydralisk will protect him as much as possible, even if they sacrifice their lives. The tissue fluid flowing on the ground will be collected by the soil and reused to make new Z worms.

Tyrion quickly found Tyxian, the king of Tyr holding a warhammer, standing majestic among the crowd. Behind him were two wizards to follow, and a brain controller to provide protection. Taixi's combat effectiveness is not bad, and psychic powers are also being studied hard, and they can kill many enemies on the battlefield. Tyrion greeted him with a smile, saying congratulations and envy in his mouth, but complaining in his heart: No matter how many you kill, can Zhao Mai be more powerful?

"The city should be the winner. It seems that Mike Dragon Roar won." Taisian quickly analyzed the situation: "He must win, otherwise we will definitely be killed by the Dragon King."

"Of course he will win. Even if this world is destroyed, he will be the one who wins in the end." Tyrion came to the corpse of a templar, grabbed a few drops of blood from his body and smeared his face. Stir it with the tissue fluid flowing from the Z worm, and look embarrassed and brave. "I'm going to see the boss, how about you?"

"Go and go together." Texian couldn't help asking: "Where is Ricas, do you know?"

Ricas is joining the Crimson Legion with his newly liberated slaves. People who have nothing are best at finding what they can use, and the battlefield is full of treasures. After a while, judging from the level of equipment, the Crimson Legion was once again full, and Rikas was leading them to get to know their team leader, team leader, and Butcher as the second commander. This battle came fast and went fast. Butcher heard Zhao Mai talk about the characteristics of the Z Worm, and he clearly knew that the Z Worm was a consumable on the battlefield, so he led the Crimson Legion to be "lazy". After Rikas came back, he was lazy by himself and got through the battle with ease. He knew very well the battlefield faced by the Crimson Army. There was no decisive force in the battle. It was enough to save yourself and drag the enemy, and there was no need to defeat or annihilate the battle.

Hearing that he was going to see Zhao Mai, Butcher left Ricas and strode over. "Rikas, you can't go away now. Once you leave, the new recruits you just joined will definitely mess up the legion. I will go on your behalf!" His reason was very good, and Ricas nodded and stayed. To the rear.

Along the way, under the protection of the King's Guard and the Z Worm, several people were not attacked. The flying dragons in the sky are still searching for targets in the city. Even a powerful wizard can't stand being bombarded by a group of flying dragons and then getting close by jumping dogs. But they found that as long as they did not attack and kept leaving the city, they were safe. Z insects are still executing Zhao Mai's previous orders, not to kill surrendered and deserters.

"In the future battlefields, the city walls are no longer useful. Without such creatures flying in the sky, it would be impossible to go to war." I have to say that Taixian is very keen, and immediately thought of the next thing: "Even the role of cavalry Significantly lower, because no cavalry can escape under the wings of these creatures. No wonder it has been a long time since I heard the news of Sand Pirates, have they all been wiped out by these things?"

"They are called flying dragons, and they are also called slobber dragons." Tyrion said, "Master Longhou said, these are not real dragons, they are just the basic units of the Air Force."

"Air Force..." Taixian nodded: "A very interesting formulation. Oh, what is that! My goodness!"

This kind of exclaim will only happen when you see "Dragon Emperor Amber". The huge golden Z insect source envelops the Dragon Emperor, and the translucent amber can see the dark shadow of the Dragon Emperor inside. Zhao Mai was sitting on the steps in front of Amber, leaning against the huge Amber behind him, and the Eight-Eyed Sword was inserted vertically on the ground, just to his right.

Blue flames burned on the top of Zhao Mai's head and around his body, and Tyrion had already guessed something as soon as his eyes rolled. Zhao Mai waved to several people, motioning them to come forward. Jumping Dog brought a few slightly flat stones from the ruins and placed them as stools.

"I didn't want to fight this battle. I never thought it happened. Fortunately, it was about the same as I expected. I won." Zhao Mai said straightforwardly, "But, there will be a series of things to deal with next. , The situation must be stabilized as soon as possible~www.ltnovel.com~Texian, let me tell you a piece of news that I cannot leave Amber behind me for the time being."

"Because the Dragon Emperor is still alive inside, isn't it?"

Zhao Mai nodded. In fact, as long as you get close to Amber, you can hear a dull heartbeat sound, which is exactly what the Dragon Emperor makes. He is still trying to break free, and various methods are emerging one after another. Zhao Mai has always been connected with the source quality behind him, using his own psychic powers, natural force, and more important domains to suppress the Dragon King. "It takes me a while to digest the Dragon King. He is considered the hardest thing I have ever eaten. This guy is too anxious, too impulsive, and fails to make a correct judgment on the situation, which led to this end, and we Also do remedial work for his recklessness."

"Is there anything Tyre and I can help? I must die." Taixian stood up, bowed deeply, and said with his head lowered.

"Be your king, cooperate well with the humans who have migrated, and face the new era of Atas. The era of relying on violence and fear to hold the position of the ruler has passed, and the era of the dragon king and the witch king has passed. . If you want to be a comfortable king, don’t make the ruling people uncomfortable.” Zhao Mai said, “I have one more thing to leave to you. In the name of King Tyre, you contact other Witch Kings. Ask them how to continue to seal Rajat. I cannot conflict with Rajat until I finish digesting the Dragon King."

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