Sword and Magic and Taxi

Chapter 908: About Rajat

Andrew Penis is a eloquent character, and it seems that this ability allowed him to successfully persuade Polis to launch a rebellious plot. His strength is not very strong among the witch kings, and he has only reached the third level of the dragon transformation technique, so the situation of the body dragon transformation is not very serious. Except for the snake-like vertical pupils, he basically retains most of the human facial features, except that the limbs and the skin around the neck have grown scales, the fingers have become claws, the knees have changed the bending direction, and there is a short strip behind him. The dragon’s tail to maintain balance. He stood in front of Zhao Mai, respectfully and calmly, his voice humped, full of persuasiveness.

"The rise of the Witch King originated from Rajat’s desire to conquer and transform the world, and it was also the choice made by all creatures to keep getting stronger. The kings pointed their hands and said that this land is mine, Then the miners dig out the ore, smelt iron and cast swords, and the soldiers hold them to fight. The same is true for us Witch King. We bring it from around to satisfy our own intentions. The King defeated the enemy, and the Witch King consolidated his rule and carried on the dragon Transformation will be satisfied. But Rajat is different. He just wants to reproduce the glory of the past halfling era, so he wants to exterminate all other creatures. If you can't go back to the past, he won't stop. History can't go back, his goal Will never be satisfied, so he will completely destroy everything."

"What kind of state is he now? He can transform you into the Witch King, and also created the Dragon Transformation Art. To what extent has he transformed himself?"

Andrew Penis paused, looking at Zhao Mai with snake-like eyes, frowning, and then said: "Your Majesty Dragon King, Rajat did not use Dragon Transformation on his body. In fact, his body is very poor, compared to ordinary people. Worse. It's just that his mental power is quite strong."

In order to explain it more vividly, Andrew Penis casts a spell to simulate Rajat's appearance. "Rajat is a Palin, similar to humans, but with a natural starting point higher than humans, with a long life and powerful power. We, that is, the Witch Kings, believe that the Palin appeared suddenly. And it has the best characteristics of other races except halflings, so it should be the result of halfling transformation, but we have no evidence to support this view."

In illusion, Rajat is quite ugly. His back is hunched and his spine is in a twisted S shape, which makes his two shoulders high and low, and his legs long and short. He has a huge head, a long and flat face, and the only bulge is a layer of wrinkled skin. His eyes were pressed by the swollen skin and looked narrow and small. There were three nostrils shining with fire on his long nose without bridge. As for his mouth, which can always tell profound truths, it is just a crack full of tiny teeth.

It is hard to imagine that this ugly Palin man wielded his arm like a fine linen pole, and launched a battle to purify the world.

"He invented the magic of life, which can draw vitality from the surrounding plants to perform magic. At that time, the entire Atas was lush and green, so the power of this magic is endless." Andrew Penis shook his fingers, making Raja The special illusion came to life. He hunched back and walked around quickly, coughing and cursing.

"In order to study life magic and the dragon magic afterwards, Rajat did many experiments, which resulted in the strongest blasphemy curse on the entire planet. He was almost dead, his body almost completely collapsed. It all relied on constantly extracting the surrounding power, and His own powerful psychic powers came to confront death, and Rajat survived."

"Therefore, your majesty Dragon King, Rajat's body is meaningless. It is just a dying skin. Even if the Palin race secrets are in it, it has been destroyed by the blasphemous curse. Even intact. Rajat, his body is not as valuable as any normal human being."

Zhao Mai nodded. It seems that Andrew Penis has spared no effort to dispel the idea of ​​"Dragon King release Rajat and study and absorb". It seems that his actions to kill the Witch King and make Polis "amber" did deter them. After thinking for a while, Zhao Mai said, "If he is so weak, why don't you just kill him?"

"We thought about it too, but it was too difficult. We were powerless to destroy his spirit, so after annihilating his physical body, we threw him into the void plane, and then used the shadow plane as a barrier. Considering his knowledge And the degree of madness, it is very likely that during this time of being sealed, his spirit and magical ability will be further strengthened. Your Majesty Dragon King, matter can be assimilated and absorbed, but spirit cannot do that, it will be mad."

"Not all." Zhao Mai said: "I once met a woman who lived for tens of thousands of years, absorbed the spirit, memory and soul of countless people, and was still alive and awake. Nothing is impossible, just find the right one. method."

"Your Majesty Dragon King, if you insist on releasing Rajat, I can't stop it. Please allow me to go far, so I can live a little longer." Andrew Penis said, "Oh, maybe not. Usefulness. If Rajat gets the dark lens, then he can launch an attack on any location in this world, and my death will be determined in an instant."

"I heard that the dark lens is the key to cast Rajat?"

"Someone must be misleading you, Honorable Majesty Dragon King." Andrew Penis replied: "The dark lens is not a key, but a device used to change the characteristics of space and planes. Only by relying on it can we get Raja Throw it into the Hollow Plane——Under normal conditions, the Hollow Plane is empty~www.ltnovel.com~ I can’t put anything at all. It’s very easy to release Rajat, just destroy the seal and Rajat will come out. I Rather if he comes out directly like that, at least you still have the power to fight. If Rajat gets the dark lens, with the help of the Tower of Purity, he will have enough power to throw anyone into any space."

"Oh, it was so easy to release him?" Zhao Mai suddenly thought of an idea: "If you throw the seal into other planes, wouldn't Rajat never come out?"

"No, only the power of the material world can support that seal, so it cannot be brought into other planes. We have also been thinking of ways, such as throwing the exit to the sun, so that Rajat would be burned to death as soon as he came out. In fact, as long as we reach the state of'he will either die or be trapped forever', we will be at ease."

"Only from the Material Plane to the Material Plane? Andrew Penis, if the exit is directly eliminated, can Rajat come out?"

"I don't quite understand this question. The seal is the only obstacle for Rajat to come out. If it is broken, then he will come out directly from there. There is no question of whether or not it can be."

"Then you Witch Kings can still move the seal? I have an idea to solve Rajat I want to try."

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