Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 907: Drool leader

The secret of dragon transformation is a continuous change composed of ten legendary spells, which is simply called "Devil Dragon Transformation 1-10". Dragon King Polis is the only Witch King who has completed 100% of the Witch King's spell. Before Karak tried the blood sacrifice of Tyre, he only completed the Dragon King 5, which was the fastest of all Witch Kings.

After a whole year of continuous learning, imitating, adapting and evolving, Zhao Mai has reached the level of Devil's Transformation 10. Of course, this only refers to his physical fitness. The real power of the Dragon Transformation Secret Art is that it completes the unification of life magic and psychic powers, allowing the Witch King and the Dragon King to use both powers at the same time as they like, including the freedom to extract life abilities from all surrounding creatures.

Zhao Mai's magic did not reach Polis' level, and it was far lower than his psychic powers. This imbalance did not satisfy the conditions for casting the magic dragon spell. And he would not be a person who draws power from the lives around him. Most of the time, he was surrounded by the Z insect environment, including soil, worker insects, jumping dogs and Hydralisks. What did he do to absorb the lives of these creatures? If you really need it, isn't it the same to turn these into source quality?

The dragon transformation he completed only stayed in the physical stage, including stronger resistance to magic, elemental and psychic abilities, powerful breath attacks, and better power output system. In the past, his defensive power was mainly reflected in the domain, psychic shield, ghost ship hull, and near-infinite regeneration ability. Now his skin is as thick as the dragon king Polis, and the effect of spells on him has become minimal. , He can even choose whether to absorb or bounce the spell energy back.

Breathing is a dragon's unique attack method. Before Zhao Mai could only imitate breathing, in fact, it was "casting spells with his mouth" and spit out some ice to attack. Now that he has completed the Dragon Transformation technique, he can spit out two things, one is the doomsday volcanic magma combined with annihilation rays, and the other is the amber origin of the Z insect.

"Compared with lightning, flames, and beam rays, it is totally unworthy. One is eating too much tomato sauce for breakfast, and the other is eating too much purple sweet potato and cereal." Zhao Maituo sighed and sighed to himself. In the future, "low combat effectiveness (big mistake expressed concern.

But he still has some real gains-so it can be seen how greedy and hypocritical he is-due to the improvement of physical fitness, he can better concentrate his energy and explode, and disperse and transfer on the body surface as soon as possible when impacted. , And even slide away most of the reaction force, reducing damage to the body. He will no longer have the embarrassing situation of throwing a punch and exploding his arm in the air. The most serious situation in the future is only the cracking, fragmentation or even shedding of the epidermis, and the muscles, blood vessels, nerves and bones will be intact.

If you want to fully utilize this ability, it is impossible to use a human form. The Z worm's cells must reach a certain number of scales. He wants to absorb the cells of the Z Worm just like this fusion of the source material, making himself huge and becoming a "dragon". The larger the body, the higher the energy level that can be exerted and endured, and the more Z-worms are needed. Zhao Mai hasn't had a chance to test how huge he can reach. It will never expand indefinitely. It must be restricted like a field.

When Andrew Penis Witch King came to Dragon Emperor Amber, Zhao Mai completed all these changes, and finally completely suppressed the Dragon Emperor and took his life in his hands.

The Z Worm cells that had been raised to the level of the Devil Dragon began to work. In Zhao Mai's view, the Dragon Emperor in Amber was not much different from the Z Worm cells and could be manipulated at any time. The huge energy contained in the dragon emperor's flesh began to decompose and was continuously transferred to the amber.

The Dragon Sovereign uttered a desperate cry, not to mention that he hadn't thought of a way to get out, even if he had a way now, he didn't have the power to use it. Struggling, cursing, and final wailing couldn't penetrate Zhao Mai's realm. What spread outside was nothing but a dull and gradually slow heartbeat.

In this heartbeat, Zhao Mai met Andrew Penis Witch King.

"It's not easy. I thought I had to find the door myself. Finally, the Witch King came to see me." Zhao Mai stood up from the front of Dragon Emperor Amber, and separated from Amber. The dragon king's energy level has dropped to an extremely low level, and he has no threat. After more than a year, Zhao Mai can finally walk on the ground and enjoy the taste of freedom. He stretched his waist hard, and the surging power radiated outward as the muscles stretched.

Andrew Penis narrowed his eyes. It was previously reported that in order to suppress Polis, Mike Dragon could only stay where he was. It seems that this is probably a misinformation. He clearly exudes the unique energy fluctuations of Dragon Transformation, which is not inferior to Polis. Andrew Penis's mind turned quickly. He felt that the greatest possibility was that Mike Dragon King used Polis's life energy to activate the dragon transformation and complete the transformation of the dragon.

"Dear Dragon King, take the liberty to ask, what stage is your dragon transformation technique?"

"After completing the tenth stage, I have come to the end of the Dragon Transformation Technique." Zhao Mai smiled, and this smile fell in the eyes of Andrew Penis with obvious pressure. Zhao Mai then said: "The Witch King Karak once tried to sacrifice the city of Tyr in blood, and completed all the dragon transformation in one step. I was fortunate to have seen his complete magic circle, so I was able to integrate his research. And Polis is The best sample can give me a clear goal and avoid detours."

sample? I'm afraid it's a specimen, right? Andrew Penis folded his hands on his chest and bowed deeply, expressing his deepest respect to Zhao Mai. "Your Majesty Dragon Emperor" he said.

The Dragon Emperor only described Zhao Mai's state, and his Majesty expressed the meaning of surrender. Andrew Penis said: "I have felt your power ~ www.ltnovel.com~ I saw it with my own eyes-oh no, I have personally experienced the new order you have established. Your army of orcs and zerg is the history of Artas The strongest army on the planet. I can’t keep my city, but I want to reduce the killing, so I come to pray for peace.”

"Uh, to be honest, it still feels weird to hear these words from the Witch King. I remember you are an elven slayer? Forcibly killed the elves into a new and sinister race that is innocent and shameless. . You want to reduce the killing and pray for peace, I don’t believe it."

"Our Witch King’s killings were all ordered by Rajat. Part of it was deceit and deception, part of the desire for power, and a small part of tyranny and hobby. After discovering Rajat’s conspiracy, I was the first A man who decided to rebel and made recommendations to Polis. Polis is one of the strongest among us, but I was fortunate to be the first to fight against Rajat and save the world. Also the most determined actor."

Andrew Penis respectfully said: "I recently heard rumors that after you finish absorbing Polis, you will transfer your target to Rajat. I beg you not to release Rajat. It will definitely cause the destruction of the world. And the demise of Atas."

Zhao Mai raised his eyebrows and said: "Let's not talk about peace. We can talk about Rajat."

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