Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 903: Got bigger

Doujian and Satiri looked at Dragon Emperor Amber, the shock in their hearts was unimaginable. According to Satiri's perspective, a year ago they were still trembling about whether they could overthrow Karak and free Tyre's slaves. A year later, the Dragon Emperor became Amber... The speed and extent of this tremendous change could not be described by other words except shock.

However, Zhao Mai's body looked terrible. To be precise, his back and amber are connected to everything, flesh and blood are in a state of melting, and white lightning and blue flames are constantly passing through his back, passing between Zhao Mai and Dragon Emperor. The dull heartbeat thumped, and the steady rhythm never stopped. Dragon Emperor is still alive, still fighting Zhao Mai in his own way, fighting for his own survival. In response, Duojian curled his lips and said: "Is it supported?"

"Yes, it's a little panic." Zhao Mai smiled bitterly. In front of Taisian, he is an honest and strong; to Tyrion, he is a close superior who can make all kinds of jokes; in front of Dogian and Sadili, he is just Zhao Mai. "The Dragon King is the most powerful creature I have ever encountered, much stronger than the Tarrasque behemoth. I can't kill him now, I can only trap him slowly."

"How long will it take you to do this?" Sadili frowned, and suddenly thought of something, she burst out laughing: "Dogian, do you think Zhao Mai is pregnant? He has other lives in his stomach. The new dragon emperor is pregnant with the old dragon emperor!"

"It means something like that." Duojian also smiled: "The Dragon Emperor in his stomach is not honest, isn't it? How long will it take to solve this problem?"

"I don't know." Zhao Mai said: "I'm still studying and learning the physical characteristics of the Dragon King, so that I can find a way to kill him. He didn't use biological evolution to become the Dragon King. There are too many magic in the dragon transformation technique. Things related to psychic powers, the so-called dragon magic, or life magic, is also a field that I don’t understand. Anyway, I can’t live without it, so you can bring all these related books and materials, and I will study it carefully. It will definitely speed up the progress."

"These are easy to handle. Anyway, when it's okay, I can teach you magic." Satiri said.

"Dogian, learn it together. You have a foundation in the past, and you can also magic before amnesia, which shows that your body is not repellent to magic." Zhao Mai said. He raised his head, blinked his eyes, and said slightly "Huh?"

"Little Flower, don't get into Amber...it's too late." Zhao Mai rolled his eyes, and then called for the grain reserve. The dog poked his head from the top of Amber, and then sent it to Zhao Mai with a scream. It stretched out its tongue to lick Zhao Mai's hand, and then put its head under Zhao Mai's hand, with obvious intentions.

Zhao Mai scratched the thick hair on the neck of the grain reserve. He knew which piece was the most comfortable place. However, what Zhao Mai looked at was the flower pot on the back armor of the food reserve. The little flower shook its petals and condensed a body again: floating in the air, breathing heavily.

"Don't get into Amber. The energy inside is very strong. It is no less than a legendary spell storm. In fact, I have maintained at least two hundred revenge storms as large as a spell all the time. Every revenge storm is You can completely destroy a village, and your body will be better as soon as you enter it? Will it turn gray in a few seconds?

"I just popped like a cute soap bubble, and there was no ash at all!" Xiaohua's cheeks were filled with air, holding her arms unconvinced. She wanted to use her most energy-sensitive special ability to see the status of the Dragon King and help Zhao come up with ideas or something, but she was directly destroyed by the energy in the amber.

"Don't be angry, it's not the first time you exploded." Zhao Mai messed up Xiao Hua's hair with his hands and continued to make her happy. "Thank you for your thoughts, but you can't help me temporarily in digesting the Dragon Emperor. But you can help me in other ways."

Zhao Mai approached Xiao Hua's ear and said a few words softly. Xiaohua's eyes lit up, and then she nodded vigorously: "Well, yes, I can do this, and I'm willing to do it!" After she finished speaking, she held the grain reserve by her neck and sent it away.

"What did you let her do?" Sadili asked curiously.

"She wants to go back to our house and continue to cultivate the sacred tree. Now Artas' world will temporarily froze, it is the time when the sacred tree grows best. The environment of Artas is so bad, the most fundamental problem still comes from the sun. The sacred tree of Arda is the sun and moon of that world, providing the most basic source of energy for all life and actions. As long as it succeeds, it can completely change the environment of this planet and the will of the world. Only Xiaohua can do this. I am a bit worse than her."

"It seems that everyone has things to do, and none of them are superfluous and lazy." Somehow, Satiri became very happy: "Little Flower wants to plant the sun, Tyrion and Dorgian organize the relocation of Arda World. I will study Rajat’s seal, Zhao Mai, you continue to digest the Dragon King. The days when you can get busy are full, and only when you are busy do you feel more lazy!"

Dojian turned his eyes and sighed slightly, "Your most important task is to sit in the womb, not Rajat’s seal, but don’t make a mistake. Zhao Mai is already a bug like this. His only possible human child is in your belly."

Shadili looked up at Dragon Emperor Amber, and then said to Zhao Mai: "If you digest the Dragon Emperor, will it become too big?"

"No~www.ltnovel.com~ I only need the information of his body, and I won’t keep the body shape." Zhao Maiyang raised his eyebrows and said: "However, I can indeed change the shape of my body at will—anything Any part will do."

"What do you want to tell the pregnant woman!" Duojian took Satiri's hand and took her away from Zhao Mai. "I'll tell you, it's a rare and good opportunity now. Zhao Mai is trapped beside Amber and can't move, so he won't disturb us everywhere, right?"

"Yeah! He always screamed along with the black smoke before, it was frightening, now there is no way!" Sadili clapped her hands and said: "At this moment, let's go play first, do you think What will be in the Dragon Emperor’s treasure house?"

"There may be the best baby in the entire Atas!" Doujian was excited, pretending not to hear Zhao Mai calling out behind him, "Any part deformed!"

Everyone left, and Zhao Mai's expression turned pale when there was only one person left. A mouth, wow, spit out a cloud of golden origin. Workers and insects walked out of the shadows of the nearby buildings, their movements skillfully cleaned up the dirt on the ground. Zhao Mai wiped his mouth and said to himself: "Monkey Sun entered the belly of Princess Iron Fan. The princess is how I feel now, right? It's a pity that my digestive ability is strong enough, and forbearance passed. Dragon King , What else do you want to say?"

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