Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 902: King Macron

"I just asked you to change the title. I didn't say that I want you to change my name!" Mike Dragon Emperor (new) was still sitting next to Amber, with a sword stuck in his side, his head burning. It looks like a sculpture during the day and a blue candlestick at night. The soil was spread out beside him, and the incubation room and refining room of the Z insect were under construction. The insects used the slime to build a shading pergola, and the Legionnella mushrooms were placed beside him, ready to be used.

Tyrion sat opposite Zhao Mai, one hand was skewers, and the other was red wine. He left the half-dragon maid in his room without taking it with him. Since having the assistance of psychic powers, Tyrion has liked to do everything by himself, and it feels like he can do all kinds of magical things with his mind.

The city of Tyre and the Crimson Legion had already left, and news of the Dragon King being defeated and the new Dragon King enthroned was spread all the way. The entire situation in Atas has changed drastically, but for a while, there is no obvious change. Slaves are still slaves, and the Witch King is still the Witch King. Only when the Oasis of Nirvana is constantly emerging, it never stops its expansion.

Tyrion snorted to Zhao Mai's complaints and responded: "The previous dragon king was called Dragon King Polis. Is it possible to call you Dragon King Macross? Isn't it bad? Yes, it's important. Do you want to eat a barbecue? Lamb, freshly slaughtered, is definitely 100% lamb."

"Of course." Zhao Mai took the meat skewers, and saw the steaming on it, blowing it twice before eating.

"Are you still afraid of getting hot?" Tyrion used his psychic powers to control the movement of threading, turning, and adding firewood at the same time, enjoying the fun of doing it himself. The lack of spices is still a big problem, and Arda's halflings have not brought their precious spice seeds and cooking skills. Lamb skewers without cumin and chili noodles always have less flavor. "Zhao Mai, if you just open your mouth and eat the fireball, nothing will happen, right?"

"I have tasted the taste of magma, what do you think?" Zhao Mai's cheeks are bulging, so there is no majestic image when he speaks. "You know, when I was studying, I knew that a certain taste-and-death poison had a taste, and I always wanted to know how to come to this conclusion. Now I finally understand—someone can't eat it."

"You must be joking, right?" Tyrion widened his eyes, his eyes were still pitch black and blue, and the scars left on his face during the Battle of Heishuihe to defend the King's Landing were still terrifying. But his attitude is relaxed. Dragon Emperor Polis, as the strongest guy in the world-Rajat is still in the seal-has been pressed in his heart like a stone. Now that he was crushed into amber stone, the situation was naturally different.

"I was really curious, so I went and tasted it. You were the first to know. I didn't tell anyone. I'm afraid they thought I was stupid again." Zhao Mai replied, "I blew lamb skewers, naturally. It's not a fear of being hot, but a habit, a habit when you are a human. You have seen my true form this time, just like a big snot."

"Who isn't it?" Tyrion said, "Man is just an aggregate of meat, stones, water, and excrement. A woman can also produce milk and give birth to children, but I can only excrete excrement and urine. Isn't that right? Worse? At least you can grow mushrooms!"

"It's really boring to talk to you, I always go to Xia San Lu!"

"You raised the snot first!" Tyrion threw the meat skewers in his hand towards Zhao Mai, who directly popped his tongue over a meter long to wrap the meat skewers, and swallowed them with the stick. The little devil is also quite helpless, his own boss is a strange thing, how to say it, he is only serious when talking about business. In order to prevent the topic from sliding to the sky, he said down-to-earth: "The Dragon King incident was a sudden accident. It is good to win, but what about Rajat? How much confidence do you have?"

"It's not easy." Zhao Mai said: "I dealt with the Dragon Emperor, no matter whether it was the psychic powers or the spells of the natural force, he would not hurt him much. It was just relying on the biological advantage to swallow him abruptly. Slowly digest. This is a stupid way and the only way to deal with the Dragon King. This is true for Rajat. If Rajat comes out at this time, I will cover you to leave, and then I will spend time with him here slowly. Well, I don’t know how many years to win. So the best way is to continue to seal Rajat and don’t let him out. I’m not a war madman, I have to fight to be happy."

"How is the seal situation now?"

"I can't understand." Zhao Mai shook his head: "I can see the complex magic circle, but I almost can't understand it. I know some magical methods, but after all, I am not a magician. The seal looks solid, but I don’t know how long it can last, how to maintain it, and how to strengthen it. This requires professional knowledge."

"The only magicians you can trust right now are Satiri and Cotand. How about calling Cotand over?"

"That's for sure, and Satiri has to come over too." Zhao Mai looked at the sky and gave a soft smile. "Let’s tell you, the will of the world has been stunned by my actions! It’s almost stagnant at the moment, unable to react. Instead, I need Satiri to come here. She will be more likely to do it than Cotande Understand the situation of the sealing circle."

"I would like to suggest that too. You are here, you can better protect us." Tyrion said: "I have an idea. When necessary to send out a message, saying that you have absorbed the Dragon King, and your eyes are fixed again. Rajat, prepare to release him. In this way, the Witch King has a certain chance to find a way to continue sealing Rajat. What do you think?"

"I think they would rather find a way to deal with me first..." Zhao Mai shook his head: "No, this method is too dangerous, and it may be self-defeating. The Dragon Emperor could not see the situation and chose to be hostile to me, but after this incident , The Witch King should be able to see the situation clearly, right? I hope they can come up with the wisdom of betraying and sealing Rajat, and stop fighting me like a second fool. So, I should not stimulate them, if it is really exciting It’s not good to be stupid. Whether they unite or split up ~www.ltnovel.com~ is not what I want."

"If they unite, you won't be sealed by the Witch Kings like Rajat, will you?"

"Theoretically not. After all, as long as my domain is still there, I cannot forcefully change my position in space. Of course, I will also be careful about this. My knowledge is not all of the universe. Accidents are always possible. You have to be careful of the gutter. The ship is overturned." Zhao Mai waved his hand, staring at the barbecue flames, and said: "You can set off to the portal in these two days. I have used so many Chimera-class spacecraft at once, which is bound to be of great use to the relocation work. Influence, you must merge with Dojian as soon as possible, re-plan and optimize, and don't delay things over there."

"I see, everything will go well, don't worry." Tyrion stretched his feet to the fire and roasted. The desert is a strange place. I've got used to the feeling of hot feet every day. Now I can't sleep well without baking. He never thought that he would adapt so quickly. From the little devil of the Lannisters to the roasted dwarf on the planet Atas, things have never developed so smoothly. He has psychic magic, power, freedom, security, and women. The joy of the body and the enjoyment of the spirit are unimaginable in the past, but it seems that there is still something missing, which is deeper and deeper under his surface needs. Real and original desire.

There was a beating flame in Tyrion's eyes, and he began to dig into the corners of his heart.

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